#from kris



just saw a post saying that systems with many source-positive fictives are “obviously fake” and i’m here to say that no, they’re not.

if you’re a fictive who talks a lot about your source (we have one of those, hi!), you’re still a fictive and still deserve space to be yourself.

if you’re a fictive heavy system (we aren’t, but we see you), you know that better than anyone else does. you are allowed to exist as you are.

if all your fictives are your favorite characters in their sources (hi, we fit this criteria), i’m so glad your brain was able to find comfort in those people. that that comfort became a tangible thing for you. that’s so awesome!

you know your system better than anyone else. you know your tendencies better than anyone else. how you share information and provide context for your existence is up to you. haven’t we all spent too long having to hide who we are?

please be gentle with yourselves tonight. you matter

Hnstly Chara ws gnna b MIA the entre dy b thy sw 1 fnny pst abt stbbng ppl n it genuinly mde thm lgh so thy styd a littl longr…,,,

Edit: i ws actlly genuinly wondrng y Chara hsnt dispprd 4 more thn a dy, thise week, n i jst realizd its bc thy tld me thy wldnt disppr n theyr actlly holdng 2 tht n im so. Im jst. Yea ;_:


A Small Plural Resource Dump

Hello friends! While this isn’t the upcoming extremely long informational post we’re working on (though it will still be posted soon), we decided to throw together a few off-Tumblr resources we find interesting, in the hopes some of you will too <3

lb_lee’s Quick’N’Dirty Plural History- A four part series of articles on plural community history, from the 1800s to present day. Focuses a lot on community drama, and does contain some discussion of serious subject matter (so read at your own risk),but given how difficult plural history resources can be to find, and the extensive list of sources and further reading links, this is definitely a very neat resource.

Many Voices Archive- We found out about this through it’s mention in the above articles, and while it’s rather focused on trauma and dissociation (and this, also discusses serious subject matter), it has 23 years (1989-2012) of issues completely free in PDF form, and is a very good look into pre-social media (disordered) plural history.

The Plural Association- We’re honestly surprised we haven’t seen much mention of them on plural Tumblr. TPA is a registered nonprofit run by plurals, for plurals, and openly inclusive of all origins. They’ve been around for just over a year and already have a large collection of resources, and we’re extremely excited to see where they go from here. Please consider following their social media, donating, volunteering (though they’re only looking for plurals who are BIPOC, at the moment), or attending future (virtual) events. They do great work and will hopefully bring a lot of visibility to the community.
