#from the ministry archives

From the Ministry Archives: Auror ReportDate: 28 December 1968Location: Hoxheath, CambridgeshireComp

From the Ministry Archives:

Auror Report
Date: 28 December 1968
Location: Hoxheath, Cambridgeshire
Complainant: Ms. Maggie Blenkinsop
Complaint: Possible break-in, Rookwood home.
Investigated by: Aurors Samuel Smith and Marcus Fortescue

Time: 8 PM

Witness reports: 

At 7:45 PM Mrs Blenkinsop reports seeing a tall, thin person in black dragging something dark and bulky through the Rookwood’s back garden.

Follow up indicates that nothing was stolen from the house. No apparent sign of break-in. No wards found around the house.

Ministry employee Unspeakable Caius Rookwood’s body found in adjourning field. Cursory tests indicate use of semi-dark magic.

Family not available for questioning at the time. Claims out on visit to Claudia Avery at the time. Claudia Avery corroborates statement.

Actions taken: File for Form 130 under Auror Procedure Guidelines, investigation of murder.
Status: Pending.

Form 130: Investigation for Murder
Date: 28 December 1968
Location: Hoxheath, Cambridgeshire
Victim name: Caius Rookwood
Cause of death: Unknown, possible use of semi-dark magic
Description: Victim found ripped open diagonally from throat to hip, entrails forcefully removed, key indicators of entrail-expelling curse. Greenish traces in skin suggest possible use of spell URA01. 
Investigating Auror: Rufus Scrimgeour
Notes: Judging by bone and tissue damage, possible use of spell URA02 to inflict injury. Strongly suspect premeditation, investigate DoM employees who might have known more about Caius Rookwood.

Section of interview with Rookwood’s son, Augustus reproduced here, of possible interest and further follow up:

RS: Those robes you’re wearing, quite dirty aren’t they?

AR: I don’t see how that’s your - 

RS: Got mud on them. What’s your shoe size Rookwood?

AR: 11 - 10 - I don’t know

RS: We could measure it right here if you want - 

AR: 9.

RS: I’m sure you won’t have any problem handing me the boots you’re wearing right now.

AR: Look here - 

RS: Or do you have a problem Mr Rookwood?

AR: No

Boot prints match those found near Caius Rookwood’s body.

Sign: Rufus Scrimgeour

Addendum: Rufus Scrimgeour pulled from case 05/01/1969, Andrew Travers investigating case starting 06/01/1969. Reasons for withdrawal of Auror Scrimgeour from case unspecified. - Auror Bones.

Auror Scrimgeour’s notes on Augustus Rookwood unnecessary. Boy claims he found his father lying there and was understandably shaken. Suggest Auror Scrimgeour take a few OWLs in human behaviour - Auror Travers.


From the Auror Office
To: Head of the Auror Office
Dispatched: 1 AM 3rd August 2014
Copy to: Office of the Permanent Private Undersecretary, Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Status: Private

Harry I think you should take a look at this.
- S.B.

Post link

Auror Report
Date: 10 August 2014
Location: Azkaban, North Sea
Complainant: Auror Smith
Complaint: Death of prisoner, unnatural means
Investigated by: Auror Brown & Auror Boot

Time: 10 AM

Witness reports: 

At 10 AM Auror Smith flooed office reporting the death of Augustus Rookwood. Auror Smith described Rookwood’s body as being frozen solid, slightly discoloured - bluish purple.

Follow up calls for investigation by more experienced team. Auror Smith and Auror Brockelhurst held for questioning.

Actions taken: File for Form 130 under Auror Procedure Guidelines, investigation of murder.
Status: Pending.

Form 130: Investigation for Murder
Date: 9 August 2014
Location: Azkaban, North Sea
Victim name: Augustus Rookwood
Cause of death: Unknown, possibilities include Frostbite curse and/or use of poison.
Description: Victim found lying on the floor of cell, frozen solid. Flesh discoloured, bluish-purple in colour.
Investigating Aurors: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Rufus Scrimgeour, John Dawlish
Notes: Death suspected to have occurred between 10 PM and 10 AM

Excerpts from the statement of Adam Smith

I was sitting in my office when Ms. Brocklehurst came running in calling me to see what had happened. I found Mr Rookwood’s body lying on the floor of the cell and instantly contacted the Auror Department, without touching any of the items in the cell, or moving anything. 


[On being asked about the visit of Mr Vakhashivili]

I did not know that Mr Vakhashivili was not granted permission to visit Azkaban - or that he had not applied for permission. The signature on the paper was all in order - tested for the usual forgery procedures. The spell-test results were clear, therefore Mr Vakhashivili was cleared for a tour of Azkaban. It did seem a bit odd to me, but I assumed Auror Potter knew what he was on about. … Mr Vakhashivili did seem particularly fascinated with our kitchens and insisted on opening and smelling all the food being prepared. He also insisted on seeing the high security prisoner facilities.

[On being asked if he was involved in Mr Rookwood’s death]

Merlin, I had nothing to do with his death. I mean, he’s been nothing but trouble since he landed up here, always whining about how it’s all unfair, but to kill him? Merlin man, don’t you think I know the law?

Excerpts from the statement of Andrei Vakhashivili:

Oh, my visit was purely casual. The Russian Ministry is very interested in all the work your Ministry has been doing to reform Azkaban, finds it quite inspirational. We have been thinking of introducing some of your reforms ourselves. The kitchens were particularly fascinating, such effort, your house elves put, into preparing food for criminals - never seen anything like it anywhere else in the world.

[On being asked about his tour of the high security prisoner holding facilities]

Ah yes, I was interested in seeing how you kept your dangerous men safe from the world without the help of those barbaric creatures you used to use - what were they called? Dementors? Yes, dementors. Fascinating, fascinating. You English have managed quite excellently, so glad to see my dear friend Mr Rookwood so well cared for. An example to us all, I’m sure. 

Excerpts from the statement of Susan Bones:

Mr Rookwood did seem stranger than usual, kept talking about three days for a grave - something odd like that, I didn’t pay attention to it, he often talked like that to deflect your attention when he didn’t want to answer your questions. Did I hate him enough to want to poison him? No. He was pathetic, more than anything else. I don’t think there was anything dangerousleft to him, so to speak. 
