#frozen rp


Thank you for auditioning, and welcome to CDRP! Please have your account ready within three days, and message us with it when it is ready so that we may add you to the roster and begin your week long trial.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Your Name: Emma

Character You Are Auditioning For: Queen Elsa

Your Timezone: EST

Roleplaying Experience: Been roleplaying since 2011. Donald Duck for 2 years, Duffy the Disney Bear for 2 years, Princess Anna for just over 1 year, various characters in between.

Anything Else?: Not really

The Password: Keyblade

2+ Paragraph Writing Sample:

If Elsa had her way, she would’ve loved nothing more than to skip today over. Even if it started out normal enough - her usually early wakeup, the stacks of papers to get through, that was all easy - the mere thought of what was coming made her breath catch in her throat. She could hardly believe the state she was in. She hadn’t dreaded anything this much since…well, since her coronation. Could she freeze a whole kingdom twice over? No, not enough time had passed to build up that much energy. Not that that stopped her powers from being on edge all morning. She’d lost track of how many times she’d inadvertently frozen her quill or her papers or part of her desk.

Hans… She sighed in frustration, exasperation. She had thought maybe she could forget about him. Ship him back off to the Southern Isles, and his family would take care of the rest. Besides, there was so much to worry about here at home. How could something so obvious slip her mind? Of course they would want her to testify in court. Maybe that wouldn’t be an issue if it didn’t have to be in person. Being in the spotlight, all eyes on her - hiseyes directly across the room. And she didn’t have a clue what the rest of his family might be like. Friendly? Hostile? Heaven forbid, violent? Relations between the Southern Isles and Arendelle went smoothly in the past… Of course, that was only what she’d learned in her studies when she was young. Several years had gone by since her old, dusty study books were written. Even if recent events hadn’t changed things drastically, there was a lot she still didn’t know. The king and queen at least had the sense to conduct a fair trial, but still, it was in her nature to assume the worst.

Adding to that, this would be her first time on a ship…or first that she could remember, anyway. The memory of the ship on which her parents sailed away and never returned felt as if it happened just weeks ago, though three years had passed. What were the chances that a tragedy could repeat itself? Very likely, in her experience. The weather report sounded promising, but it had been wrong before.

But there was no avoiding it. After all, Anna was going as well, and even if Elsa didn’t have to stand in testimony, she would accompany her sister without question. After years of denying her any sort of support, she had to be there at a moment’s notice, for the little things and the big. Just in case Hans tried to…pull something. Certainly he wasn’t above seeking revenge. God help them both if she be left with no choice but to use her powers in thatway, but if worse came to worse, she was fully capable of defending herself. Anna, not so much. As the older sister, she had to be the stronger of the two, whatever that took. Show weakness and she could easily be taken advantage of…

Her own thoughts startled her. Falling back into old habits. If she decided to expressed any of this out loud, she knew Anna would be giving her a mouthful. Perhaps it would be good to have somebody to talk to before they boarded the ship that afternoon. But on the other hand, the last thing she wanted to do was cause her sister stress… No, Anna could read her like a book. Saying nothing would only worry her more. Then that settled it. As soon as she finished signing these last few documents, off she’d go to find what the younger sister was up to. And then maybe she’d have her powers under wraps again. At least for the duration of the boat ride. Oh, how she’d hate to cause a scene in public…
