#fu for thought


So, if you don’t know, I have a podcast. The Fu for Thought podcast. Every two weeks I have my wife and best friend watch a kung fu film and then we discuss it on the episode. They think most of them are shite but what do they know?

Anyway, my best friend is Cyrus. Cyrus loves his anonymity. He doesn’t have social media and doesn’t take photos. We’ll recently we created a Patreon. One of uploads on Patreon will be a Connect 4 tournament between Cyrus and my wife. Long story short, this is the outfit Cyrus chose to wear in the video. Legend. He played the whole thing dressed like that.

If you fancy listening to the podcast, check out www.linktr.ee/fuforthought and if you like what you hear and want to throw a few dollars our way, our Patreon is www.patreon.com/fuforthought

Hey there everyone. I know my Tumblr is mostly all about martial arts cinema but the other day I got to be on the Disc-Connected YouTube channel and chat about underrated horror movies.

If you fancy listening to me embarrass myself by saying that the The Nun is good, please check out the video…


Tomorrow night, I treat Devan and Cyrus to their first viewing of DragonsForever. We’ll be recording on Saturday and the podcast should be available on Sunday (June 7th).

I’m a bit nervous about this one since they both hated Wheels on Meals. And so did I, kind of.

If you have any questions for the episode (movie related or not), feel free to send them my way. Anonymously if you don’t want your Tumblr name mentioned.

If you want our back catalog (twenty four episodes), just search for “Fu for Thought” on your favorite podcast platform. You know, Apple, Spotify etc.

I’m pleased to announce that our next podcast movie will, in fact, be…

Dragons Forever (1988)

This isn’t the easiest movie to find unless you’re willing to shell out for the recent Blu Ray release, buuuut you might, maybe, possibly can find it on Daily Motion in two parts.

The podcast should be available on Sunday, June 7th.

If you have any questions for me, Devan and Cyrus, shoot me a DM.

If anyone has questions for this week’s podcast episode (Clan of the White Lotus), I just wanted to let you know that we might be recording on Friday. So, if you can, DM them to me before then.

Those of you that do ask a question get free access to my Only Fans where I pose naked save for a variety of kung fu DVD’s covering my dick and balls. Either that or you can have a shoutout on the podcast. I know which one I’d choose.

If you want to watch the film prior to the episode, it’s free on Prime Video. Here’s the link.

It’s only dubbed though. No subs.

Since we’ve done a few modern era films lately (NinjaScroll,Mortal Kombat,Ip Man 4andHard Boiled), we’re going old school for our next one.

Next episode we’ll be tackling…

Clan of the White Lotus (1980)

It’s got everything you need: Gordon Liu, Kara Hui, Lo Lieh as Pai Mei (who isn’t really Pai Mei but kind of is) and, on top of that, it’s directed and choreographed by Lau Kar Leung.

For those that want to watch it, it’s currently free on Amazon Prime Video. I’m not sure if it’s dubbed or subbed though.

The episode will be uploaded on Sunday, May 24th. DM me any questions, queries, thoughts, critiques, poems, soliloquies, speeches, riddles, grievances or suggestions you might have!


Coming this Sunday (like your mum)…possibly next Monday…is the podcast’s first foray into the Heroic Bloodshed genre. We’ll each be sitting down and watching what is considered to be John Woo’s greatest movie, Hard Boiled.

Devan and Cyrus have never seen it. Will they appreciate the batshit shootouts? Will they enjoy Woo’s jazz soundtrack? Will they recognize Mad Dog from Five Deadly Venoms? The answer to that last question is definitely no. The barely recognize Donnie Yen.

If you have questions for us, send me a message and we’ll read them out!

So, next Monday’s episode will be on…

Ip Man 4

If you want to get your hands on it, it’s on Amazon Prime and other streaming platforms for around $15. The Blu Ray also came out today (April 21st) but due to COVID, it seems Amazon isn’t shipping it as quickly as they normally would.

AfterIp Man 4, the episode list is as so…

  • Hard Boiled
  • Clan of the White Lotus
  • Dragons Forever
  • Rurouni Kenshin

This is subject to change as I’m not sure I can get copies of all these films to Cyrus (we’re social distancing and all that).

Any questions for me and the others, please hit up my Asks or feel free to DM me on Instagram. Whatever you fancy, really.

As always, you can find all our episodes by searching for Fu for Thought on all podcast episode platforms (Apple, Google, Spotify etc.).


For those that listen to the podcast, here’s Cyrus’ latest movie review…

It’s like a sign from the gods…


So, if you like to listen to my podcast, give it a watch. We’re watching it tonight and recording tomorrow (Satirday). Depending how productive I feel, I may get the episode up on Saturday.

Excited for this one. Am I ready to relive a French Raiden?

We’ve found a way to get Cyrus back on the podcast this week and so, this Sunday, we will be recording our Mortal Kombatepisode.

It’ll be uploaded, as normal, on Monday evening.

I haven’t see the film since it came out and so I’m eager to see just how good/bad it is. Also…I can’t wait for that theme tune to kick in.

While COVID-19 is being a dickhead across the world, we’ll still be recording an episode this week. If Cyrus is comfortable heading our way, we’ll record a Mortal Kombat episode. If Cyrus isn’t down to hang then me and Devan will record an episode on another film. Not sure what film yet.

Question, queries, comments, suggestions? DM them via Tumblr or Instagram. Or, if you’re old school, email [email protected].

This week we’re switching things up a little. We’re setting aside Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung and going for something a little different. Here’s a clue…

That’s right, this week’s episode is on the definitive 80’s classic…

The Karate Kid!

To add to the excitement, this is Devan’s first time watching the film. So, if she doesn’t like it, you get to hear me divorce her.

It’s free to watch on Netflix so give it a watch. If you do, you’ll be the best around. If you don’t, I’ll swept your leg or something.

DM me questions for the episode if you want. Or not.

New episode!

This week we discuss the 1978 shapes-fest, The 7 Grandmasters. You can watch the trailer below:


If you want to watch the entire movie, you can do so very, very easily (*ahem* YouTube).

We chat about the movie, our favourite fight scenes, we ask the question, “Is Fight Club a trust classic?” and I reveal my dislike for Alison Brie’s bland face.

You can check the episode out below:

Podcast schedule…

The 7 Grandmasters- 09/20

The Karate Kid - 10/04

Royal Warriors - 10/18

For Halloween I want to do a kung fu/horror. I’m just not entirely sure which one to do. Someone on IG suggested Encounters of the Spooky Kind but that may be a little too “out there” for my co-hosts. Then again, it could be a laugh.

Does anyone else have an kung fu horror movie suggestions?

New episode baby!

A new episode of the Fu for Thought podcast is now available.

This week we discuss 1990’s The King of Kickboxers, a hilarious film with shitty acting, amazing one liners and a chimpanzee that steals passports. We also discuss how we think we’d do on Naked and Afraid and if, given the time and equipment, whether we could choreograph a fight scene. It’s a fun one.

You can download and listen at…


Next week’s (September 6th’s) podcast movie will be a 90’s gem. Expect overacting, the guy that invented Tae Bo…and some tits probably.

We’re discussing this classic…

Please don’t worry. This movie may be cheesy and hilarious but it genuinely features amazing fight scenes. I promise. If you don’t like at least one scrap let me know. I’ll send you flowers or something.

What’s more, it’s free on Amazon Prime Video. So watch it and laugh along with us.

Also, listen to last week’s episode! We talk about Wayof the Dragon.

Go to: www.linktr.ee/fuforthought



That’s my wife as Pai Mei.

If you’d like to hear my wife chat with me (and my best friend) about Bruce Lee’s Way of the Dragon, may I recommend the Fu for Thoughtpodcast?

You can find all the links you need (Apple, Spotify etc.) at wwiw.linktr.ee/fuforthought


This week on the podcast we’ll be delving back into Bruce Lee’s filmography and discussing Way of theDragon.

For those that don’t know, this is Bruce’s directorial debut and features one of his most famous fight scenes; his bout with Chuck Norris.

Will Devan and Cyrus love this one? Signs point to no. But it’ll be interesting to talk about nonetheless.

If you have questions for the episode or just interesting facts about the film you want to send my way, feel free to DM me.

Thanks for listening!

This week’s episode will be on the classic 1997 Mark Dacascos and Kadeem Hardison vehicle, DRIVE.

The film is currently available on Amazon Prime Video for free and is the perfect balance of 90’s cheese and dope as fuck ass kickery.

Does it also have Brittany Murphy in it? Sure the fuck does.

If you have any questions for me and my co-hosts, DM then to me. We answer 99% of them on the show.

If you want to listen to our back catalog, you can find all our episodes at…




It’s that time again. I’ve just uploaded our brand new episode on Rurouni Kenshin: Origins.
I was a hundred percent sure Cyrus and Devan would love this move. Was I right? We also discuss our martial arts experiences and whether we could take Charlize Theron in a fight.

Click the link below to access the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc.


If you want to listen while you browse Tumblr…


This week’s movie will be Rurouni Kenshin: Origins, the first part in the Rurouni Kenshin trilogy (soon to be five movies).

If you don’t own the movie (and you should), it’s cheap to rent on Prime Video…

I promise you that it features the greatest swordplay you will ever see.

Questions for me and my cohosts? Feel free to DM me.

I’m happy to announce that our The Guyver 2 episode will definitely be recorded this Saturday (June 27th) and uploaded the day after. Thanks everyone for being so patient.

If you have any questions for me and my co-hosts, you know how it goes. Shoot me a DM.

Remember, we’re FU FOR THOUGHT on all good podcast platforms!

This week on the podcast we’ll be discussing the 1995 classic (??), Guyver 2akaGuyver: Dark Hero.

We’re purposely skipping the first film because it’s notoriously shite, while the sequel is a martial arts/sci fi mash-up gen.

If you’re in the US you can rent this on Amazon Prime for $4. Well worth it.

DM any questions or suggestions you have for me and my co-hosts.
