#fuck depression

Another precious life lost … We will miss you, Miura Haruma!  ❤ R.I.P.   三浦 春馬  (Miura HarumaAnother precious life lost … We will miss you, Miura Haruma!  ❤ R.I.P.   三浦 春馬  (Miura HarumaAnother precious life lost … We will miss you, Miura Haruma!  ❤ R.I.P.   三浦 春馬  (Miura HarumaAnother precious life lost … We will miss you, Miura Haruma!  ❤ R.I.P.   三浦 春馬  (Miura Haruma

Another precious life lost … 
We will miss you, Miura Haruma!  ❤


三浦 春馬  (Miura Haruma) 5 April 1990 — 18 July 2020


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If I didn’t have people that depended so much on me I would have already killed myself.
