#fuck feminisim


So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. This originally came up before I even started this blog. I fully understand that the majority of these Pro-Misogyny and Pro-Patriarchy are purely fantasy, especially the female blogs, and I accept that.

But I would love to know who are the real believers, who are the sluts that know they are less than Men? Where are the ftm boys that have truly realized that they made a mistake in transitioning and want nothing more than to be ridiculed for the choice they made? Who are the real cunts of color who want nothing more than to be degraded by Men simply for being a different color? Where are the dykes that have understood their purpose is to service Men?

I am here for all of you.

Now before anyone starts attacking me for racist, homophobic, transphobic or anything else, I am speaking directly to a specific target audience, I am not saying that all ftm trans boys are actually little slutty girls, or all lesbians need to bow down to Men and their cocks, or anything else. I want to hear from the true believers that follow this blog…

Now to the Men that follow me thank you and keep up the good fight, I appreciate your support, but I’m not looking to hear from you.

To any of the mtf trans who follow this, while I appreciate your support, I have no interest, desire, or want to interact with you, just continue doing your own thing.

But now back to business, I’m sure of the few hundred followers this blog has, there are a few of you who are the true believers, and I am speaking directly to you now.

Send me a DM and let me know of your support, I want to know my followers who are truly invested in the Patriarchy.

I’m going to head this off at the pass, before it starts becoming an issue.

This is a political free zone, I am not for Misogyny and the Patriarchy because of twisted right wing beliefs, I have this blog because this is how I currently feel about the dynamic between Men and women.

I know there are a lot of major political news stories out there right now. So use this as your warning. Do not use my blog and anything I have posted or shared to promote any right wing beliefs, additionally do not use it as a negative for your left wing beliefs.

I am not here to be a pawn in your fucked up political game of thrones, I am just here to fight against feminism and to objectify and degrade women for the sluts they are.

If you don’t like that, then feel free to block me and go about your business.


1. Occasionally address her tits instead of her eyes when talking to her
2. Smack her ass when she walks away
3. Grab her ass or boobs randomly in public
4. Tell her to make you food
5. And to get you a drink
6. Sex ends when YOU cum (with no concern for her)
7. Bring her hand to rest on Your hard cock when You have an erection
8. Tell her to show You her tits at random
9. Tell her You do or don’t want her to wear something
10. Make sexist jokes
11. Don’t clean (expect her to)
12. Bend her over and fuck her in the middle of the day while she’s doing something
13. Compliment specific sexualized body parts
14. Objectify her (call her Your arm candy, etc)
15. Order for her
16. Silently bring her head down to Your crotch
17. Inspect her wetness at random



Maybe you’ll get a message from me
