#fuck joe biden


So in the spur of a moment decision, I shaved all my hair off. Three days ago to be exact. Since I was a young babe I’ve wanted to do this, and its been incredibly empowering for me. (Reality check, ive cried six times ah.) Sending love to everyone who is being effected by this coronavirus. It’s tragic, scary, and indefinitely stressful on unfortunately a multitude of levels. It’s important to remain calm, stay quarantined as much as possible (if not always), and always wash your hands/wear a mask when going out.⛅️ Take this time to rest, or to work. But please don’t go out if it isn’t necessary. Honestly, how you spend your time during this shouldn’t reflect negatively on your progress, as long as you respect social distancing. I am realizing how underprepared I am, how underprepared my partner is, yet we still own an incredible, insane amount of privilege. Especially compared to many of my neighbors, my loved ones, and strangers, that are effected due to systematic failure and oppression. Wrapping my head around the fact that my friends and family have the potential to starve, and to lose crucial medical care, has been a gruesome reminder that the capitalistic lifestyle we survive under is literally killing people. The government is not on our side. The amount of blood smeared on the hands of corrupt lawmakers and politicians is criminal. I have enough stamina to write letters to my loved ones, enough stamina to bake cookies, and enough stamina to feel beautiful without hiding behind a my hair. Maybe this will make me feel somewhat pleased with the limited amount of attention I’ve been able to obtain, as an extrovert, in quarantine. Reblog with a picture of yourself that makes you feel really beautiful, and positive ☀️ Comment something that makes you feel warm, and safe. The amount of time I have to spread love now is more than ever. It’s all gonna be alright. xxx ooo
