#fuck off with the comparing ward to anyone on the team


I go in the Mack tag and see people comparing him to Ward. Stop. FUCKING STOP.

Alphonso Mackenzie is a better man than that steaming human turd will ever be. There’s no comparison.

Mack used his own body, risked his own fucking life, to keep Fitz from getting so much as a scratch from that blast. Ward didn’t do SHIT to protect Fitz or Simmons. Nope. He dropped them both out of a fucking airplane, and disabled Fitz as a result.

Before anyone says “Fitz isn’t disabled!”

Aphasia: loss of ability to understand or express speech, caused by brain damage.

Oh, there we go, aphasia, the thing Mack has been helping Fitz with ALL SEASON.

Do not taint the image of a good (albeit misguided) man to make a neo-nazi look good.

There is no parallel, there is no comparison. Mack was/is misguided in doing the right thing. Ward knowingly did the wrong thing.
