


Fitzmack + Enemies to Lovers + Bodyguard AU


Leopold Fitz doesn’t need a bodyguard. He grew up under the harsh hand of Alistair Fitz, he built his company up from nothing, at the behest of Hydra Corp, the company he’d been groomed to run since before he could even properly talk, and no minor assassination attempts would break his life long streak. But after one too many ear bashings from Daisy, and bollockings from Jemma, he agrees to having one. They never said he had to get along with this Alphonso bloke. And he’d thought his name was pretentious.

If life were fair, and Mack had been given half a chance, he would be living in a nice suburb with his daughter, maybe working as a mechanic. However life was decidedly not fair, leaving him to be stuck protecting rich folks and living with Hunter and his on-again, off-again wife Bobbi. But as Hunter had so delicately put it, Mack is “built like a brick shit-house” and should use it to his advantage. Although it wouldn’t do well for him to use his stature to throttle his newest client, a brash Scotsman who doesn’t seem to like anyone, least of all him.

As it would turn out, being forced to coexist in close quarters with one another makes for good entertainment. If they happen to remain in said close quarters long after the hits are taken off of Leopold’s back, well, that’s neither here nor there.

Mack and Bobbi are both having doubts. Come over  to the right side, my loves. [entices them over with their cute scientist lovers]

I go in the Mack tag and see people comparing him to Ward. Stop. FUCKING STOP.

Alphonso Mackenzie is a better man than that steaming human turd will ever be. There’s no comparison.

Mack used his own body, risked his own fucking life, to keep Fitz from getting so much as a scratch from that blast. Ward didn’t do SHIT to protect Fitz or Simmons. Nope. He dropped them both out of a fucking airplane, and disabled Fitz as a result.

Before anyone says “Fitz isn’t disabled!”

Aphasia: loss of ability to understand or express speech, caused by brain damage.

Oh, there we go, aphasia, the thing Mack has been helping Fitz with ALL SEASON.

Do not taint the image of a good (albeit misguided) man to make a neo-nazi look good.

There is no parallel, there is no comparison. Mack was/is misguided in doing the right thing. Ward knowingly did the wrong thing.
