#fuck psychiatrists




the guy who changed “multiple personality disorder” to “dissociative identity disorder” in the 90s didnt do it because of a better understanding of the disorder or the “science” (there is none). he openly admits that he did it because he doesnt believe that multiplicity exists, he thinks that all systems are fakes, and his hands were tied even as the chair of the DSM committee so changing the definition was the “next best thing” to striking MPD from the DSM entirely.

they dont know anything. do you hear me? do you get it? they make these DSM decisions arbitrarily, based on the opinions of whichever wealthy, privileged, neurotypical white male shrinks happen to be on the committee at the time. the DSM is not a tome filled with Absolute Truth. its FINE if your identity is based on being a Trauma Holder or a Protector or a Traumagenic DID System, thats FINE, but we have to remember, we have to really internalize this: they Do Not Believe In Us. they dont know shit. there is no scientific proof that early childhood trauma is the only way to be multiple, or that the DID/OSDD definitions actually mean anything at all. they were written in an attempt to discredit any multiples who were easier targets, in an effort to get rid of us, in order for one guy to be able to say “i dont believe they exist AT ALL but fine, fine, if anyone at all really IS a special snowflake system then its SUPER RARE and can only happen this One Specific Way because i said soScience”

brains and experiences are weird and we dont know hardly anything about them, about ourselves. be kind to one another. be kind. your experiences are not universal. endogenic systems have EXACTLY as much Scientific Evidence of their existence as DID systems: none at all. dont let some musty old ableist prick define someone else out of existence just to make yourself feel more valid.

I went back and forth on adding the link to the article, so: here it is but please be warned that this is some of the most vile, disgusting, infuriating ableism I’ve ever had the supreme misfortune of encountering. Please read at your own risk and prioritize your own mental health.
