#fuck yessss


I caved, bought cubes, and pulled cherry.

I had to buy herb with stars tho lmfao whatever it’s fine I still got like 230


no because i just. can’t get over belos wearing his dumb fucking pilgrim outfit and insisting on being called “witch hunter general” like. idk just how… childish it all is. how he’s so wrapped up in this game of hero he’s created for himself that he doesn’t have an ounce of self awareness. he’s created this idea of himself in his mind of the destroyer of evil, the savior of the human realm, and he has to believe in it because if he doesn’t then all of the sins he’s committed will drive him mad (this holds even more weight now knowing that him killing his brother and creating the grimwalkers stand out as his worst memories). just. he is so so completely detached from any semblance of reality, completely unable to self reflect, to see not only how horrible but how ridiculousthis all is. how he’s doing this for nothing. he’s just an old man that time has moved past who is so deep into the sunk cost fallacy that his only way of moving forward is further deluding himself. just. thinking.

dicegrimorium:Greetings!The lifeboat was small and feeble, and the storm was big and strong. The poo



The lifeboat was small and feeble, and the storm was big and strong. The poor adventurers never had a chance to steer clear of the wrathful domain of the Water God. Still, luck was with them that fateful day, and shipwrecked they ended up.

The land was unknown to them, a seemingly peaceful beach, warm and nice. The group gathered whatever belongings the sea didn’t swallow, and they prepared to continue their never-ending quest to upset as many people and gods as possible.

Will these new lands be kind to the adventurers this time?

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