#fucked up shit


Rules: When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!

Thank you very much for the tag @do-androids-dream-ao3acc<3

1.Limit - this is pure self-indulgent faff, so over the top I didn’t initially even plan to post it, but may just be my favourite Witcher fic I’ve written

2.Sling- my entry for Geralt Whump Week, it was a fun challenge, going to be non-related chapters at first, but somehow they all linked together and became a (somewhat) coherent story

3.Maintenance- my first stab at a Star Trek fic, a different kind of challenge to toss myself into space, but a fun one

4.Detour- an Umbrella Academy fic that came out of nowhere, and led me to studying the history of the turkey

5.Shed- my first romp in the Marvel universe, based on a dream I had, became something more than I expected, but not in a bad way

This looks fun, thank you for the tag @do-androids-dream-ao3acc​! Your best starter is definitely Bang!:D

First Lines of my stories, I shall do 10 of the latest since I’m mortally lazy:

“Trixiana and Elsepetha clinked their wine glasses together.” - At the Edge of Madness

“The ship was massive.” - Maintenance

“The sounds of fighting from the streets of Rivia drowned out all attempts at conversation.” - Split

“It’ll be great, I can guarantee you’ll enjoy yourself.” - Silver

“Mages were bad news.“ - Protector

“The fields he passed were bare.“ - Sling

“The first time it happened, Jaskier thought it was funny.“ - Limit

“Jaskier entered his apartment in Oxenfurt and immediately smelled that something wasn’t right.” - Shelter

“Jaskier resented his most popular song.” - Deep

“Roach is not a mountain goat.” - Weight

What did we learn? Not much, perhaps I lean towards making a trivial statement and then clarifying it. Or a line of dialogue that makes little sense. Also I seem to be fixated on names starting with S.





over a Genshin impact m/f ship

suicide baiting mention, not caring if person suicides because of them, death wish


to supporters of lily

Hoping that lily and supporters get sexually assaulted + encouraging suicide

blatant racism + racial slur + claiming fandom problems is more important than racism (the lesbiphobia has no real proof)

Lily has attempted suicide because of all the harassment. She’s now in a hospital. People are still trying to harass her.

I wasn’t going to add them, but this reply in particular got me.

Made a thread about lily saying she should have been less sensitive, even though she endured harassment and the one time she talked about it she deleted it and APOLOGIZED. For talking about her own harassment.

An anti stalking and recording someone without their permission and uploading it online because they thought it was luna.

The comments still tried to find a way to villainize luna in this situation

// sexual assault

An anti that raped an anti-anti, justifies it by victim blaming and claiming the victim liked it because they have a rape kink

Still thinks the anti-anti is in the wrong.

Also a doxxing threat
