

After Takashi had finished with Olga, he left her alone in the little room. As she heard the door being locked from the outside, she considered her status and how Fate had brought her to the Tanaka estate. “After Mischa signed the agreement, we were flown from Moscow to a small airfield in the Tanaka’s airplane. It all seemed so exciting. Neither Mischa nor I even knew where this ‘finishing school’ that Madame Tanaka had spoken about was. We later learned it was Haus der Sklavin in southern Germany – a place where slaves are trained. There we were separated – Mischa taken away and housed somewhere else. I was taken to a barracks-like building and put in a room with some pretty French girl. It was difficult to communicate; her Russian was terrible; my French almost non-existent. The ‘guards’ were mostly women and a few men – they all spoke German. Mostly they communicated with me by grunts and signs. And whips. I’ll never forget the whips. I was whipped daily. Most days, several times a day. And raped. By both the men who I learned were called valets, and also by the women guards.

“This abuse went on for weeks. Of course, soon I was broken. I was told daily that I was now a slave. A slave with no rights and no cause for existence other than to serve my Masters – the Tanakas. But the worst was what happened to poor Mischa. We were told that we were to ‘graduate’ and that the Tanakas would return to take us to their home. And to mark our graduation, we would be marked in some way. I had a tattoo placed on my belly, just above my sex. It is in Japanese characters, so I did not know what it meant. But what happened to Mischa was worse. One of the female guards – her name was Wilma – branded him on his penis with a hot iron. The brand was in the shape of a ‘T’ for Tanaka. We were marked as slaves. As property of the Tanakas.

“And then were were taken – both of us naked – to an airplane. The same plane that had taken us from Russia. I recall being given some sort of sedative as I was put on the plane. When I woke up, we were on the ground. We were taken to this estate. That was almost two years ago. Since then, my life has been Hell on Earth. I hardly ever see poor Mischa. I think he works in some sort of factory that Mr. Tanaka has. I work as a servant – cleaning, serving tea to Madame Tanaka, that sort of thing. But when I am not doing that, I am kept in this room and used by Mr. Tanaka.”

Olga’s thoughts were again interrupted by the door being unlocked. A small Japanese woman came in. It was Fumiko, another slave of the Tanakas. To Olga’s knowledge, there were three female slaves on the Tanakas’ estate: Midori, Fumiko and herself. Olga had never quite figured out the hierarchy among the Tanakas several slaves, but she was sure she was at the bottom. Madame Takaka sometimes had Midori beat Olga if she was displeased with her work. Olga was quite afraid of Midori, but Fumiko usually treated Olga with some measure of compassion. Plus, Fumiko spoke a little Russian.

Fumiko looked at Olga and said, “You are one lucky girl. Mr. Tanaka is going to take you to a meeting with him in Tokyo. To a real Yakuza meeting. Let’s get you ready.”
