
Hitomi Tanaka’s Massive Melons (x-post from r/bustyasians)Seen on Slanted Pussy’s

Hitomi Tanaka’s Massive Melons (x-post from r/bustyasians)
Seen on Slanted Pussy’s

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Hitomi Tanaka’s Massive Melons from bustyasiansSeen on Slanted Pussy’s Juicy Asians

Hitomi Tanaka’s Massive Melons from bustyasians
Seen on Slanted Pussy’s Juicy Asians

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After Takashi had finished with Olga, he left her alone in the little room. As she heard the door being locked from the outside, she considered her status and how Fate had brought her to the Tanaka estate. “After Mischa signed the agreement, we were flown from Moscow to a small airfield in the Tanaka’s airplane. It all seemed so exciting. Neither Mischa nor I even knew where this ‘finishing school’ that Madame Tanaka had spoken about was. We later learned it was Haus der Sklavin in southern Germany – a place where slaves are trained. There we were separated – Mischa taken away and housed somewhere else. I was taken to a barracks-like building and put in a room with some pretty French girl. It was difficult to communicate; her Russian was terrible; my French almost non-existent. The ‘guards’ were mostly women and a few men – they all spoke German. Mostly they communicated with me by grunts and signs. And whips. I’ll never forget the whips. I was whipped daily. Most days, several times a day. And raped. By both the men who I learned were called valets, and also by the women guards.

“This abuse went on for weeks. Of course, soon I was broken. I was told daily that I was now a slave. A slave with no rights and no cause for existence other than to serve my Masters – the Tanakas. But the worst was what happened to poor Mischa. We were told that we were to ‘graduate’ and that the Tanakas would return to take us to their home. And to mark our graduation, we would be marked in some way. I had a tattoo placed on my belly, just above my sex. It is in Japanese characters, so I did not know what it meant. But what happened to Mischa was worse. One of the female guards – her name was Wilma – branded him on his penis with a hot iron. The brand was in the shape of a ‘T’ for Tanaka. We were marked as slaves. As property of the Tanakas.

“And then were were taken – both of us naked – to an airplane. The same plane that had taken us from Russia. I recall being given some sort of sedative as I was put on the plane. When I woke up, we were on the ground. We were taken to this estate. That was almost two years ago. Since then, my life has been Hell on Earth. I hardly ever see poor Mischa. I think he works in some sort of factory that Mr. Tanaka has. I work as a servant – cleaning, serving tea to Madame Tanaka, that sort of thing. But when I am not doing that, I am kept in this room and used by Mr. Tanaka.”

Olga’s thoughts were again interrupted by the door being unlocked. A small Japanese woman came in. It was Fumiko, another slave of the Tanakas. To Olga’s knowledge, there were three female slaves on the Tanakas’ estate: Midori, Fumiko and herself. Olga had never quite figured out the hierarchy among the Tanakas several slaves, but she was sure she was at the bottom. Madame Takaka sometimes had Midori beat Olga if she was displeased with her work. Olga was quite afraid of Midori, but Fumiko usually treated Olga with some measure of compassion. Plus, Fumiko spoke a little Russian.

Fumiko looked at Olga and said, “You are one lucky girl. Mr. Tanaka is going to take you to a meeting with him in Tokyo. To a real Yakuza meeting. Let’s get you ready.”

Olga was in the small room she had been given at the Tanaka compound. She and her husband Mischa had been the slaves of the Tanakas for what seemed like a lifetime but had in fact been almost two years. She thought about how she had come to be in this position.

Mischa and Olga had been childhood friends – and later lovers – in a small village several hundred kilometers southeast of Moscow. Olga was seventeen when she married Mischa. They expected a life of bliss, but their village, like many in the area, was wracked by extreme poverty which had been exacerbated by the graft of local politicians. Mischa had trouble finding steady work and Olga fared no better. So, the young couple boarded a train and made their way to Moscow. It was a bad decision. There, their lives actually got worse. They had moved into a tiny apartment that one of Olga’s cousins rented. Four adults in what Americans might call a studio apartment. The bathroom and shower were down the hall, and several times Olga had to fend off a drunk neighbor while going to take her shower. She whispered to Mischa one night as they lay on a pellet of blankets on the floor. “Oh, Mischa. This is terrible. Living like this. No better than animals in a den.”

Mischa held Olga close and replied. “I know, but I have a plan. One of the neighbors has a computer. He printed off this advertisement for me from something he called the Dark Web. Look.”

Olga read what was printed on the paper. It read, “WANTED! A couple willing to sell themselves into quasi voluntary servitude to an Asian couple. In return for giving up your freedom, you will receive nice housing, good, nutritious food, new clothing, etc. Why suffer in the harsh cold winters when you do not have to?” And there was a contact number.

Olga said, “Oh, Mischa. I’m not sure.” But the next day, she was almost raped by another drunken neighbor. So, that night Mischa called the number.


Mischa and Olga met with a well-dressed, sophisticated looking Asian couple in a Moscow café. They introduced themselves as Takashi and Naomi Tanaka. In short, the Tanakas explained that they were quite wealthy and owned a large estate not far from Tokyo, but they wanted to know more about Slavic culture. Thus, they were hiring a couple from Russia as servants in hope’s of not only getting assistance with the household, but also learning more about Russia as Mr. Tanaka hoped to expand his business into that country. After a brief conversation, Mr. Tanaka produced a contract to the effect that Mischa and Olga would agree to be servants for no less than five years in return for food, lodging, etc. The contract was not in Russian, but Mischa quickly signed nevertheless. Mr. Tanaka then said that the contract called for the couple to attend what he called training at a facility in southern Germany before actually going to the Tanaka estate.

“Think of it as a finishing school,” cooed Madame Tanaka.”

Olga’s reverie was interrupted by the opening of the door to her room. It was Takashi Tanaka, dressed in a robe. He said something to Olga that she didn’t understand. In almost two years, Olga had barely learned any of the language. Then he pulled open his robe, revealing an already erect member.

Olga understood that.

Idetta at Haus der Sklavin: Part Twenty Four

Once Idetta and Nastascha were completely naked, Wilma told them to stand to the side. Then, she called to the valet to take the leash of the young male slave – whose name Idetta had never learned. Wilma went over to the man called Mischa who was bound to the X shaped cross. Idetta noticed a table beside the cross which had several whips and crops on it as well as what looked like a small syringe. Idetta also noticed a small brazier near the table. She could see the coals glowing red hot and two irons in the coals. Wilma took the syringe and injected its contents into Mischa’s penis which was still in the chastity cage. Then after a few moments she undid his chastity cage. Mischa’s penis sprang to life. Wilma looked over at the Tanakas and said, “The syringe contained a mixture designed to produce an erection. Even if he wanted to, he could not refrain from getting erect. When you take him home, you can leave him caged and inject him. The cage will prevent erection and he will most uncomfortable.” Idetta saw Madam Tanaka giggle approvingly at this remark.

Then Wilma continued, “Now we will have our young slave perform oral sex on Olga while Mischa watches helplessly.”

Both Idetta and Nastascha looked over to the dais where Olga was bound and open for all to see. Idetta noticed that her sex had been pierced with a large ring. As if Wilma was reading her mind, she said to the Tanakas, “Please notice that we have already pierced Olga’s sex and inserted the permanent ring. On it is a medallion with the Tanaka name and insignia on one side and Olga’s name on the other. Where ever she goes if one checks he or she will see that she is your property.”

Madam Tanaka spoke up, “Excellent. Now If all right, I would prefer to supervise this boy servicing her.”

Wilma answered, “Of course, both Mischa and Olga belong to you now.”

Madam Tanaka took the leash from the valet and guided the young man over to where Olga was bound spread eagle. Then she said, “Kneel in front of this slave and go down on her. Make her come while her husband watches.” The young slave knelt in front of Olga’s open sex and began kissing and tonguing it. As he did so, Madam Tanaka pinched and twisted his nipples and whispered in his ear, “Give her pleasure. Make her come.” Then turning to Mischa, “And you, watch. This is how you will please me. And watch your wife getting pleasure. Pleasure you will never give her again.”

And poor Mischa, his penis throbbing and aching, wanting release, but not able to obtain it, watched as finally his wife gave way to the young slave’s insistent mouth and tongue and gave way to a loud orgasm.

Idetta at Haus der Sklavin: Part Twenty Three

Two days later Idetta and Nastascha were serving in the bar area of Haus der Sklavin – that area where customers might comer for refreshment as well as to pick out a slave with whom they might pass the time. Idetta knew that it was the last week of her contract – the one she had signed to see what slave training at Haus der Sklavin would be like. It was evidently the wish of her late husband, Hans, as Idetta had found the contract in his papers after his untimely death in a car accident.

It was about eight pm on a slow night and no one had yet chosen either woman. A valet approached and said, “Mistress Wilma has sent me to escort you two to the dungeon. There I something about to transpire there that she thinks you should see.” He then guided the two women to an area of the complex that Idetta had not been to before. Along the way, Idetta whispered to the Russian girl, “What do you think it is?”

Nasatascha responded, “I think I know, but am not sure.”

“No talking,” scolded the valet and both women fell silent. A moment later they were led down several flights of steps to a dungeon like area. It smelled of sweat, sex and urine. There Wilma was standing in front of a completely naked woman who was tied spread eagle on a dais similar to the one where Snejana had been placed when she was flogged on her sex. Kneeling beside Wilma was the young male slave that Nastascha had teased before Idetta was forced to go down on him about a week earlier. He, too, was completely naked save for a collar around his neck, bracelets on his wrists and a chastity device that held his penis and prevented him from getting erect. In her hand Wilma held a leash that was attached to the chastity device on the penis of Idetta noticed an Asian couple – he in a business suit and she in a traditional kimono – off to the side. And near the raised dais was an X shaped cross where another naked man was bound by his hands and feet. Like the young man, his penis was also encased in some type of metal cage. Idetta had not seen either the bound man or the girl on the dais previously during her stay at Haus der Sklavin.

Wilma addressed Idetta and Nastascha, “The girl on the dais is named Olga; her husband there bound to the cross is called Mischa. To escape extreme poverty, they answered a dark web advertisement for a couple of sex slaves to a wealthy Asian couple. The Tanakas have agreed to house and feed them in exchange for a vow of slavery and have sent them here to be trained. Strip completely. I want you two naked when you witness the ceremony that will mark their completion of training and entry into sexual servitude. Idetta, remember I told you that you would witness such aceremony.”

Idetta answered, “Yes, I remember.”

Then Wilma commanded, “You and Nastascha strip completely. You should also be naked when you witness this ceremony.”

Whereas Olga was kept secluded inside the Tanaka estate, Mischa was – on those days Madam Tanaka chose not to amuse herself with tormenting him – made to work in a business owned by Mr. Tanaka. It was some sort of metals foundry. Mischa, who was kept naked and in chains in a barn on the grounds of the estate, would be taken in a van from the Tanaka’s and driven to the foundry by a pair of tough looking men in suits. Once there, the chains were loosened enough to allow him some movement – enough to load heavy pieces of what Mischa assumed were iron ore into a cart. Then he would push the cart to a blast furnace and throw the ore onto a conveyor belt. It was hot, dangerous work. Although the chains had been loosened enough to allow some movement, the one on Mischa’s left wrist was connected to the chastity cage that he wore around his member and testicles. Each time Mischa raised his hand above his waist, the chain tugged on the cage, reminding him of his status as a slave.

He was around some other men at the factory and eventually learned a little Japanese. He discovered that there were other men working at the factory. They were prisoners of some type – whether or not they were regular convicts who had been ‘loaned’ to Mr. Tanaka or were individuals being held captive like him he never learned. And there were men who acted as both overseers and guards. If Mischa or another of the prisoners were deemed slacking from their duties, they were beaten with bamboo sticks. After he learned some of their language, Mischa learned that Mr. Tanaka was Yakuza. Although Mischa was not overly familiar with Japan, he did know that the Yakuza were gangsters involved in every aspect of crime on the island and beyond. And that Yakuza had a reputation for cruelty that would rival the Russian mafia. He eventually learned that the other men in the factory were individuals who were working off some sort of debt that they owed to the Yakuza.

As backbreaking, dangerous and humiliating as the work was in the factory, Mischa preferred it to being kept back at the Tanaka estate and in Madam Tanaka’s clutches. There she constantly tormented and sexually abused poor Mischa. Madam Tanaka and one of her servants, a pretty Japanese woman in her thirties named Midori, took particular delight in torturing him, both physically and psychologically.

He recalled one day in particular. As the guards were taking Mischa to the van to be transported to the factory, Madam Tanaka appeared and told them to bring Mischa to her room. There Midori was waiting. The guards bound Mischa, who was nude save for the chastity cage on his sex, to a post. Madam Tanaka reached into the top of her kimono and pulled out the key to the lock on the cage. She gave it to Midori and said, “Go. Unlock him. And get him erect. But do not let him come.”

Midori came and undid the lock. Then using her tiny hands, she stroked Mischa a little. His member sprang to life. Midori stood on her toes so that she could whisper in Mischa’s ear. “You Russians are usually better endowed than Japanese men. And you are much bigger than Mr. Tanaka. No wonder Madam Tanaka wanted you.”

Madam Tanaka came over and spoke to Midori. “You see. It is good we keep something so big in a cage.” Both women giggled at the joke. Madam Tanaka continued, “See there on his glans, just above the hole where I had him branded with a ‘T’ for Tanaka. You should have heard him scream when the hot iron was applied.” Then she too leaned close to Mischa’s face. “Did it hurt terribly, my pet? You know Mr. Tanaka will soon do the same to that bitch you used to call your wife. Perhaps, I will let you watch.”

All the while Midori had continued to stroke Mischa’s member. Nature took its course. Mischa’s member was hard as a rock and throbbing. Madam Tanaka stayed Midori’s hand. “Don’t let him come.” Then look how swollen and red he is. The white ‘T’ of the scar from the brand really stands out.” She paused before saying, “Don’t you think a heavy ring piercing him just below the brand would look marvelous?”

Midori giggled and said, “Oh yes, Mistress. Just marvelous.”

“Yes,” thought Misha to himself. “I remember that first night with Mrs. Tanaka. Then he was jolted back to the present by her hand reaching over to him. The movement swirled the light airy perfume she always wore bringing to Misha a mixture of desire and dread. He felt her hand on his chest and heard her say, “I like the way you have some hair on your chest. Not at all like Mr. Tanaka, but the hair around your sex – ugh. That will have to go. I will have you shaved down there once we arrive. Or perhaps I will do it myself using a strait razor. How would you feel, slave, me holding a strait razor against that bid penis of yours? Perhaps I should lop the whole thing off. Or maybe just your balls. Can a eunich get hard?”

Misha shuddered involuntarily at the thought. “Scared you, didn’t I?” giggled Mrs. Tanaka as she ran her hand down to Misha’s dormant member. Then she pulled on it and he heard her say, “Yes. Wilma did a good job with the iron. The “T” is quite visible. But now I’m afraid it’s time to put you in a cage. I don’t want that thing of yours getting all hard and throbbing.” Then Misha felt her working the base of the chastity cage around his member and pulling his balls through it so that it sat behind the base of his penis and testicles. Then she worked the cage so that his penis was in it and then fastened the upper cage to the base. Then he heard the click of a lock and heard her say, “Now, isn’t that better? No erection for you even if you wanted to. But you still don’t look quite right.”

Then Misha, behind his blindfold, felt the clamps being placed on his nipples. Felt the steel bite into the sensitive flesh and heard Mrs. Tanaka say, “There. That’s more like it. Remember a slave’s life is a mixture of pleasure and pain.” Then after a moment she giggled, “Pleasure for me. Pain for you.”

Misha, naked, bound, blindfolded and gagged felt the dull ache in his member. He remembered being bound on the X shaped cross and seeing Mrs. Tanaka stroking his erect penis before grasping it quite tightly in her gloved hand. Then he saw Wilma, the dominatrix at Haus der Sklavin, withdraw the small branding iron from the brazier and come towards him. Then he remembered the searing pain as she pressed the hot iron on the glans of his member, burning a small “T” onto it. He thought to himself, “Now I am marked for life. Marked as a slave. Marked as belonging to the Tanakas. Branded like an animal. Am I no better than an animal? But I have to think that it will be a better life for Olga and me. We may be mistreated, but we will not starve at least. And we will have a roof over our heads.”

Then he, too, felt a warmth beside him. And smelled the same light airy fragrance that Olga had smelled. Misha knew it was Mrs. Tanaka. She had worn the same perfume that night at Haus der Sklavin when he first encountered her. Misha’s mind drifted back to that night… He and Olga had only been in training at Haus der Sklavin for three weeks when Wilma had told him that an Asian couple, the Tanaka’s were ‘buying’ Olga and him. “You are to be their personal slaves,” she said. “And you’re lucky. They are buying you both as a package, so you won’t be separated from that little Slavic bitch wife of yours. Tonight Mrs. Tanaka will test you out.” Two hours later a freshly washed and shaved nude Misha was led on a leash attached to the chastity cage that enclosed his member and stifled any type of erection into Mrs. Tanaka’s bedroom. His hands were bound behind his back. She was sitting on an easy chair with a black kimono wrapped loosely around her slim body, smoking a cigarette. She eyed the naked Misha from her chair for a moment before arising and approaching. She took the leash from the dominatrix who had been holding it and said with a sly smile, “I will take it from here.” Misha noticed as she stood her kimono flared open revealing small perfect breasts with prominent brown nipples that were already erect in the evening air. Misha looked down her flat belly to a pubis covered with sparse black hair. He remembered thinking, “Asians. Very little pubic hair, not like us Slavs.”

Mrs. Tanaka led Misha over to the bed and said, “Lean across the bed, slave. And spread your legs. And stay like that for a while.” Misha did as he was told. A moment later, Misha felt something being swabbed around his anus. “Some sort of lubricant,” he thought. Then he felt something hard penetrating him. He gasped slightly. “A plug,” he heard Mrs. Tanaka say. “It will remain in while you service me.” Then she added, “Just think of it as solidarity with your wife who is being used by my husband at this very moment. Although the plug in you is somewhat larger than my husband’s member.” She laughed when she said this. Then she sat on the bed beside Misha and opened her legs. “Now slave, let’s see how useful that tongue of yours is.”

And taking Misha by the hair, Mrs. Tanaka guided him to her open legs. He looked at her sex, already somewhat open and inner lips slightly swollen. Mish thought to himself, “I would wager that she has already masturbated some.” Then he smelled the light floral fragrance and heard Mrs. Tanaka say, “Now, slave.”

Does anyone remember the story of Mischa and Olga, the Russian couple so destitute that they sold themselves into sexual slavery and were eventually ‘bought’ from Haus der Sklavin by a Japanese couple?

Idetta at Haus der Sklavin: Part Twenty Six

Mr. Tanaka pushed Olga to the floor where she lay, quietly sobbing. Then he went and looked at the unconscious Misha, hanging on the X shaped cross. He nodded to his wife and then said to Wilma, “Nicely done. Place him in his cage when he comes to and have both slaves transported to our plane at the airfield. I will settle up with Madam Gisele and then we are off to Osaka with our new slaves. And, of course, I will recommend Haus der Sklavin and especially you to any of our associates who may have slaves to be trained.” Wilma said, “Thank you. It was my pleasure.” The Tanakas left, and Wilma called both Idetta and Nastascha over to the unconscious figure of Misha.

“Look, whores. Look at what a good job I did.”

Idetta looked at Misha’s member in something between wonder and horror. The effects of the saline solution were still visible as he was partially erect and there on the glans, just above the opening for the urethra was a very visible ’T’ that had been burned in by the hot iron. Wilma said, “The ’T’ is for Tanaka. I suspect once they are back in Japan, Olga will receive a similar marking. Perhaps just above her vagina. Wouldn’t you whores like to be marked in that way?”

Both Idetta and Nastascha stood there wordlessly for several moments before Wilma broke the silence. “OK, whores, it’s time to put you back in your room. Let’s go, so the valet scan get these two ready for transport.”

Then Wilma led Idetta and Nastascha out of the dungeon. Along the way, she said, “Since the old sow is nearing the end of her time here, both of you are getting atreat tonight. Neither of you will be chained to the bed. You may please each other if you so desire.”
