#full circle

Not only is Andrew Smith a sparklingly talented writer, he’s also someone I’m blessed to call a goodNot only is Andrew Smith a sparklingly talented writer, he’s also someone I’m blessed to call a good

Not only is Andrew Smith a sparklingly talented writer, he’s also someone I’m blessed to call a good friend.

It is an overcast and fairly drizzly early autumn afternoon when he meets me in central London, the weather slightly forcing me to rethink the exciting photo locations I’d been considering, ducking instead into bookshops and out of the rain.

(But also, bookshops are totally wizard and it’s always fun to find the Doctor Who section and compare which Target novelisations you own, isn’t it?)

Did I mention he’s a fantastically good writer? You may remember that time when he, as a young gentleman, wrote the Tom Baker serial Full Circle. You may also more recently remember that he’s written quite a bit for Big Finish. If you haven’t listened to The First Sontarans, for instance, do correct this. It’s brilliant.

It is with an adventurous twinkle - or rather, since I’m pretty sure he mentioned it in an email, I like to imagine there was an adventurous twinkle as he typed - that he mentioned having discovered, of all things, a Canadian-themed pub in London. Neither of us felt quite brave enough to try what passes for poutine in England that day, however, and we chatted instead over an afternoon pint.

One of these days, though. Poutiiiiiiiine.

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we’ve come full circle

I love the way some marginalized groups like to marginalize other marginalized groups. It’s comical.

both the iconic legends that are @xoxoemynnand@racheloddment on my dash again after so long. ✨ truly blessed ✨





















In an effort to avoid supporting megacorporations, I shall now be posing questions directly to tumblr that I would otherwise have googled.

If Mayonnaise is just eggs and oil, why it creamy?

Because it’s also evil


Have scientists figured out what dark matter is yet?

Yup! It’s anything that takes up space, has mass, and is goth.


What happens if you eat 23 packages of peeps?

You meet god

Thank goodness!

What’s the correct way to eat a banana?

Whole, in one gulp.


Who is the Muffin Man?

Father of the Muffin Boy

Makes sense!

Why is my car making a ker-klunk noise?

Car’s haunted

Uh Oh

How to fix a haunted car?

Slam into a priest in a crosswalk going at least forty miles an hour

It worked!

Where does the wax in scented candles go?

into the sky, where it turns into stars


Why are weddings so damn expensive?

priest has to pay for medical bills related to haunted car crashing into him


We got lost in the travels in the spiritual book
Missed the beaches from nirvana and the way that they look

i’m just laughing bc this picture found its way out of the k-fandom but now somehow is back in

i’m just laughing bc this picture found its way out of the k-fandom but now somehow is back in the k-fandom and even right into the exo fandom

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Source (couldn’t find the original post to reblog):

@carsen-daily found the original post by @crispy which is here!

lmao im only just now discovering this post

Thank you for coming up with this legendary joke


“Come to think of it…” she whispered.

He silenced her with a kiss.

Their lips met, tentatively at first. Soon enough, however, they moved beyond timid exploration and succumbed to the promise that had always lived between them.

-Full Circle

1x01 Pilot Professor Duncan: I’m asking you if you know the difference between right and wrong

1x01 Pilot

Professor Duncan: I’m asking you if you know the difference between right and wrong.
Jeff Winger: I discovered at a very early age that if I talked long enough I could make anything right or wrong. So either I’m god, or truth is relative. And either case booyah.

3x22 Introduction to Finality

Jeff Winger: I mean, guys like me, we’ll tell you there’s no right or wrong—there’s no real truths. And as long as we all believe that, guys like me can never lose. Because the truth is, I’m lying when I say there is no truth. The truth is—the pathetically, stupidly, inconveniently, obvious truth is, helping only ourselves is bad and helping each other is good. 

1x01 Pilot

Professor Duncan: The average person has a much harder time saying booyah’ to moral relativism.

3x22 Introduction to Finality

Pierce Hawthorne: Booyah, good person!

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dont ask me to explain. but charmander is the baldest starter.
