#full moon may


Happy Full Moon, sweet babies. Time again for some lunar wisdom brought to you by your one and only Moon.  

Are you over yourself? Are you over every motherfucking thing in your life? If one more person talks to you will you punch them in the face? Good. That’s how you should be feeling. This Full Moon is all about hitting a harsh restart.  Don’t feel bad if you’ve been the most judgmental, most dissatisfied person in the world lately. If you weren’t feeling sick of your own shit, then you’d have no reason to start fresh. Here’s what you should know to make the most outta the next two weeks:


And guess what? That shit is not a bad thing. All you motherfuckers out there like, “childhood was so simple wish I could go back there.” You really wish you could be out here shitting your pants not knowing how to use a fork? Please. We all go through phases, and thank God(dess) those phases don’t last. Even, especially, the ones we romanticize. You’re always growing - it shows an incredible amount of compassion, maturation and understanding accept that you’ve changed, let worn out shit go, and move forward with your life. You gotta gently let old friends, lovers, experiences float away like leaves in the fall - make room for new buds, let yourself enter a new period of your life. If you don’t, you’ll just be left with the same crusty ass shit season after season. Not a great look. 


That’s some shit you’re going to need to ask yourself, yo. Everyone is different, and everyone is outgrowing different things. If you’re dying for a new start, but you have no idea where to begin, then you need to ask yourself what you want. Some better friends? A better job? A better attitude? Think about what’s right for you and then fucking go for it, commit to a new life, stop crying about it. No more half-assing. You got this, so go for it. 


As always, you know better than anyone. You need to trust your intuition and use that jazz to evaluate the opportunities that come to you.  This is not the time to be a pussy ass bitch, this is the time to be strong and trust that you know what’s best for you, even if everyone around you is still on some basic bitch shit. It isn’t you, it really is the rest of the world that’s trippin. Tune that jam out and move towards the future with some fucking positivity and pizzazz. 

In short bitches, it’s time to move on. Be brave. Let old shit be old, and let new shit be new. Trust your intuition, make decisions, and be happy about it. I mean, damn, life is hard enough, you don’t need to make it any harder on yourself by being miserable. 

Peace, people. Lunar lovin from me to you.

