
Blue Moon in Aquarius ♒ #fullmoondrawing“Untitled”This was a deeep dive y'all and I

Blue Moon in Aquarius ♒
This was a deeep dive y'all and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I mean.. it can get really ugly….but if you’re consciously making a choice to heal, then it’s so worth it.

This was definitely a twofer…Two Aquarius Full Moons, water, emotions,…. two different perspectives.
First one, I was sick and I just couldn’t. This one I was ready for, but the Universe had a different plan. Full moons letting go double.lol.
So…journaled heavy and sat down to do this piece and it just poured out and it was good, it was heavy, it was full of wisdom and love and it told me a story. I’m greatful. I had thousand names for it but I let it be after asking my son what he thought this was about…his answer was so…..we are healing y'all, trust this. Continue, no matter how many times you try and fail. If you are still reading this… Thank you and Love you!

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