#future companion


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acollaboration between @d4rkpluto@mystiicwinterand@fxiryheiize about the characteristics between your future partner, (meaning boyfriend or girlfriend etc, not future spouse).


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Hello Pile One, to start I want to say that the energy in this reading is not belonging to a single person. What I mean by that is that when it is time to meet your next partner, there may be two people who are vying for your attention. The first person may be someone you are acquainted with, yet not close enough to call a friend. They have a youthful energy or may be someone who is younger than you, even if it’s by a few months. They are not the most mature emotionally and tend to let their emotions get the best of them.

This person is represented by the Two of Cups in reverse. They tend to act like a little kid when jealous. I’m talking eye rolling, eye narrowing and scoffing. They don’t mean anything by it, but Pile One it seems that you have a lot of potential suitors, and they fear losing you to them, so they always make sure to apologize afterwards. Not because they mean it, but because they know you aren’t having it if they constantly act like a child around other men. This person may have Mars in the 7th House, Scorpio Mars, or Leo Mars. They could also have mars making a negative aspect to their moon. They tend to get very aggressive and over-protective in relationships if their partner doesn’t pay them as much attention as they want them to. Very jealous people.

They don’t mean any harm, these people are just in love with the idea of love and want nothing more to be in a genuine and fulfilling relationship. Regardless of whether or not you get into a relationship with this person, they will probably tell you that they love you pretty quick, but I sense they won’t mean it. This person longs for a soulmate connection and thinks that they may have found it in you. This person seems pretty shallow to me, Pile One. They aren’t in love with you, rather they are in love with the idea of being the only one able to have you. Tread lightly.

This second person is represented by Strength upright. This is likely someone you know, or someone that floats around your friend group from time to time. You likely already have some sort of attraction to this person and are seeking to make them yours. They are very quiet it seems, almost to the point where it’s a little scary. I didn’t get any channeled messages from them, it seems like they would like to remain silent and wait for you to come to them rather than go out of their way to get to you. They think that you’d appreciate that. For a lot of you this person could be ethnically diverse. They don’t look to be just one ethnicity. For some of you this person could have Asian roots. For others, Italian. This person is very observant and precise, they would never go out of their way for someone unless they deem them worthy. Very picky in love. But I can say that once they’ve got you they won’t let you go very easily. This person could have significant Capricorn placements, specifically Venus. It could also be aspecting their Ascendant.

I can only compare this person to a lion. Immense inner confidence and physical strength, practically invisible with the way that they like to lie in wait. You think that you’ve got them right where you want them when in reality, they’ve been playing you like a puppet from the shadows. Significant 12 and 8thth House placements. Possibly a stellium. Very odd person here Pile One, but they want you and they know that they’ll have you. Regardless of whether you know it or not.

Possible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn (x2) , Scorpio , Taurus , Aquarius , Leo, Cancer

Channeled Messages: Why him, why not me? (x2) I’m sorry, please forgive me , “I love you” ‘I can treat you better than he can” “I promise , I swear”

pile two ♡

Dear pile two, the person you are going to date next is an intelligent individual, incredibly gifted when it comes to their intellect. They are currently going through a transformative period due to recent heartbreak. Their old, immature self is left behind as they are becoming stable and grounded. This change can also make them a little too rational and not rely at all on emotions, but it can be worked through with enough patience. Looking at the combination of queen of swords + king of swords, I can tell that the two of you will be powerful together. You will share beliefs, interests and a love to mentally stimulate yourselves through complex discussions. What a smart couple! Spending a lot of time in their proximity and admiring who they are can turn you too in someone who’s way too sensible, so make sure neither of you runs away from their emotions. Something tells me this can be a major problem in your relationship.

 Going back to the pair of cards, communication is not going to be a problem. Maybe the delivery since both the king and queen have a rather cold way of expressing their thoughts. You will challenge each other to become better and grow individually. Many things in my spread indicate that this connection will take place at a time where both will be striving for your own goals and it can make it end quicker than it was supposed to. Tapping into your emotions and being sensitive to the other’s needs is enough to prevent that from happening. Just remember the sole reason you get together : because you like/love each other.

 Moving on to who they are, I believe they are a new person. Someone you’ve never met before. They are both close and far away from you. Close as in the friend of a friend or knows people from your area. Far away as in currently lives in another city/country. Their background is somewhat different from yours and it can bring small issues (but nothing concerning). You will share a good amount of friends/acquaintances and I see them coming to see you at your school/work place. There will be periods when you will spend every day together and others when phone calls are the only solution. But don’t worry, you will make it work. I believe that this connection will need some effort in order to properly work but the result is totally worth it. It makes sense with every element we’ve encountered so far about your personal lives and them beginning a new era of themselves. Just remember that the key is to be understanding and compromises are needed for everyone, not just your case.

 The reading has been very neutral so far, but let me tell you, this person has heart eyes when they see you! Their love languages are physical touch and acts of services, not that into verbal confessions. Don’t expect them to shower you in “I love you’s” or anything. But you will be in their mind constantly, from dusk till dawn. Their heart drowns in sorrow when you fight and aches for you when they hear your name. Definitely the one who likes the other more. When or if the two of you break up, they will be totally heartbroken. For a part of you, this person is going to have a lot of sexual thoughts and wet dreams related to you. Heavily attracted to the way you look and your energy.

[this pile was written by @mystiicwinter] [paid readings open]


about your future boyfriend/girlfriend, i’ll be calling this person, your romantic companion. they could be considered as someone who is artistic, creative, someone who has vision and intuition. they can be deemed as someone who is random, someone who is youthful, kind, handsome/beautiful and loyal. they are someone who is open to new ideas, and most of their concepts come with intuition, they are someone who likes to be inspired, and someone who likes to have opportunities and seeks for lucky chances. they’re here to have a fresh perspective on romance, perhaps they didnt really have a healthy one. they can be emotional and will be able to tell when you’re upset, but they can often be naïve and innocent when it comes to romance, perhaps being too idealistic. they will be very appreciative of what you bring to the table, and appreciative of the side you dont show anyone else.

though,they can be someone who is reckless, passive, impatient and overly competitive. they might be a delay with this person, or this person hates delays and hates having to wait, (likewise i did pinpoint that they are impatient). sometimes your romantic companion can lose themselves, or they’re someone who sometimes loses their potential or opportunities, it can be a repetitive pattern of theirs, they could also be someone who tries to control things they want, there are moments when they are pessimistic and not as confident, when they aren’t feeling self-esteemed that’s probably when their negative side emits. this companion can also be someone who runs away from commitment, can be impatient and might be in a relationship that is deemed as unstable. they might be chasing after something that is lost. they can be a bit argumentative; they can get this way when they realise not everything is to their expectations.

this romantic companion is someone who is charismatic, they’re a leader, like i said in the first paragraph, they are creative and have this long and passionate drive to win over all the obstacles that come their way. they are someone who likes taking control, they’re bold, funny and have a way with words that might make you swoon. they have this pure energy that’ll make you fell refreshed whenever you’re with them, in their friendship group they might be the one who leads, or might be that unannounced/untitled leader. they will be someone who is energetic, will most likely be wearing the pants in the relationship, but they will be exciting to be with, they have this temper, can be very explosive but are quick to move on from whatever or whoever pissed them off. even though they could have this overwhelming or annoying side to them, you’ll like the fact that they put a lot of effort into the relationship. once they realise they really like you, they wont run away and will stick by you through all impediments that might want to come for you, and will stick by you through all the impediments that will come for the both of you.

they are someone who is all about confrontation, they’re very intuitive, and likes to be versatile. if they’re not spiritual, they’ll have this desire to know about spirituality when they get with you. they are someone who likes to think with a clear mind most of the time, they’re truthful, intelligent, cool and moralistic. they’re someone who likes to stick to the plan, they like facts, they might be someone who thinks “knowledge is power”, they are someone who is sharp, keen and observant. someone with high standards when it comes to romantic bonds, they have two sides to themselves, one where it can be brash and explosive and a side when they can be controlled, calm and laidback. though they can be someone who likes to wear the pants in relationships, it doesnt mean they’re not going to be respectful, they’re all about approaching things with ethic and patience. yet, they can be someone who expresses themselves with strong blunt energy, they will be someone who will want to push you to your very best. when the two of you go through an argument, remember that communication is key, dont ignore each other, or specifically dont ignore them, they are a big believer in talking it out, if you avoid them, it’ll upset them deeply and will make them feel that the relationship is one-sided.

your future romantic companion might have a lot of fire energy, sagittarius, leo and aries, but sagittarius mainly. could be jupiter dom (along with sun dom, little to none mars dom), however, this companion is someone who has been through many things. they’re all about persistence, perseverance and endurance. they re someone who has strong resilience, but they could be drained right now, this companion is someone who learns from the past and no matter what life puts them through, this person will make sure they will be the last one standing. this kin is someone who always holds onto faith and hope, you would wonder how they are still here when you hear about their stories, they are someone who has gone through much trials, perhaps trials and tribulations. but they have overcome them and have a lot of wise things to teach. they comprehend that love needs hard work and that love isnt easy, they will be prepared when they get into this relationship with you, they’re ready to face all challenges, they believe that facing the bumps coming towards the both of your ways is worth it.

@d4rkplutopluto’s paid tarot readings
