#futures noir


Drone-2000 (Floating Prophecies)

A dystopian performance for amplified drones.

The figure of the drone serves as the starting point for this film, enabling it to explore the intersections that exist between fictional depictions arising from science-fiction literature and the actual advent of flying machines with camera vision in contemporary world, folklore and mythology.

By juxtaposing quotes from works from the previous century (1880 ­- 2000) with a selection of popular, recent videos that have been posted on video sharing websites, this film explores the grey zone between self-fulfilling prophecy and composite narratives.


#dronesdronesdrones    #drones    #future    #algorithms    #futures noir    

Blue-Eyed Me by Alexey Marfin

Fantastic seven-minute nearfuture scifi about technology lifecycles, their impact on socio-technological systems respectively customer interactions and hidden pacesetting infrastructures & industries.


This is the world of the 99-cent lifeform. Like a social media profile or an online shopping list tailored to our hobbies, we collect genetically modified pets, engineered to look like their owners.

Alexey is part of the Unknown Fields Division run by Liam Young and Kate Davies. A “a nomadic design research studio that ventures out on expeditions to the ends of the earth to bear witness to alternative worlds, alien landscapes, industrial ecologies and precarious wilderness.”

[read more at the creators project][Unknown Fields][Alexey Marfin] [film still by Alexey Marfin]

Futures Noir: A drone-mounted flamethrower

Nuff said. Where’s my anti-drone shield?

[via impactlab]
