


can’t put this feeling into words


1,800 (M)

Inspired by Feels how it feels to feel (593 | T) by @fw00shy

Harry visits Malfoy in Azkaban.
“The fuck are you here for, Potter?”
“Wanted to see if you still had your soul and all,” Harry mutters. “I thought one of the Dementors here might try and kiss you.”
Malfoy huffs out a laugh and starts coughing and hacking up shit, sounding real awful.
Awful in that way that makes you want to laugh, too. Then you feel guilty about laughing later.


  • Author’s Note:
    Fwoosh, I admire your writing so much, and you inspire me a lot in my own writing I am so happy that I got to remix one of your works :)
    feels how it feels to feel is one of my all time favorite fwooshy fics, and I knew right away that I wanted to remix it. This is a little sequel to it.
    Also, thank you very much to J who read this over, and thank you to the mods for organizing.
    Please mind the tags, and thank you for reading!


  • Mod Note:
    While we would always encourage reading the fic which inspired a remix, you shouldn’t feel you have to do so. It’s OK to just dive straight into the remix!

can’t put this feeling into words

@floydig - ♡♡♡

@fw00shy - ♡♡♡
