#gabriel imagines


IMAGINE: Being Gabriel’s daughter and him being protective of you when Sam and Dean flirt with you…

“Cut that out - right now.”

The Winchesters turned to eye Gabriel in confusion. The irritation he obviously felt on the inside was clear as day in his tone, as it seemed like he was teetering on the edge of punching them out. All they had done is made a brief comment about how pretty you were – but that apparently was like spraying gasoline to a flame, given by the resultant reaction from the Archangel.

The brothers spared each other a brief glance, as if confirming that their thoughts were the same, before Sam spoke up,” Stop what?

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Gabriel retorted, gesturing over to your form. Since joining Team Free Will, most of your time was spent either helping them prepare for hunts, or researching, nose buried in a book. This was one of those times, as you sat cross-legged on the couch, seemingly unaware of the heated argument between the three males. 

Dean’s green eyes flicked between you and Gabriel, brow quirking as he put two and two together - making five,” She the latest woman to…ruffleyour feathers?”

Gabriel’s whiskey irises darkened, expression scrunching up in disgust at the innuendo,” No.She isn’t.

“Then why have the temper tantrum? What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Dean retorted. Gabriel had never been so defensive about a subject before; the last time he’d been so hot-tempered was when talking about Michael and Lucifer – his own brothers. Hell, even when around women he’d been shown to care about, he wasn’t this fiery – it was absurd

“If you two chuckleheads don’t stop eyeing her up like that, I’ll gouge your eyes out myself,” The archangel growled,” I don’t want you two getting anywhere near her, I’ve tried to keep her hidden so that my brothers couldn’t hunt her down - if anything happens to her, I’ll skin you both alive.”

His reply didn’t seem to quell the Winchesters’ curiosity. Sam folded his arms, brows crinkling together as he seemingly tried to psychoanalyse the archangel,” Why’re you so protective over her?”

“Because he’s my Dad, morons,” You sounded, not taking your eyes off your book. So, you were listening. Gabriel closed his eyes with a deep breath; he’d rather have kept his Paternity a secret, but they were bound to find out sooner or later,” He’s obviously gonna be protective of me – besides, we both know your tolerance of ‘monsters’ – or rather, the lack of tolerance you have.”

“You’re half angel?” Dean stated incredulously, brain still obviously going through the process of digesting the new information. 

You smirked,” Archangel, Sweetie.”

Requested by Anon
