#gaby melian


Black Lives Matter.

In the wake of everything happening this past week, it hasn’t felt right to get on here and post photos of Claire like everything is fine when everything is not fine. There needs to be justice for George Floyd. There needs to be justice for Breonna Taylor. We need to rebuild our societal structures from the ground up to root out the systemic racism that permeates them. We need to direct funding to education and mental health rather than arming police. When BIPOC speak about the harsh realities they face, we need to listen to them and support them and work towards equality. We need to commit to be better. We need to commit to change.

In keeping with this blog’s theme, if y’all are interested in supporting the organizations that members of the Test Kitchen are donating to, here’s a list:

Sohla, Andy, Brad, Rick, and Delany:NAACP – donate here

Delany:Philadelphia Black Giving Circle – donate here

Claire:Brooklyn Community Bail Fund – donate here

Chris and Gaby:ACLU – donate here

Priya and Amiel:Campaign Zero – donate here

Priya:The Bail Project – donate here

Molly:NAMI’s Black/African American focus – donate here

Christina:Make the Road New York – donate here

I know things are rough for a lot of folks financially, so if y’all aren’t able to monetarily support, then please pass this post around! Donations keep organizations like these, and so many others, able to do their good work. In these times, that work is especially vital.

Update! Brooklyn Community Bail Fund is no longer taking donations and is asking people to donate to other resources. Check out this list of bail funds to donate to, organized by location.

Gaby announced her new book today!!

In book news Gabys is available for preorder! And Brad confirmed his is not affiliated with BA in any way


Gaby Makes “Chocotorta” | Gaby’s Kitchen

Gabys kitchen!
