#gacha hell

got into another gacha hell _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ …

got into another gacha hell _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ …

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While I’m excited to have played the Da Vinci event and this new Setsubun event, I can’t help but have this ominous feeling that I’m being set up for something insane. Like whats going on in part two that has you pushing players to level up that high DW?!

so i wanted yoimiya, i saved primogems and skipped ayaka’s banner….. mhy why D: i have now completed the anemo characters… sobs

i’m no where near the pity…. so i am now guaranteed yoimiya but yeah idk i’m broke no primogems huhu

this is my first time losing 50/50 my heart aches

A secret santa present ✨

GBF, giving everyone something to simp about with their 2 summer new units.

Can you, like, learn from this FGO???
