








College of Arcana
College of Seduction
College of Unrealistically Large Instruments
College of Picking Up Little Rocks, Not For Any Reason, I Just Think They’re Neat
Community College

College of Advertising.
College of give me all your money
College of Pepsi

Well I sure know which one I’ll pick.

College of gay
Actually that’s all of them

College of BIDOOF.

College of Darwinism

College of Gender Studies

College of Clock Tower

Have your nobleman take a part time job at a Café.

As DM, have the BBEG come in and demand non-menu items.

Ask your familiar, since they’re a guy, which of the CD titles seem like a camouflage

probablyurbanfantasyrpgideas: probablyelkrpgideas:probablyjustfairyrpgideas:probablywerewolfrpgi





stay quiet and no one gets hurt

the government keeps fairies a secret

Idk guys elk are pretty secretive

the government is keeping all the fantasy creatures secret; that’s where urban fantasy came from, a few people finding out the truth and trying to spread it to the general population. wake up, the government is lying to you.

The Mage’s association is keeping the Holy Grail War a secret.

Post link


When it’s summer in your session, change your class. You’re a Mage? Congrats - you use a lance now! Swordswoman? How about Ranger!

When it’s summer in your session, IT’S RACE TIME.



The players all work for a secret government agency, dedicated to making sure that every dog on earth knows that it’s a good boy.

Does this include hellhounds?

Chaldea is secretly a front for Fou-Related Petting.


Let your players come up with interesting and detailed backstories only to kill them all in the first dungeon for the sake of plot development

Have an NPC bring your players back to life, starting them on their journey towards victory!



I am introducing my younger brother to dnd. Please send me or reblog this post with good encounters for a group of 4 level one characters in dnd 5e.

1 goblin boss, 3 normal Goblins

9 magic-wielding hands coming out of the ground, in waves of 3, and the last one is bigger and stronger.


Lick all your GM’s furniture until they let you play an OP class.

Gilgamesh did this.

Your players are part of Alayashiki, the collective unconsciousness, and are summoned into various points to history to stop the BBEG 

Use this as the new vessel for The Holy Grail

Use this as the new vessel for The Holy Grail

Post link


“You’re about to start a diplomatic crisis.” - the bloodrager
“I’m about to start a holy war. Subtle difference.” - the witch

Did somebody say Holy War?

Tohsaka Rin ・°✧

here’s my latest fanart which i feel extremely proud of due to the lighting and i hope you like it as much too

commissions are open

As into the prospect of a Tsukihime remake I am, I fear the inevitability of Nendoroids using the remake designs.

Also Eltnum probably getting a route while Satsuki still suffers just to perpetuate the more than decade long meme.

As into the prospect of a Tsukihime remake I am, I fear the inevitability of Nendoroids using the remake designs.

Also Eltnum probably getting a route while Satsuki still suffers just to perpetuate the more than decade long meme.
