#gaius valerius catullus



continually haunted by the amount of saphho catullus would have been able to read that’s since been lost and how whatever it said, whatever he made of it & all the ways it may have influenced his poetry is now only between the two of them




I still think about when Owl City sang “and I’ll kiss you between the ears”. What the fuck does that mean. I can’t get over it

i wondered this for like a year before I realized the line immediately preceding it was “we’ll take a long walk through the cornfield” and it clicked and I haven’t been the same since

World Heritage Post

Frankly, though, I also think it’s a reception of Catullus 48 (translation from Wikisource because they did a good job with this one ngl)



27/10/18 • grief composites / grief erasures. i also wrote about catullus 101 / the process of translating it / other translations here


“Many the peoples many the oceans I crossed— I arrive at these poor, brother, burials so I could give you the last gift owed to death and talk (why?) with mute ash. Now that Fortune tore you from me, you oh poor (wrongly) brother (wrongly) taken from me, now still anyway this—what a distant mood of parents handed down as the sad gift for burials— accept soaked with tears of a brother and into forever, brother, farewell and farewell.”

— “Catullus 101” from Nox by Anne Carson
