

Namdaemun Galkuksu Alley: $6 lunch in Seoul

Galkuksuorkalguksu |칼국수 is a very popular Korean noodle dish consisting of handmade knife-cut wheat flour noodles served in a large bowl with broth and other ingredients. 

It’s a simple hearty meal that will fill your belly and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!

Namdaemun Galkuksu Alley | 남대문 칼국수골목 is a great place to try this dish and soak in the atmosphere of a Korean market. It’s simple, loud, delicious and vibrant! As soon as you step in the ahjummas will tag you in all the different directions to make you sit at their table. Be prepared ;) I didn’t expect that and felt a bit overwhelmed, but it’s a part of anauthentic local market experience!

You can find galkuksu everywhere around Seoul, but I think it’s worth checking out this special alley at least once. Have fun, enjoy your meal and experience Seoul like a local!

How to get here: Hoehyeon Station, Line 4. Exit 5.

It’s not hard to find, but it’s a very narrow passageway, so you have to walk slowly and look closely. The sign says “남대문 칼국수골목” and it’s basically a plastic see-through door that opens into the alley filled with kalguksu stalls.
