#game timeline


Devil May Cry Order by Timeline

Hello everyone. I’m still alive even though my main blog has been a bit slow compared to my side one. I got a bunch of sketches saved up, mainly some oldies from my smaller sketchbook.

Now, the reason why I’m really writing this is just a timeline for some franchises I know well. Right now, it’s Devil May Cry.

This stylish beat em up franchise has at least 5 different games, two to three having special editions. Now, some people can get confused with the timeline especially when they start playing Devil May Cry 3. So, here’s the proper timeline between games!

Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry 1, Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5.

The reason Devil May Cry 3 is the start is because this game is actually a prequel to Devil May Cry 1!

I hope this helps anyone interested in checking this game series out! Until next time folks!
