

The glory of 2ch is already past. It’s racist and a test site of agitation by spy now. Some 2channelers has already left hiroyuki. The 2chanelers who live in reddit talk about this case.

https://redd.it/3lt1wm   https://redd.it/3lt618   https://redd.it/3ltw4d

[Inthread There is a 2channeler answering an English question. However I do not do it because they dislike the quotation of the remark]

I think that Hiroyuki Nishimura is excellent as dictator and a machinator but there is no power to restore failure and crisis management. Hiroyiki does not have the fairness at all. Managers of 2ch didn’t hear the opinion of the users at all and they sneered at a user’s suit. They exploited a user and controlled it. Notwithstanding, Hiroyuki has been treated like a hero until recently. He influenced Japanese bulletin board culture in a shadow from the early days of net. 

2channlers fought against him several times. It is because concealment and buying and selling of the information by him were revealed. Hiroyuki caused a personal information outflow case in Japan. He escaped without taking the responsibility for the case. And some 2channelers left 2ch. I wrote the details in poor English. “Otaku war Japan-2channel and GamerGate [link]” Hiroyuki has various doubts and he get away from many lawsuit. It is suspected that he is the criminal who smashed “Amezou” of first Japanese Thread float type bulletin board by 2channelers.

This is a story of one dystopia…The future of 4chan. All predictions by Gamergate become the reality.. It is not a conspiracy theory. Dictatorship,information control,the alliance with vested interests,buying and selling of the information. Of course These most are only doubts now. In addition, hiroyuki has not a Western social connection. So his business may not succeed. 

But I have nightmare that….behind Hiroyuki, there may be big organization and they may carry out “Cool-Japan” plan. I have sense of danger about Sutema[Stealth Marketing] most. It’s Viral marketing. Sutema is admiration article the specific manga and anime and videogame by the agents. They camouflage the fashion of culture. They may be avoided in fact because sutema is illegal in the West. With that in mind, I talk about it. The subculture often vibe people with power to cause a movement. Spys use the power and direct a movement and gather young users. Sutema melts for an innocent movement and disappears. Sutema is expressed through a picture and music and text. And Most of creators accept the fashion for service and collecting popularity. 

In Japan, There is Otaku culture with strong influence of the 2ch culture now. If make a topic with a bulletin board, it infect to pixiv and niconicodouga. And the popular anime is forged. However its distinction is difficult for us. nobody will doubt it anymore if they sutema a popular work. Creators and the fans may become our enemy. It divide our unity.

For example, CG-contest of Mikumikudance cause opposition between anime-fans and Nan-J-min in 2ch. This is the case that 2channelers against the control of MMDcontest by niconicodouga contributed cg-anime. Otakus in niconicodouga criticized them. In this contest, 2channeler let the animation of the dummy win the championship.↓


The other risk is Matome blog. Matome blog compiled the information of the bulletin board. and 4chan may begin to provide news to public people. The news site tampers using a note of bbs. We think the note of the bbs to be vulgar. but the note of vulgar about manga and anime and videogame is attractive gossip for the public people. And the blogger delivers “interesting news” of bbs and lets news burn and earns advertisement costs. It’s yellow journalism like kotaku. The people begin to call the news site “chan-culture” before long. Many creators and fans sneer at bbs and become the fan of the news site. And based on otaku news there, they talk about something. They may begin to make a political remark. It become the confusion. They introduce themselves as Otaku but enjoy culture by the way that is totally different from us. They adopt a lifestyle of the totalitarianism and remove us or leave a serious problem. For example, they like anime. However they agree to expression regulation and the low labor circumstances of the animator. 

2channelers proved that the emblem of the Tokyo Olympics was plagiarism recently. and 2channelers helped with the suit by the overseas designers and criticized a committee meeting of Japan. However some big media, scholars of manga and anime, creators and users in twitter blamed 2channelers in support of a bureaucracy. Their common denominator is reader of the matome blogs. They imitate us and insist on our opposite viewpoint. Unfortunately, Moe anthropomorphism begins to be used to restrict freedom in Japan now. 

“He” lets at first a large quantity of actors sneak into the slum. he control movement. he puts bbs-culture on sale to a reader as a musical like Densha Otoko 電車男. Original inhabitants are considered to be a laughingstock or a scapegoat from the instigated public.

I came here because despaired at this Japanese situation. and I came across Gamergate. Western nightmare have begun to just overlap with Japanese nightmare now. haha, It’s a comedy. Of course these attacks are not problems if there are personal intention and an earnest desire to freedom. It is not necessary for you to follow a Japanese opinion even if manga and an anime were Oriental culture. The culture is run by core people and It extend the freedom and liberalism. I and you have already known that controlled culture is worthless!


By Okakura Fuken, Translation by Dahanshark


I leave gg, but do not abandon the global purpose to defending gaming and otaku culture!!
I still love gg. I am still a friend of good people in gg and will sometimes going to share an action with you. I’m especially grateful to persons who support us or discuss with liberty and openness. You are the hope and good examples for honest people. However, I only will say “馬鹿[BAKA]” to gg when there is 馬鹿[BAKA] who has some discriminatory attitude in gg. I will criticize GG only in that kind of cases.

Gamergate has the purpose that save to the gaming culture. However, GG also has the pre-requisite that each person can join GG following each reason and motive. For me, I joined GG with a certain qualification. That was setting the condition that any western gamers did not remove any Asian gamers in GG at least. If there is the risk of being discrimination against Asian, I will leave the Western problem.

You may say that this is only one accidental case. and you also may say that most of GG are decent people. I agree the fact most of GG are decent. They’ve support us and listened at our appeal when my friend Dahan Shark was insulted. And your attitudes also gave burning enthusiasm to Dahan in his heart. I much appreciate that.

However, I’ve needed to have a duty if I join GG. It is doing investigation whether there is fair space where ESL people can act with liberty in order to prevent my friend Japanese gamers from being hurt. I believe we definitely need opinions of gamers who don’t live in English‐speaking world in order to break SJW’s logic.

So, I’d like to invite the gamers to joining GG. However, I never want to see the scene the gamers living in Esw get hurt due to accepting my inviting. Through this instance happening to us, I have to judge I can’t prevent the foreign gamers from being hurt in GG. At that moment, my duty of investigation was over. So, our decision leaving GG is not a sudden impulse but a conclusion.

GG has many fair people joining with liberty, however, there is partiality in a part of GG, certainly. The partiality harms any social solidarity like GG. Eventually, that is in front of all of us in GG, and their fangs thrust at us Japanese gamers this time. And then, we can watch the partiality is still working now. I’d like you to be aware of that we foreign gamers observe your attitude at the same time when we send this kind of the messages. This is the charity experimentation using ourselves roninworks in order to contribute to GG. Can we do fair discussions with liberty in GG ? Can GG stay faithfulness to ideal and logic when GG gets been criticized ? Are there some preferential treatments caused by popularity persons being and their henchmen like e-celeb ?

I ask people in GG for careful watching the each attitude of persons who talk to us roninworks in this time. Of course, there are many persons who kindly support us, however, at the same time, other many persons who has different attitudes still are in GG. They are lying, or attacking us based on wrong information to defend the e-celebs.

No one can deny the fact of GG that they also are your good GG guy’s fellow members under the flag of GG. The fact means that there are the many people who intend to make partiality caused from ones in the real world.Importing that kind of partialities is against the GG’s basic ideal. And, the partiality in GG makes some people not be able to say their opinion freely. We should not ignore this fact.

The liberty with permission to some factionalism - Does GG aim for that kind of “liberty” ? There has already been something funny like that “liberty” even in Japan, or even in any animal society. That kind of “liberty” can allow to compromise between GG and SJW or Viralmedia easily? And then, under the permission to partiality like factionalism, the people represented by me can’t join the united front as GG? I’m afraid but I have to conclude that.

There is no sexist or racist in GG. However, There is just Linguistic discrimination in whole the West. And, the fact is against not only the GG’s basic ideal but also the common sense of gaming. Gaming culture never do Linguistic discrimination. If gaming culture has done that, both I and you have never become gamers. Anyone can get the great experiences just when the person holds a control device. The common sense is the virtue in gaming culture, and that is the moral law(“the justice”) we can have in this culture war and we intend to defend.

As a 2channeler, I’ve participated in many otaku culture movements on the internet in Japan [Otaku war Japan-2channel and GamerGate http://goo.gl/zgdBp2]. So, I know many examples that the false leaders like e-celeb always appear when any movement has became popular even in Japan. I know their character very well. They always do playing house to make others be  shrunk back, and then, hijack the movements due to blocking fair discussions. 

I can hardly read English tweet at all, however, I unmask hijackers and tell their true character keeping my eyes closed.

They apparently seems one of your good friends for you. They look sociable and have many friends. Also they are troublemaker or tricker and make blistering remarks to make people laugh sometimes. So, you tend to forgive their inequity regarding it as a little act carelessness. And then, you underestimate these problems saying like this. "Well, that’s the usual. We don’t have to mind that.“ At the moment, a hierarchy appears in the civil activity.

I’d like to ask you all why you join GG although you may get in danger of losing your public credibility? Why do you forgive the hijackers in GG while you never forgive Anita Sharkeesian and SJW and Kotaku? It is unfair.
Both behaviors are the same thing which insults guiltless people. For trial, join in the laughter at the Sockpuppet with glee. I believe you can’t do that. Please remember Tim Schafer henchmen’s attitude saying like this. "Well, that’s the usual. We don’t have to mind that." Please never forget the true essence of your enemies.


Sadly, it always begins with people pampering those bunch of SJW and hijackers in GG. They taking advantage of people’s kindness or forgiveness to underestimate. They never regard you as a friend at all. They love themselves and praises for themselves much more than you. And, they aim a new adequate victim, and attack the person in order to rise in popularity. You are the next.

They always lie or take shelter in evasions when they are exposed to objections against themselves. For example, in our incident, they may try to do that saying something "language barrier” or"cultural difference"else.

Does the liberty you aim mean making a stamping ground for the facetious liars,instead of censorship? If it is so, this culture war around gaming only has the true character as just playing at a tug of war between trolls and SJW.

We should remember why Anonymous movement succeeded.
Anonymous are called “Nanashi” in Japan. Nanashi is a legion which do not have each individual face of the persons joining. Nanashi praise the hacker who is faithful to an ideal. On the other hand, they scrap e-celeb communities making an e-celeb be alone and unaided. Any selfish play against ideals is not accepted there. Anonymous is a system not to let false leaders like e-celeb stay in power.

Of course, I don’t completely agree to the Anonymous system. However, it is necessary also for all us to have the nobility in order to achieve a purpose.
This kind of collusions [by fake friendship] makes a movement turn into a corruption, and forces us to be a pet of somebody. They are called “niwaka-otakus” and “anime-icons” and “kyoro-jyu, キョロ充 = kyoro boys”  in Japan. “キョロ kyoro” is onomatopoeia in manga when a man are moving eyes quickly. So, キョロ充 expresses the manner that he always asks around for what people feel. They long for and want violence power of nanashi, and then, they enter a movement to get the power. And they attack innocent persons for satisfying their greed to pretend to be tough else.

It doesn’t mean not only that. The fake friendship like e-celeb will make dangerous flaws on GG. For example, when SJW provoke one of the e-celeb’s communities, SJW can easily draw an evidence of threat and a discrimination remark from them. In addition, the fake friendship lets precious cooperators leave. For example, roninworks were the only certain Japanese team in GG and also messengers to get other Japanese gamers  joined GG. However, GG lost the possibility.

If there is not any loss like that, it will be harm in letting the fake friendship ride.
They will be going to snatch and monopolize the achievement of good gamers in GG. It will produce new another kotaku after GG. The e-celeb will take their seats in the new kotaku as popular figures.

Up to this day, this kind of problem has not caused something big conspicuous trouble, because the GG movement was filled  with fresh energy and the enemy are being stupid at present. Until now, the enemy has tried to let GG go past by underestimating GG. However, when they get acknowledged it is impossible to do that, they will change their tactics into aggressive one with feasible assaults.
For example, they may threaten or practice extortion for a part of GG members, or send many spies to sabotage GG. Even now, they can send a lot of spies and provocateurs to 4chan in order to addict all new chan culture entrants to Kotaku.

The manners and customs in chan culture, which allow of provoking each other as if it was a the culture’s own characteristic, will relate to the spying. It presents chances of the spying that being acts of disturbing fair discussions when we confront a culture crisis. To tell the truth, 2channeler, who start the manners of provoking each other as their own character, had thought their own manners over and regretted, and succeeded in overcoming it. However, the provoking manners has already spread over ordinary people. So, it was too late.

And then, we overcoming 2channeler have made sure of being sabotage with spying and action of provocateurs. They lead to plot to make people provoke each other on the internet in Japan.


This can present new important common knowledge to GG. For me, yellow journalism in the western Viralmedia or SJW look somethings copying you.
They are mirror images of you. At least, Japanese Viralmedia started their action at copying 2channeler’s parlance. If GG leaves this problem as it is and gets into being the place where unfairness is rampant, GG breaks up and ruins itself when the enemy uses a divide and rule strategy.

I’d like to say to the people in GG. We must raise metabolic rate of a movement to a high level for keeping the movement staying clean. That forms a cycle like one water has. Water can change into rivers and sea and clouds and a rain.

If GG changes the form into another figure which has another name, GG’s essence is still in the other figure as long as GG keeps itself as a stream. And the cycling must be quick to clean a movement. Overcoming 2channeler call the quick cycling as “精神の加速(Acceleration of spirit)" The imitations like e-celeb never can keep up with Acceleration of spirit.

The hijackers’ violence to me is not a special case. Their violence and corruption would have already attacked you until now. And it will attack a new gamergaters. It always faces the people who are in a weak or vulnerable position.

I love the people who have faithful friendship and keep their pride. I came here to defeat the enemy who insult such the people. I came here to encourage hurt persons. I do not want to play house with evil hijackers. I came here to defend the Western gamers, gaming and whole the Videogame culture.

I’m passing through GG. It is the next step. And I will start a new project that is more hard-core, and more freely.

roninworks appreciate many nice people in GamerGate!!


ByDhanshark[twitter] in Roninworks  

Please let me explain this case to all you kind person who try to care us and do good things for gaming culture. I state our roninworks opinion as a representative of the fringe persons around GamerGate. We are gamers and creators in Japan. This must be the last time I use #GamerGate tag. This is not result of a point less drama on the internet.

In this case we leave GG, it did not caused by we roninworks regard all GG people as terrible persons. We’ve seen some tweets roninworks should avoid rash judgment. They tell that most of GG are decent people. We roninworks agree that is fact. However, we need to conclude that we leave here as we take the point of view of an organization theory.

Of couse, GG is only tag, not any organization. But the joining people are regarded as the one groupe because of being the name of “GamerGate”.And then, there is those terrible persons under the same name.

Very the persons abuse the thing regarding as if there were the one groupe. If we do something to help gaming culture, they also use the outcome while they keep insulting us. There is possibility of their abusings the outcome, too. The _icze4r’s insulting is only a part of reason for our leaving.RSG_VILLENA’s behaviour means more important problem. (I guess RSG_VILLENA is the Roguestar. However, I still don’t have perfect self-confidence about that.)

I had respected him. He had said “raisit!” against SJW’s unfair treating for us non- native speakers. But, in this time, he ignored the _icze4r’s insulting in front of him. Nor was that all, he appealed to his hangers‐on by retweet _icze4r’s insulting. 

I explained with detail after preparering in the next day because I was worried about there could be something misunderstanding. I told him I had wanted to explain the attitude causing self‐imposed control relating censorship. The attitude has caused many invisible censorship in Japan. It had seemed for me he would have obeyed the dangerous attitude while he lives in the West. 


However, He said me “I’m not in Japan.” I can understand that means “non of your business” in that context, at least. “His” GamerGate doesn’t need Japanese. 


RSG_VILLENA also retweeted _icze4r’s insulting. _icze4r had said next phrase.“this person does not know english and they insisit on talking to me”“so it’s like being fed a visual novel” RSG_VILLENA had retweeted that.

I’ve never done any actions as fun or joke, in play or in fun, at GamerGate. So, that retweet appeal was very the action insulting me. I argued that with explanation. RSG_VILLENA only answered next phrase. “you should stop treating words on the internet this seriously”“Its just twitter, nothing personal”


I was insulted again. He never intend to treat me honestly. What is different from action which the developer has done with a Sock puppet ignoring gamers serious claiming? They are birds of a feather.

Originally, the GamerGate’s virtue was that all people who love gaming culture could do everything for it in cooperation with each other. So, there shouldn’t be any sense of exclusive privilege. However, there are e-celeb communities in GamerGate. They ignore fringe persons. They are just like “miniature KOTAKUs”.

Okakura pointed out their temperament as “They carry a class society in”.
This pointing out is based on Haniya Yutaka’s one in order to point out problem in a quondam Japanese social movement. The way or sence to discriminate, as GG or not GG, e-celeb or not e-celeb, else. This is against the GamerGate’s virtue.

However, Actually GG leave them loose. This fact proves we have not achieved success of the GamerGate’s virtue even in GamerGate. I already can’t go along with GG which includes the persons who don’t have the GamerGate’s virtue.

When I do something to help GG, they also can behave with discrimination using my outcome under the name of GG. My outcome may be abused to attack for persons who are innocent. Not only for me, every you good persons’ outcome can be abused under the name of GamerGate. As a result, that will harm the all liberalistic.

Then, I have to make a confession. To tell the truth, when I had belonged to some comunity around a culture, I had tolerated being persons who have sence of discrimination. As the result, I had taken part in harming the good culture. The culture got ruined and never recovered forever. I’m not a good man you expect at all. I helped the usurpers.

Okakura pointed out it and got me be aware of my guilt. So, actually, I’m not angry at _icze4r’s insulting, of couse I didn’t feel good. I don’t have qualification for getting angry for the insult.

I’m certainly “a bloody caveman”. However, I have reason for my action also in order to make compensation for my guilt. So, I’ll never repeat making mistake about that again. Therefore, I don’t forgive the terrible persons.

Precisely, there will happen actions of vandalism for gaming culture under the name of GamerGate. So, we roninworks have concluded that supporting GameGate doesn’t always mean helping gaming culture after this. Additionally, we have to say GG has the task preventing vandalism under the name of GG.

However, we roninworks is only a small grope made of the fringe persons and we can’t use English well and not a famous developer. We don’t have any power to correct the course of GG. So, we judge we should act for gaming culture by our independent way, from out of GamerGate. This conclusion dosn’t mean that we leave action for helping gaming culture. Roninworks still stay here. And we will be still gamers and creators in Japan. Actually, Okakura has already prepared for writing on the future problems around gaming culture and GG, and then, what we should do for the problems.

P.S. I’ve seen the terrible persons pretend that this problem was a only minor trouble caused by language barrier. This using a mean trick is the representation of problems in GameGate. Please think about the issue of all you in GamerGate.

