#garden update


I tried growing several varieties of tomatoes this year. I think I found some favorites and also some I might not grow again:

I grew Sungold, Carbon, Coastal Pride Orange, Mohamed, Patio, Big Russian Roma, Black Sea Man, Solar Flare, Pink Berkeley Tie Dye, Dwarf Hannah’s Prize

The dwarf Hannah’s prize germinated poorly and the seedlings were really wimpy. Better luck next time?

Sungold: Very productive! Nice sweet cherry bursting with juice. It isn’t a fussy plant but does need pruning. Would plant again!

Carbon: It fruits late but it is already August and it has produced nothing. Leaves are enormous and it is very charismatic. I would try it one more time.

Coastal Pride Orange: A fantastic dwarf variety. Nice bright flavor and pretty great amount of fruit!

Mohammed: Dwarf variety. Cute and small but the tomatoes and very flavorless…I probably wouldn’t plant it again.

Patio: Dwarf hybrid? Slightly better fruit than Mohammed but it’s just ok. I would plant something else.

Pink Berkeley Tie Dye: Heirloom hybrid. I think it is struggling in the pot but the tomato flavor is very good! Would plant again under different conditions.

Solar Flare: Heirloom hybrid. It appeared to struggle but it has two fruit. Hopefully they taste good!

Black Sea Man: Good flavor and decently productive! One of my first to fruit.

Russian Big Roma: THEY ARE BIG. I didn’t get to try them though since we were traveling while they ripened. They exploded when we got home. Too ripe…

Next year I think I will plant extra cherry tomatoes since they do well here. For now, I’ll thin out some seed packets and start planting my fall Rutabagas.

Really impressed by this eggplant variety: Fairytale.

So many blooms and fruits!

A few months of growth. The cucumbers are starting to produce regularly and the tomatoes are coming in!
