#gathering all writers



Hello. We need to ask you something pretttyyy important.



Ugh this sucks.


As you know the pandemic has proper knackered arts orgs and artists all over the shop and that, unfortunately, includes us. For the last 18 months, we’ve been unable to run our live events safely and, honestly? It’s left a huge hole in our beeswax. Add to the nightmare with the cowboy web developers and things at Writers’ HQ are a little on the precarious side.

Recently the Arts Council decided we weren’t allowed to apply for the Culture Recovery Fund because we asked for both too much and too little (we don’t understand either)*. We have absolutely maxed out all available credit and aren’t eligible for any of the other covid support packages and eeesh it has left us in a very bum-clenchy situation.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have run hundreds of free online workshops and courses for writers stuck in covid hell and worked our little butts off to make sure no one missed out on the community they needed during the weird-ass timeline we forked into in early 2020.

Last year, we awarded over 20 bursaries to systemically excluded writers, ran 312 webinars and workshops and saw our writers rack up over 200 publications and 50 longlistings, shortlistings and competition wins. One longlist had TEN Writers’ HQers on it, and one anthology featured SEVEN of you writerly maniacs.

But it’s not just about the publications. It’s about DOING THE WORK and hoo boy have our writers worked their arses off. We’ve seen ‘em rack up those words, complete first drafts, fifth drafts, synopses, queries, collections, scripts, poems, a billion pieces of flash fiction, non-fiction, articles, journals, MA applications, podcasts, spoken word performances, self-published manuscripts, NaNoWriMo drafts and, most important of all, you’ve posted an endless stream of support and feedback on our forum, celebrating wins and rejections alike.

We love Writers’ HQ and we know it’s an important place for so many writers and we are determined that we won’t be scuppered at the final twist of the pandemic shitfight.

tl;dr: Writers’ HQ is really in the shits right now and if you have the resources to help us continue supporting writers across the world, we would very much appreciate it. We’re not a mega corp that can suck up the losses of the last 18 months. Writers’ HQ is a labour of love run by Sarah and Jo and Natalie (and Poppy and the rest of the amazing workshop team) from their living rooms because we believe the writing of stories should be accessible to everyone regardless of ability, class, neurodiversity or wealth, not just the rarified types normally allowed by the publishing gatekeepers.

So. If you can, there are three ways you can help us right now:


Not only does your monthly sub give you access to like the best writing community and courses and workshops in the ENTIRE WORLD EVER PLUS ONE but it really is the best way to support us right now, and it helps us to continue offering plenty o’ free stuff for those who need the free stuff.

Get your membership here >>


Our bursary pot helps us to give systemically excluded writers access to all our writing resources.

Top up the pot here >>


Don’t keep us to yourselves! We’re too good to be a secret! Tell everyone you know about Writers’ HQ and let them see for themselves what awesome-sauceome writerly goodies we have to offer. If you have a website, please consider putting a link on it pointing to us, or just spam your friends demanding they check us out.

Thank you thank you we love you love you love you x
