


Are you a fan of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney? Have any songwriting experience? Dying to hear the Gavinners perform the encore they always deserved?

In which case, the Apollo Justice Musical Project are looking for you! We were formerly at @ajmusical, but we’ve taken on a new lease of life and are ready to actually accomplish something this time around open up applications for additional writers! This includes songwriters (if you’re a fan of the music), as well as scriptwriters (if plain old words are more your thing) - although we are mainly looking for songwriters, because it’s just Sval doing that right now. (I’m Sval. It’s a lot.) We’re only looking at the first two cases right now, but you’re welcome to join if you’ll want to work on the other two further down the line!

We are (obviously) unrelated to Capcom, and are affiliated with Turnabout Musical, although we are not run by the same people. This is equally a passion project, and so money will not be changing hands. If you’d like to send in an application, you can head here to get started!

(NOTE: We are not looking for voice actors at this stage!)


A sketch I’m not really happy with it so I don’t think I will color it
