#gay gainer

Morning belly mountain!My work place has thrown a BBQ party yesterday and co-workers chose me to man

Morning belly mountain!

My work place has thrown a BBQ party yesterday and co-workers chose me to man the grill.

I was eating of the grill and gorged myself like there is no tomorrow. Someone even said I look like I am eating for two at the time I was finished.

I packed so much food into that ball gut that some guests did not have any burgers left for them and somehow it made me feel so proud and manly. 

I ended up sitting  back with a beer on my swollen gut and a toothpick between my teeth, slapping that tight huge round stuffed ball belly and letting out loud burps, like a king.



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i no longer recognize my body

2020 vs 2022

what do you think ?

Watch me as I grow, with before, and later comparisons. First pic 145 lbs, last pic 203lbs.


and to round out the day, some after-dinner belly. lotta panda express packed into this gut, and I’ll finish it off with some boost

Really amazing and nice guy! Dreaming to rub his belly…

Hey from my new job. ヽ(´・ω・`)、

I’m not dead, and I also got a new mirror. :3)

Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great one this year. ✨



More. More. MORE.

Your upper body was V-shaped when all this started. Now you’re becoming      A-shaped as your belly and everything else gets well padded. Your pecs held up for a while, but now they’re sagging moobs. Love handles are wide, too.

