
Zanthos on his riding lizard.Our Eberron party accidentally wandered into the Underdark - the way yo

Zanthos on his riding lizard.

Our Eberron party accidentally wandered into the Underdark - the way you do - and came across this intelligent gelatinous cube riding on top of a platform covered with slime and fungus, on the back of a large lizard. Zanthos warbled incoherently at us through different languages until it landed on Dwarven and could finally talk to us, and then bent our ears back asking about everything. Its best friend is an illithid, who gave Zanthos the lizard and platform, so Zanthos could move faster and accost even more people with questions.

In my mind, Zanthos is the color of orange Kool-aid. Inside, he has a set of tea cups for sharing with friends, and the bones of some unfortunate (although already dead!) bodies he cleans up in the Underdark caverns.

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tabletopresources: ooze by htkpehCheck out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools


ooze by htkpeh

Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!

Digging this style of ooze. Very shoggoth-esque.

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