
Just thought I’d share this neat example of pleochroism. It’s a sapphire crystal from Ma

Just thought I’d share this neat example of pleochroism. It’s a sapphire crystal from Madagascar which I just recently noticed is considerably greener when viewed edge-on. This isn’t unusual with corundum (and quite a few other gemstones for that matter), but the color difference here seemed striking enough to make a little post about it.
#sapphire #crystal #pleochroism #geology #rockhound #fossicking #gems #gemstone #dichroic #corundum #gemrough #mineralspecimen #madagascar

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Just posted some new peridot (forsterite) crystal listings to Etsy. Follow the link in my bio if int

Just posted some new peridot (forsterite) crystal listings to Etsy. Follow the link in my bio if interested :)
#gemstones #gemrough #peridot #forsterite #rockhound #ludwigite #geology #nature #minerals #etsy #gems #olivine #mineralspecimen #green #sourapple #jollyrancher #candy #wirewrap #jewelry #jewelrymaking #jeweler

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