#gender fluid


Requested by anon: do you think you could do a fic where draco malfoy meets a girl in a class and he really likes her but then the next week he meets a boy in the same class and really likes him and he’s really torn up between them but it turns out it is the same person but their genderfluid

bisexual!Draco x gender-fluid!reader where Draco meets them at a party as a boy and falls in love but meets them in the dining hall as a girl and falls in love and he is torn between them but it turns out to be the same gender-fluid person and it ends in some fluffy kissing maybe.

Word count: 1,868

Warnings: None.

A/N: As you may know, I am not genderfluid nor do I know any genderfluid person (like in real life), so this one was hard. I tried to investigate as much as I could but I can’t promise that it will be just right. So I’d be very thankful if you could give me some feedback about this cuz all I want is for everyone here to feel included and I want to do it right. With that being said:



Bells were tolling, marking the end of the first period and thus the start of the second period. The students changed classrooms quickly, chatting as fast and loud as possible before they had to be quiet again.

Draco walked with his head down. Not wanting to talk to anyone, he tried his best to look unavailable. He had gotten into a fight with his friends; they expected things from that he just wasn’t comfortable with and so he was alone.

His second period class was Potions. His head teacher, Professor Snape, was well aware of the situation between Draco, Crabbe and Goyle and so he announced he’d be assigning the seats for the class.

Everyone but Draco complained. He knew Professor Snape did it for him and was silently thankful for that.

Professor Snape started pairing people who “had the same level and understanding in Magic”, so Draco figured he would be paired up with Hermione Granger. He was okay with the idea, he actually admired her and maybe that was his chance to let her know… Since he wasn’t hanging with his usual friends, maybe, just maybe, he could change a bit.

However, Miss Granger got paired up with a girl from Ravenclaw. Harry Potter got paired up with some girl from Hufflepuff, and the Weasley boy got paired up with the kid that makes everything explode.

Who would he be paired up with?

“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)” Professor Snape called, “your partner will be Draco Malfoy.”

Draco looked back at the person Professor Snape had called. It was a very nice looking girl from (Y/HH).

The girl approached shyly at first, but once she put her books on the table she started gaining confidence.

Draco couldn’t help but to be amused with how agile she was with potions. She solved problems like once blows dust from an old book, and prepared potions as if they were tea. She was skilled to say the least, but she was also nice.

Draco thought for a second that she’d hate on him. It would’ve been justified since he was usually a narcissistic brat, that one rich kid no one stands, and he genuinely didn’t talk to anyone but his friends and often to Potter and his friends (but that was just to be mean). Why was she nice?

They finished the first potion rather quickly. Not even Granger and her partner did so by the time they were done, so they had a couple minutes to chat.

“I like your hair,” Draco said. He knew how to make people like him; he just figured he’d never need such skills before.

“Thanks,” she replied with a sincere smile.

“I feel like it’s… different,” he continued, “I feel like anyone could pull it off but not really.” The girl tilted her cute face to a side, not knowing if it was a compliment or not, “do you think I could pull it off?”

She laughed and shook her head.

“You might be right, that kind of hairstyle is only for cool people.”

“You think I’m cool?” She asked.

“I think you’re different and, from where I stand, that’s the equivalent of being cool.”

She blushed slightly and thanked him with a whisper.

“I think you’re cool when you are not with your bully friends.”

“I don’t think I’ll be around them much often then,” Draco stated and they giggled. “No, but really, I think you’re very nice.”

“You’re very straightforward, Mr Malfoy.” She stepped back a little.

“Mr Malfoy is my father, and though he will hear about this,” he joked, “I actually would like it very much if you just called me Draco.”

“Okay… I’m (Y/N)” she stretched her hand and Draco shook it with his.

The instructions for the second potion were given almost right after that, and they finished it quickly between laughs and a nice chat. The third one was a bit harder, so Draco, who was absolutely focused, didn’t have the opportunity to continue talking to her.

When the bell rang once again, she was gone without a trace. Lost among hordes of talkative children.

He wanted to find her, she was nice and a good person to begin with. He could show how much of a good guy he was if given the chance and she had given it to him. But how could he find her?

The school was too big, the hallways were too loud, and though he knew her name he was too shy and proud to just go around asking everyone for her. No, he didn’t want to seem desperate.

“Are you coming?” a kid from the Slytherin quidditch team asked. Draco was sitting alone at the common room.


“To the Halloween party,” the kid replied as if it were obvious.

“Oh, yes, I just need to get dressed,” Draco replied. The party was the perfect place to find the girl, or at least to try and find her because he wasn’t sure she’d be there.

He got dressed all in black and went upstairs.

The stairs, the Entrance, and the Great Hall were all filled with people. Kids from all years and houses along with the teacher and Hogwarts’s ghosts chatted excitedly as traditional music played on the background.

The tables were fully served with tons of different options, from snacks to main dishes, and floating pumpkins ornamented the ceiling. It was truly a magnificent view.

Draco had always liked the castle. He thought of it as an architectural masterpiece that was wasted as a school when it might as well be a museum of magic. Of course, he was partly thankful it was that school because he could live in the castle. But nonetheless, he felt like such beauty could be used in a better way.

The minutes passed and the nice girl from Potions call was nowhere to be seen.

“You lost something?” A soft voice called.

Draco’s heart rushed as he looked behind his back, only to find a tiny boy with a red costume.

“What are you dressed up as?” Draco inquired.

The boy looked down to his outfit and shrugged. “It’s supposed to be a dragon, but I really can’t see it.”

Draco nodded and looked to the sides, in search of the girl.

“What are you dressed up as?” The boy asked him.

“A wizard,” Draco replied and the boy scoffed.

“Wow” the boy said in a sarcastic tone, “you are so cool, oh my God.”

Draco chuckled and finally focused his attention on the boy.

“I didn’t have a costume,” he explained. “And I did lose something.”

“Maybe I can help you find it.”

“I lost a girl. Her name is (Y/N),” Draco told him, “do you know her?”

“I do,” the boy said, “we’re close, actually.”

“Where is she?”

“She’s not coming,” the boy said. “So I guess you’re stuck with me now.”

Draco frowned, not entirely understanding that jump of logic. But hey, he was trying new things after all so he agreed.

The night went by rather quickly by the boy’s side. He was charming, chill, and so funny. It was no wonder to Draco that the boy and (Y/N) could be close friends, as a matter of fact, they could’ve been twins and Draco would’ve believed it. They were too similar, even physically.

“I think you’re a cool kid, Draco Malfoy,” the boy said.

“You too,” Draco replied. They were at the bridge that led to the boat house, far away from the actual party.

“You know?” The boy said, “I am quite impulsive sometimes and…” Suddenly, the boy pecked Draco’s lips.

At first, Draco was shocked. He didn’t expect a kiss from that boy but, once that first shock passed, he couldn’t help but to melt in his lips.

He felt like he was somehow cheating on the girl, but also not really. It felt right, it felt like they belonged together.

They kissed and kissed for what felt like an eternal instant and then the boy pulled away.

“I hope you liked it,” he said.

“I did,” Draco replied and tried to kiss him again but the boy stepped back.

“I hope you can learn to like me as I am,” he continued. Draco tilted his head, not entirely understanding what he meant.

The midnight bell tolled.

“Better get going,” the boy said.

“Why?” Draco asked.

“Cinderella’s spell will break.”

Draco shrugged, not understanding what he meant by that, as the boy ran back to his dorm.

A whole week passed and Draco hadn’t seen either the boy or the girl. He was confused to say the least, and quite frankly he was sad and alone again.

Crabbe and Goyle seemed to be better off without him, so he didn’t even bother in trying to make peace with them. Instead, he decided to embrace his solitude.

He would spend every afternoon hidden near the Black Lake. He’d sit under a tree and read whatever he had available, and just get lost in the calm sounds of nature.

The last day of the week, while he was dozing off to the sound of birds, he heard branches breaking. He wasn’t going to pay much attention to that. Lots of kids went out to that side of the forest to play with their friends, they couldn’t be much bother.

He closed his eyes again and got lost in the memory of those eyes, both the boy and the girl had amazing (Y/E/C) eyes, and their smile was so big and warm, and their voices were soft, and their hair… They had almost the same hairstyle.

Draco opened his eyes again, only to find those same eyes staring at him.

“Hi,” they said.

“Hi,” Draco greeted, his own eyes were wide.

“Long time no see,” they joked and Draco nodded.

“So… this is me,” they said. “I know it might be weird… I don’t know if you’re into… Or if I’m being pushy, or…”

“No,” Draco stated. “Not at all… Pushy, I mean. You’re not pushy.”

They smiled.

“So you finally understood who I am?”

Draco smiled back at them and smiled warmly.

“Do you think you can handle it?”

“I think I don’t have to handle anything because it’s not really an issue to handle,” Draco said and their smile widened so much all of their teeth were visible, and their cheeks blushed and they just radiated joy that was so contagious even Draco started blushing.

“I just wished you had told me from the beginning,” Draco mumbled after a couple minutes.

“What’s the fun in that?” They giggled.

Draco giggled too and looked down shyly. He had never felt this way before. He could never be vulnerable, or nice, or sweet with any other friend so he wasn’t sure how to proceed.

“This is the part where you kiss me,” they said, dragging Draco out of his mind.


“This is the part where you kiss me.”

“Oh damn, you’re right.”

And so, Draco touched her face softly, and gently pulled her closer to his lips. Yes, those were the lips he had kissed before and they were probably the lips he’d be kissing for a long time after.


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Forever Tags: @myfriendmagislit@pureawesomeness001@bingewatchingmylifegoby@cutie1365@wonderwinchester

Harry Potter Universe Tags: @shadyladyperfection
