#genshin albedo


Impasta……..Anyways Hi the event fed me so well I went hyperdrive mode and painted him™

the girls wanted to bring their big brothers to their play date

Kamisato Ayato

Please like or reblog if you like my work!

Thank you so much for the support and stay safe!

This is my first fanart for genshin and literally have no idea that it’s Ayato’s birthday to where I live today

Anyways, I hope all Ayato wanters will be havers!!!!

Just Albedo smiling.

That’s it. That’s the post.

apologies for the radio silence folks, not sure if any of my tumblr followers like genshin but eh worth a shot here’s some sketches

Okay so I couldn’t find him but I did check my old lab and found a note he left for me.

Apparently he finished item 8 on the list (dissolve a 5 inch x 5 inch x 5 inch cube of concrete in 2 seconds or less without using alkahest) meaning he’s now 4 items ahead of me. He’s moving on to item 6 (compress a tremendous amount of elemental energy into a small object) and I’m now starting to regret choosing to do number 48 (create some form of artificial god or god-like being)

Actually I’m gonna go look for Subject 2 now. Hopefully won’t take too long.

Sucrose added “do not do anything that gets the archons to attempt to destroy your lab and all your research” to my list of Things I Shouldn’t Do and, just like everything else on the list, I see that as a challenge

Despite being evil, I’m still great at sketching

Despite being great at sketching, hands are so fucking hard to draw

Okay maybe trying to make an artificial god was a bad idea after all. This is practically impossible. And also very dangerous.

I guess I have to apologize to Sucrose now or something

Stole a ton of wine for the Anemo Archon. Hopefully Master Diluc won’t mind.

Apparently, you don’t need to channel divine power in order to make a god-like being, you only need divine power for a true god

Also, a god-like being can either rely on the elements or use any kind of non-elemental power, but can’t use physical damage? He refused to tell me anything else unless I gave him more wine, and I’m not sure Diluc will be very happy if I keep stealing from him.

got a new stylus!! it’s so slippery to draw on the phone but anyway Albedo Nya
