#genshin impact memes



childe enjoyers:



POV: something happened in Mondstadt and the knights of favonius are making their way downtown

@historia-antiqua you’re absolutely right, how could I forget chief alchemist Albedo. Let me fix my mistakes.

So now I have c2 Qiqi, c2 Mona, Diluc, Keqing, two weapons AND NO JEAN

Mihoyo tell me, what have I done to deserve this

I posted it a while ago on my tik tok but I feel like it’s relevant again, so I’m posting it here too

(well not all its fault but shhh)

Just Albedo smiling.

That’s it. That’s the post.

about the fatui harbingers

can’t believe teyvats being taken over by a bunch of edgy theatre kids

assassin childe/operator scaramouche au.. what could possibly go wrong
