#genshin impact jean x reader


A/N: hi!!! its been a while lol T-T sorry i’ve been so inactive school has been kind of hard lol but i wanna start writing more consistently!!! i’m gonna try to post two fics this month so look forwards to that!!! i hope you’re doing well and hope you enjoy ;0

Warnings: allusions to injury, just Jean being soft

Word Count: 510

Summary: “love is always better - when we take time to get back to who we are - when we are apart - distance makes the heart grow” - “Distance” by Emily King

Jean Gunnhildr X Reader (GN)

The promise of correspondence has been kept, on both accounts. Normally once a month, sometimes twice if either of them weren’t too busy. Letters with wax seals, and cursive sent to the Adventurer’s Guild. A welcome reprieve from the fighting and the quests. Letters stained with dirt and the occasionally pressed dandelion were sent to the Acting Grandmaster’s office, a sight that always made Jean breathe a sigh of relief. Some days, when the weight on both their shoulders grew too heavy, an extra gift would be sent. A new set of gloves for Jean, a new recipe for the Adventurer to make. Reminders, so no matter what went on in their lives, there was someone there waiting for a reply. A sign to know that someone cared. 

Opening their presents was one of Jean’s favorite parts of the day, next to greeting the stray dog that wandered outside the Knight’s headquarters. They always had something snarky to say, a story to tell, or an ominous message of trouble along the horizon. This letter was no different. “…And then I summoned my weapon, and by pure luck managed to strike the creature right between its eyes. Quite the battle of I say do myself,” they had written. Jean can imagine their hands moving as they talk, much like the first time the pair met. “But I hope you’re doing well. Send your sister my regards, and thank you for the spare Mora. All my love…” Neatly signed at the bottom, their signature, with a small drawing of a hilichurl at the bottom. 

Suppressing a smile, Jean sets the letter aside, glancing at the gift they sent. A picture they took, no larger than a journal. It was a portrait of them, holding up the bag of Mora Barbara had sent, a large smile on their face. Jean couldn’t help but stare. Though they were covered in scratches, a small bandage over their cheek, she thought they looked stunning. Jean didn’t think it was possible to articulate how much their letter brought up her spirits. Being the Acting Grandmaster was no easy job, but at least her life wasn’t in constant danger, a stark contrast to their profession. Not that Jean’s life wasn’t exciting, the citizens of Mondstadt made sure of that, but the energy that emanated from their letters was a welcome change from the other large stack of papers she had to read. Requests from other countries, diplomacy with the Fatui, commissions from townsfolk, all of it ended up in her mailbox. These letters, however, were always delivered with colored paper, sometimes torn in the corners or singed, but always smelling of rainfall. A respite Jean never knew she needed. 

It was a nice relationship they shared, one with no definite label, not that either of them minded. The lack of pretense helped them be more genuine, and Jean supposed that was one of the things that drew them closer. It was peaceful. 

Many say distance makes you feel more fond of someone, and Jean would have to agree. 
