#genshin impact x reader


How has no one, NO ONE, considered “Learn to Meow (EDM Remix)”inGenshin Impact???? Like THISwithXiao,Diona, and Keqing




Childe, Zhongli, Xiao x gn!Reader

A/N: this is my first time writing in hc style and writing for childe and zhongli at all. i hope i did a good job! school keeps me busy, so this is actually an old piece that was meant to be part of something bigger lol,, figured i should post it since it’s been so long. please enjoy! :)

warnings: none


word count: 1.7k

How they show their love.

  • Ever since he was young, Childe’s life has been centered around fighting and improving his skills in battle. There was no time left for him to think about dating and such, so when you walked into his life it was completely unexpected. It was a surprise, yes, but a warmly welcomed one. Childe knew the moment he met you that there was something special between the two of you.
  • Childe is a family man with a painfully obvious soft spot for the people he loves. Whether it’s recounting the thrilling tales of his travels in a letter, paired with crates of foreign snacks and toys for his siblings back home in Snezhnaya, or hiding the darker side of himself from younger brother, Childe is always thinking about how he can make the people he loves happy. Even if the 11th Harbinger’s methods aren’t always commendable, he’s acting in what he believes to be the best interest of his family—and this includes you, as well. At first, Childe would probably treat you similarly to Teucer, trying to hide the Fatui side of himself and only show you the seemingly innocent, carefree boy that he initially appears to be.
  • Since you’re most likely his first romantic partner, Childe hasn’t had much experience with expressing his love. It’s there, for sure, but the only way he’s shown it in the past is through caring for his siblings. Using that experience as a basis, he shows his love through helping you with chores and making dinner for the two of you. Childe has a lot of energy, so he doesn’t mind spending some of it to clean your apartment or run a few errands. He wants to relieve your stress as much as possible and keep that cute smile on your face at all times! While he’s out, he might also buy you a gift or two if he thinks you’ll like it—he certainly has the money to spare. It’ll make his day if he can catch you off-guard by sneaking up behind you and trapping you in a bear hug. The laugh you let out is like an angel’s song, only triumphed by the kiss you give him as a ‘thanks’ for the presents.
  • Childe takes his promises seriously. He vows to keep the promise, no matter how impossible it may seem. Anything you ask of him, consider it done. He has the raw power and status to get you anything you want, no matter how big or small. You needed to buy some medicine from Bubu Pharmacy today? Consider it done already. Childe caught your eyes lingering on an outfit displayed outside a merchant’s stall? It’s yours. Some dude gave you a hard time on your way home? You’ll never have to worry about him again. Childe would even steal the sun from the sky if you so much as complained about the heat.
  • Your relationship makes the 11th Harbinger really happy, but the longer it goes on, the harder it becomes for him to conceal his crazier, bloodthirsty side from you. It’s simply an undeniable part of who Childe is. You’ll know that you have Childe’s complete trust when he allows you to see his battle-hungry nature—when he doesn’t feel the need to hide who he is from you anymore. Please, don’t be afraid of him or treat him any differently than usual. Although he may not be as innocent as he wanted you to believe, the goofy, childlike part of him is still completely authentic. The cherry on top would be if you sparred with him. Regardless of your skill level, Childe will go easy on you (but he probably won’t let you win).
  • It is inevitable that Zhongli has felt some form of love throughout the thousands of years he’s spent in Teyvat, but he has remained alone for the most recent ones. Preoccupied with guiding his nation, romantic love has not been something on his mind whatsoever. Once he stepped down from his position as the Geo Archon, however, Zhongli found himself with quite a lot of time on his hands. You entered his life at such a perfect time that he couldn’t help but wonder if Celestia had sent you on purpose.
  • Money has never been a concern of Zhongli’s as people usually paid on his behalf. With you, however, Zhongli wants to be a gentleman, so he’ll pay for you when he can. Zhongli is chronically broke, so that doesn’t actually happen very often. He makes up for the lack of gifts and paid-for dates with his stories! Physical gifts don’t hold as much value as memories do in his eyes, so your time together is often spent sharing random trivia and stories. Zhongli loves seeing you smile while listening to him talk—whether he’s sharing facts about the best environment for various flora or one of his many stories from the Archon War, it makes him exceptionally happy to see you engaging with him.
  • Although most people think Zhongli is knowledgeable on every subject, this is not exactly the case. With time, human emotions have become somewhat foreign to the retired Geo Archon. It’s not that Zhongli is clueless about them, but his naturally courteous disposition keeps him away from their more complex emotions. He charms nearly everyone he interacts with, so he’s never on the receiving end of an argument (and people know there’s no reason to argue since Zhongli would most likely win anyways). If you become upset with him, he probably won’t understand why at first, and his obliviousness would make you even more frustrated. It might take a little bit of time for Zhongli to understand where he’s lacking, so just be patient with him—he’ll try his best to readjust to human emotions and understand yours properly.
  • One of Zhongli’s favorite things to do with you is walk around Liyue. Yes, it’s relatively simple and may not be the most romantic thing you can think of, but it’s something Zhongli really treasures doing with you. He loves browsing the merchant stands during the day, and watching the lively harbor during the night, and revisiting the abandoned ruins that have deep history with his own past, and he loves doing it all with you by his side. Sharing his past with you is important to Zhongli, but he finds himself even happier creating new memories with you in the present.
  • Rex Lapis goes by many names, but his most prominent title is the God of Contracts. Zhongli created contracts to govern the people of Liyue and provide stability for the nation; contracts are what allow Liyue’s commerce to flourish in the first place. There are only two things spared from the supreme authority of these contracts: relationships and emotions. Such concepts cannot be defined by contracts. When Zhongli allows himself to abandon the rule of equivalent exchange—a rule he has enforced and followed for thousands of years—it is his ultimate display of love for you. When he is able to completely give himself to you, regardless of what you offer in return, you know Zhongli is absolutely smitten.
  • Love is a very new, very strange thing to Xiao. He hasn’t felt love for someone in thousands of years—if ever—so he’s rather hesitant when it comes to expressing his feelings. It takes a lot of time and patience to let Xiao adjust to your relationship; this is all new territory for him, especially after centuries of closing his heart off from everyone and everything. You are someone he cherishes greatly if he is willing to accept your feelings and openly return them.
  • Xiao is extremely protective of you because keeping you safe from harm is the only thing he’s confident in himself to do. He knows how to treat himself like a weapon, but can’t make sense of “human emotions” or comfort you in the ways he’d like to. Xiao feels guilty and incompetent over his lack of human understanding sometimes, so make sure you reassure him often. It’s up to you to help him understand your feelings better, along with his own.
  • Since the only physical contact Xiao’s experienced for years is violence, he’s definitely awkward when it comes to touching you. It takes a while for him to warm up to your touch, but once he does, he finds himself craving it more and more each time. When you intertwine your fingers, leaving no space between your palm and his, or gently cup his cheek with your hand and stroke the side of his face, Xiao feels the weight of his karmic debt lessen. After being with you for some time, he can’t help but seek out your touch more frequently, and may even initiate it first.
  • When the two of you spend time together, it’s always at the Wangshu Inn since it’s the only place near humans that Xiao feels comfortable—though, he still stays out of their sight most of the time. He feels you’ll become bored if you only spend time with him on the Inn’s balcony, so once he trusts you enough, he allows you to drag take him into Liyue Harbor and other urban places on dates. The first time you went out to Liyue Harbor together, Xiao was extremely tense and loomed behind you the entire time. None of the usually friendly merchants greeted you when you walked by—they were all too frightened by your bodyguard’s threatening expression. After a few more trips, Xiao loosened up (to some extent) on these dates and even began commenting on the “useless objects” being sold by vendors. Xiao admittedly enjoyed himself on these outings, but still preferred the dates you spent out in Liyue’s meadows a bit more.
  • The way you’ll really know you have the Yaksha’s heart, however, is when he begins to show his vulnerable side to you. Xiao does everything in his power to keep you away from the most negative parts of himself, he would rather you didn’t see him bearing the price of his past. He knows his corruption is ugly and leaves him in a much more frightening state than you’re used to. He wants to leave you out of his responsibilities, so when Xiao appears in front of you, desperate for your comfort during an especially bad attack, it is his indirect way of telling you, “I trust you more than anyone else.” He trusts you enough to involve you in what is his burden alone, so make sure you stay by his side for as long as he needs. You are the only thing that can free Xiao from his perpetual fight against himself.

Xiao x gn!Reader

A/N:no, i won’t succumb to tsun xiao brainrot…i won’t do it…tsun xiao…no.. it’s too strong….will i ever write a piece where the plot isn’t cuddling anymore? tbd.



word count: 1k

summary:Dreams allow us to indulge our innermost desires, often unattainable in reality. But what happens when real life turns out to be better than the world of sleep?

Strands of dark teal hair gently kissed the sides of your cheeks as Xiao hovered above you. Trapped between his sturdy arms, you were left with no other choice but to succumb to his gaze. You lost yourself in his bright golden eyes, which stared deeply into your own; every secret that was etched into your soul was laid bare for him to read. Electricity sparked through your veins from the raw intensity of Xiao’s emotions—emotions that weren’t spoken aloud but shown through his actions.


Your heart raced as he shifted his legs, which were straddling your body beneath his. A breathy sigh left Xiao’s lips. His muscular shoulders flexed as he leaned his face down, separating your faces by mere inches. You could clearly see the soft pink blush that dusted his cheeks. Half-lidded eyes held the same fervor from seconds ago but had now become unfocused and hazy, lost in some unidentifiable emotion. You felt his hot breath tickle your nose, causing a warmth to erupt in your stomach.


Xiao filled your senses entirely; you hadn’t a clue as to what was happening around you. All you could do was close your eyes in anticipation as he began to close the distance between your bodies.

Just before you could welcome any contact on your lips, a particularly cold breeze roused you from your dream. Your brain groggily processed your surroundings. The crisp night sky above you was marked with thousands of stars and the ethereal light of the moon. Celestial bodies replaced the passionate, honey-colored eyes from earlier. You groaned out in frustration, now aware of your disappointing reality, and began to longingly rub the sleep from your eyes. 

“You’re finally awake. Hmph.”

The sudden voice made you shoot upright, which you instantly regretted. You found yourself face to face with the very man you had such an embarrassing dream about. Xiao wore his usual stolid expression as he sat next to you on the Wangshu Inn’s balcony. He rested one arm on his bent knee and used the other to support himself. After a few seconds, you were able to connect the dots and realized what had happened.

“Xiao?! D-Did I… Was I sleeping on your lap just now?”

Xiao scoffed in response.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. Using the privileges granted to you by an adeptus—an illuminated Guardian Yaksha, nonetheless—in such a strange fashion. You mortals are truly unbelievable,” he scolded. The hesitant, confused look on your face prompted him to elaborate further. “You… were calling my name in your sleep.”

Burning shame spread across your face like a wildfire and set your features ablaze. You jumped up from the ground and nearly tripped while trying to put distance between yourself and Xiao. In a poor attempt to escape the situation, you hid your embarrassed face in your hands.

“Oh my gods, I am so, sosorry, Xiao. I had no idea—I promise you, I would never do that on purpose,” you hastily apologized. Words were falling out of your mouth before your brain could even comprehend what you were saying. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt whatever you were doing. I know you have important matters to attend to, I’ll just excuse myself now-”

Your contrite rambling was cut off by a sudden yank on your wrist. Xiao had abandoned his spot on the floor to swiftly grab you and return you to his lap. You were seated in your previous position, but Xiao now held you close to his defined chest. His body felt tense underneath you. After a short moment of silence, Xiao began talking whilst looking off to the side.

“So foolish, always jumping to conclusions…” Xiao’s voice sounded much gentler than usual and was laced with hints of endearment. It was certainly a unique tone to hear coming from the Conqueror of Demons himself. “If you leave now, you’ll have bad dreams. I’ll protect you, so just… stay here with me.” Although he was avoiding eye contact, you could still spot the same rosy blush from your dreams evident on his cheeks. Xiao’s words made your heart leap from your chest and filled your stomach with butterflies. In all the time you knew the adeptus, this was the most soft-hearted voice he had ever spoken to you with.

You managed to subdue the urge to deny his request. Even if you felt as if you were overstepping your boundaries or distracting Xiao from more dire problems, he was currently showing you a rare, vulnerable side to himself that no one else was privy to. There was no way you could reject Xiao, so you began to make yourself comfortable in his arms. 

“If you’re okay with it, Xiao, then I’ll gladly stay,” you said. The atmosphere was filled with shy affection, even though Xiao tried playing off his actions as dutiful. As you situated yourself deeper into Xiao’s lap, you glanced up only to catch him already looking at you. You held eye contact for a few seconds, fondly appreciating the man above you. “Thank you for keeping me safe.”

Xiao’s eyes widened slightly in surprise before he turned his head away, his cheeks turning a shade more saturated than earlier. You barely heard the ‘it’s nothing’ he mumbled in response. A tender smile crept on your face as you rolled over in his lap and closed your eyes, welcoming sleep once again.

When the sounds of your breathing slowed, Xiao allowed his focus to fall back on your face. He subconsciously led his hand up to pet your head and thread his fingers through your hair. The Guardian Yaksha always found himself lost in thought when in your presence. You were the only being in his life who had the ability to rid him of his karmic debt and relax his heart. Whether nightmares would have plagued your sleep in his absence, he was unsure. What Xiao did know was that as long as you were in his arms, no harm would ever come your way.

(ModernAU!Kazuha x gn!Reader)

A/N:ahh it feels so good finally getting this posted. i dropped the piece i was originally working on so i’m glad this brought my motivation back. this is my first shot at modernAU! super fluffy and comforting. everyone, make sure you take care of yourself, especially at this time of the year!



word count: 1.7k

summary:When you’re about to crack from stress, there’s only one person who is able to put your mind at ease.

“I give up! I can’t do this anymore.”

Beyond frustrated, you slammed your textbook shut. You had been mindlessly staring at its contents for the last few minutes; the now meaningless words definitely would have turned your dull headache into a throbbing migraine if you continued.

After spending the entire day studying, your brain had finally burnt out and forced you away from the monotonous walls of text. The rational part of you knew that nothing would get done if you weren’t focused. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel like you were wasting precious time by taking a break. It made you anxious and only added to your stress.

A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you rubbed your temples. How much time had you spent studying in the first place? Could you even afford to take a break? Similar thoughts pounded in your head, but you were surprised to see the sun setting through the window. The golden light that filtered into the room gave you your answer.

In the middle of standing from your seat at the dining table, a soft knock echoed from your apartment’s front door.

“Coming,” you called. Your voice was weak due to not being used all day.

Upon opening the door, you were met with the troubled face of your boyfriend. Kazuha’s lips formed a slight pout as he looked you up and down, examining your condition.

“Are you okay, (Y/N)? I was getting worried,” he frowned, his voice laced with gentle concern. “You haven’t answered your phone all day.”

You stepped aside, nonverbally inviting him into your apartment. Kazuha shuffled over to your kitchen while you scanned the room for your phone. It was left abandoned, partially hidden underneath a cushion so as to not be a distraction while you worked.

“Ah, yeah—I’m okay. I’ve just had my face stuffed inside these stupid textbooks since this morning. I feel like my head is about to explode.” Picking up your phone, you saw Kazuha’s two missed calls and fourteen text messages from throughout the day, along with the various other notifications left unanswered. Guilt settled in your gut. “I’m sorry, Kazuha… I didn’t mean to worry you.”

While you were distracted on your phone, Kazuha snuck up behind you and trapped you in his arms. Soft lips placed a kiss on your temple, then disappeared as he moved his chin to rest on your shoulder.

“I understand, love. As long as you are safe, I can rest easy,” he consoled. You twisted your body in Kazuha’s hold to face him directly. His scarlet irises contained nothing but love as he gave you a tender smile and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Your dedication is something I greatly admire about you, you know.”

Whenever Kazuha spoke to you, it was almost guaranteed to be something tooth-achingly sweet. Adoration and affection dripped from his words like acid and melted your heart. A comforting warmth grew from your chest and spread through your body, alleviating every knot of tension you carried. Kazuha never failed to make you feel as though your hard work was worth it in the end.

His compliment caused your cheeks to heat slightly. “Mm, careful now. All that sweet talk might go to my head,” you joked. Kazuha shared your goofy smile and leaned in to kiss your lips, only to divert and peck your nose instead. Now, you were the one left pouting while he wore a teasing grin.

“Well, we wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?” Kazuha ruffled your hair and pulled away from the loose hug, making his way back to your small apartment kitchen. “Are you hungry at all?”

You hadn’t noticed the weak pangs of hunger coming from your stomach until his question forced you to acknowledge them.

“I guess I am… I haven’t eaten much all day, actually. I’ve been so busy with other things.” You heard a sigh and the rustle of a plastic bag from the kitchen.

“I figured as much. I brought some takeout from your favorite place on the way here.” The smell of food wafting through the room made your mouth water. “We can watch a movie while we eat, if you want. Is there anything that’s caught your eye recently?”

Ah, so Kazuha really wasan angel. There was no other reasonable explanation for the godsend who you called your boyfriend.

This time, it was you who hugged your partner from behind while he prepared the food. “Thank you, Kazuha,” you said, burying your face in between his shoulder blades. “You always treat me so good… I’ll never know what I did to deserve you.” His upper body vibrated as he hummed in response. You knew it was his way of accepting your words, even if he didn’t completely agree with them.

You stood holding Kazuha in comfortable silence, relishing the feeling of his muscles slightly flexing whenever he moved his arms. His body heat drew you in closer and closer until he wiggled out of your grasp, making a teasingly unimpressed face at the way you ‘couldn’t even wait until the food was ready to cuddle.’

You sighed contently, curling deeper into Kazuha’s chest. The light from the television flashed through the room and illuminated your lover’s handsome face with cool blues and magentas. It was a calm night; the lack of clouds allowed the vibrant moonlight to stream through the curtains.

The steady beating of Kazuha’s heart nearly lulled you to sleep. His eyes were hazy as they watched the t.v. screen, as if his mind was somewhere else entirely. This wasn’t an unusual expression for Kazuha by any means. His aloof and easygoing nature was one of the most endearing things about him, but the list went on and on. You loved the way he would offhandedly recite poems while you walked through the park, and the way he always brought an extra umbrella to class for you when he knew it was about to rain, and the way he managed to fall asleep practically anywhere at any time.

But you especially loved moments like these, where it felt as though it was just you and Kazuha, alone and ignorant to the rest of the world. The gentle sighs from his breathing were barely audible over the t.v.’s low volume, yet you could hear them clearly all the same. It was only with him that you felt completely at peace; every stressor in your mind was hushed by his presence.

You figured Kazuha could sense your attention was focused on him when he broke his red eyes away from the t.v. and looked down towards you.

“Is something wrong?”

You chewed the inside of your cheek before speaking your worries aloud.

“Are you happy with me, Kazuha?”

Kazuha’s eyebrows raised, evidently surprised by your question. It was a bit unfair of you to ask something like that out of the blue, but you knew better than to lie to him. Once Kazuha thought you were upset, he would always try to comfort you until you opened up about whatever problem was on your mind. You didn’t want to make him any more concerned for you than you already had.

“Of course I am, love.” He cupped your face with his hand soothingly. “Did something happen to make you think otherwise?”

“No, nothing happened. It’s just that… I’m really happy with you. You’re so sensitive to my needs, sometimes I think you even know me better than I know myself,” you laughed softly. “But, if I don’t make you feel the same way… If you aren’t happy, I don’t want you to waste your time on me—worrying or anything like that. I doubt today will be the last time I disappear for a bit. I won’t be able to spend as much time with you anymore, so I’m scared that I’ll make you frustrated, or you won’t be satisfied being in a relationship with me anymore.” You hid your face in his chest, unable to hold such intimate eye contact with Kazuha at the moment. “I don’t want you to feel lonely.”

You held your breath. There was a short moment of silence before you heard Kazuha chuckle. It was your turn to look up at him in surprise.

“Lonely?” He smiled affectionately. “Don’t you know who you’re talking to, love? Even if a day passes where I don’t see your face, the fact that I can call you mine fills my heart with more than enough joy. There is no room left for loneliness.”

You groaned out a weak complaint, scooting your body up in order to bury your nose in the crook of his neck. “But still,” you whined, “I’ll be really busy with my studies.”

Kazuha huffed at your stubbornness. “Aren’t you forgetting? It’s not as though we won’t be able to see each other at all, and I don’t expect you to drop your work just to spend time with me. I am here only to support you, not to cause you more stress than needed,” he cooed. Kazuha’s fingers combed through your hair as he spoke. You had to stop yourself from moaning out at the feeling. “Unless, you don’t want to be with me anymore? I wouldn’t want to distract-”

“No!” You shot up, looking him directly in the face. “That’s not what I want at all! It was just-”

Kazuha abruptly silenced you with his lips. Your breath was taken away as you temporarily froze in shock, processing his actions before kissing him back just as passionately. The kiss told you everything you needed to know—that there was no point in worrying for Kazuha, that he would get by just fine with some more alone time than usual. He was a bit of a wanderer and was always able to adjust to the flow of things. He never got high-strung over stuff that didn’t go his way. Kazuha was always patient and understanding with you, no matter what happened. You knew you were the luckiest person in the world to have the chance to stay by his side.

As your lungs began to feel tight, Kazuha broke the kiss and pulled a few inches away from your face. You stared at each other, lightly panting, before Kazuha parted his lips to speak.

“Good,” he smiled, “because leaving wasn’t really an option, anyways.”

Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N:the fluff just keeps getting more and more disgusting, doesn’t it? i have severe kazuha brainrot recently… pls enjoy <3

warnings:light swearing, none just fluff


word count: 1k

summary:If you were left with no choice but to leave the comfort of your bed, there was no other way you’d want to wake up. Morning cuddles with Kazuha!

It was nearly impossible not to be lulled to sleep by the motion of the waves. They gently rocked the hull of the Alcor like it was a baby’s cradle. Some days, it was impossible to rest as violent storms shook the battleship all through the night. The ocean had chosen to be merciful, however, letting you comfortably sleep without a care in the world.

Fingers ran through your hair, lightly massaging from your temple to your crown, to the base of your neck. The feeling made you hum in pleasure. You curled in closer to the heat source underneath you, trying to find even more contact than your already close proximity offered.

“(Y/N)… It’s time to greet the day, my love.”

A displeased noise left your throat. You weakly squeezed your left arm that was tucked around the waist of the person separating you from the surface of the bed. Two pairs of legs impossibly managed to become even more tangled in each other, the mess hidden beneath a shared quilt.

Their hand that wasn’t petting your head rubbed your back soothingly, tracing lines up and down your spine. “Don’t be like that… I can tell that today will be beautiful, with nice weather and clear skies. Let’s go look together, shall we?”

You slowly opened your eyes at their words. The thin curtains that framed your cabin’s windows had been left open, allowing sunlight to leak through and paint the floor and walls. Distant chatter was muffled outside of your door, along with the sound of crying seagulls and splashing waves. You lifted your cheek up from the bare chest of your partner, replacing the empty spot with your chin.

Kazuha smiled down at you with sleepy eyes that were slightly less fresh to the morning than your own. The sunlight highlighted the gentle curves of his features. His hair was even more curly than usual, now released from the confines of its hair tie. White and red strands swirled everywhere like a halo, accentuating his angelic face—urging you to give it some attention. Who were you to deny the request?

Your hand, which had been resting open-palmed on his chest, snaked up to his cheek. You traced Kazuha’s cheekbone and tucked a portion of his bangs behind his ear. The eye near your hand shut as his head leaned in closer.

“I’m perfectly content with this view,” you objected. You knew there was no sight in Teyvat that could ever compare to the man in front of you.

Kazuha sighed out through his nose but gave you no response. Thinking you won a few more minutes of sleep, you retracted your hand from his face and snuggled back into his chest. His slow heartbeat drummed against your ear, calming your own heart. It was peaceful for only a moment.

Your lover wrapped his arms around your waist and suddenly flipped you over. Your eyes shot open in surprise, looking up at the man who now straddled your body. Kazuha’s bangs hung down, tickling your forehead. His hands were placed on either side of your head and his elbows were bent, allowing him to lean his face only centimeters away from your own. You pouted, knowing he was plotting something to get you out of bed.

“What’s with that look, darling?” Kazuha asked with a smile. His eyes broke contact with your own as he moved up to kiss your forehead.

“Your sinister temptations have no effect on me. I won’t be swayed so easily…” You said, lying through your teeth. Kazuha knew as well as you did just how badly you crumbled under his kisses.

“Sinister?” he laughed. “Isn’t that a bit much?” Kazuha’s lips moved to your right temple and down your cheek. You subconsciously tilted your head to give him more access.

“No… It’s definitely warranted when you use such underhanded methods. Ulterior motive bleeds through those kisses of yours.” You could feel his lips smile against your face through his kisses, which had now finished trailing down your left cheek.

Kazuha’s half-lidded, loving eyes returned to meet your own. His soft hand cupped your face as he leaned down, placing a final kiss on your lips. You fully succumbed to his plan and closed your eyes, deeply kissing him back.

After a few seconds, Kazuha broke the kiss and touched his nose to the tip of yours.


His kiss itself had distracted you from its purpose. You couldn’t help but chuckle as he fully pulled away from your face. Kazuha sat on top of you, resting his weight on his own legs instead of your body. The two of you stayed in that position, happily gazing into each other’s eyes and letting the bliss of the moment linger. Tranquil moments such as these were precious; both of you knew to cherish them for as long as possible.

An abrasive knock disrupted the peaceful air, pulling your attention to the cabin’s door.

“Kazuha! (Y/N)! Get your asses out of bed, Captain Beidou needs you!” A voice called. Kazuha climbed out of bed and began to make himself presentable. You sighed annoyedly, throwing your forearm over your eyes.

“It isn’t fair, Kazuha. Why can’t we just stay here all day?” You complained. He just laughed in response.

“I tried telling you, love. You should know by now that Captain Beidou waits for no one.” He finished brushing his wild hair and tied it into its usual side ponytail. “After we deal with Beidou, we can have some breakfast together. I’ll even make us some tea.” Kazuha walked over to the side of the bed and stood over you with an expectant look on his face.

A final huff fell from your lips as you threw the quilt off your body and crawled out of bed. As you and Kazuha got ready for the day together, chatting about the limited items on the breakfast menu, a warm feeling filled your heart. If you had to leave the comfort of your bed, then there was no other alarm you would rather wake up to.

Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N:requested by @feartheuwu lol idk if you were deadass about a part 2… i wasn’t planning on doing one but i made a small little bonus just since you asked and i had an idea from my shower thoughts <3 not much, just a little somethin sweet for the kids. pls enjoy!


word count: 545

summary: bonus to the og story

Part 1

- [Bonus!] -

The first night of the banquet came to a quiet end as the party goers slowly filtered out. The conscious sailors of the Alcor dragged their inebriated crewmates out of the square—whether they were on their way home or to a nearby bar, only the Archons knew. I chose to stay behind, offering to help close stalls and collect any stray dishes left behind.

“So, you and Kazuha, huh?”

A sudden loud voice by my side made me jump, pulling away from the table I was cleaning. Beidou stood there looking at me with a cheshire grin and red cheeks. I couldn’t even act surprised at the confrontation.

“O-oh, you saw all that?” I awkwardly chuckled.

“Me and the whole harbor,” she smirked. “Who knew he had it in him! It was about damn time, too. I made quite the haul in bets tonight thanks to that!”

“Bets?! You guys bet on—wait, how did you even know what happened? We were too far away from anyone to be overheard!” My entire face burned.

Beidou just laughed and raised her eyebrows. “We didn’t need to hear anything! It was pretty obvious from the way you both-”

“Okay, okay, I get it!” I cut her off. I didn’t think I’d survive hearing about how my entire crew watched Kazuha and I dance together. “Gods, this is so embarrassing. I told him that we wouldn’t hear the end of it-”


“Oh, hello there, Captain! I didn’t know you were still here.”

I stared at Beidou in shock, not quite comprehending what had just happened. A hand was thrown around my hip and held me against the sudden body by my side. A body that belonged to Kazuha, who had just kissed my cheek in front of Beidou. The tall woman let out a booming laugh at the scene.

“Kazuha! Have some tact in front of your boss, won’t you?” She joked, obviously undisturbed by his actions. “Don’t go breaking a valuable crew member of mine.”

My mouth was gaping open stupidly, like a fish out of water. Kazuha’s body was warm against mine. The ghost of his lips was the spark that lit me on fire.

“I-I’m not…Kazuha! Why would you…” I couldn’t form a cohesive thought, whipping my head between Beidou and Kazuha. I heard him chuckle at my flustered state.

“Captain, I’m almost offended at the idea. Me? Breaking (Y/N)? I would never do such a thing.” Kazuha leaned close to me, whispering in my ear with a smirk, “Isn’t that right?”

This man was going to be the death of me.

I pulled away from Kazuha’s hold on me and held my hands out defensively. My mouth moved, trying to stutter out an answer, but ultimately failing. Instead of standing there like an idiot for any longer, I decided to grab the dishes I had been previously collecting from the table and began to speed-walk away.

“Agh! Y-You both are so annoying!” I heard them share a laugh as I moved farther away.


“Excuse me, Beidou. I ought to go fix what I broke,” Kazuha said. He made his way after you with a cheeky smile on his face, leaving Beidou to shake her head and grin, happy for her two friends.

Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N:this piece made me really soft,, i’m coping with the loss of the megumi nendroid selling out so fast… anyways, please enjoy <3

warnings:drinking, pure fluff


word count: 1.6k

summary:After a long voyage, the only way the Crux Fleet knows how to celebrate their return is with a big party. Kazuha seems to have his own agenda for the night, however.

Bonus/Pt. 2

It was no secret that the Crux Fleet loved a good party.

Anytime the rambunctious crew of the Alcor had a successful voyage, they made sure to celebrate it properly. Their previous trip had been especially bountiful. They had managed to overfill multiple crates with valuable gems and artifacts; loot that would surely make a grand profit for the fleet. The only way to adequately welcome them home and acknowledge their victories was by holding their traditional three-day long celebratory banquet.

The tame docking square of Liyue harbor was quite the sight to behold during the banquet. It was transformed into a lively place with fragrant food stalls lining the area and tons of citizens and crew members enjoying the Wanmin Restaurant’s catering. Live music constantly filled the air, whether it was Xinyan’s famous rock or a small acoustic band. People danced all through the square and chatted with each other. The boisterous energy of the Crux Fleet seemed to be contagious all around, fueling the spirit of the banquet goers. It was either that or the copious amounts of alcohol available to the public.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched my crewmates enjoy the party. They acted like children on a sugar-high, running around and dancing with each other. An arm-wrestling tournament had somehow formed in the corner of the square, Beidou of course holding the title of “undefeated arm-wrestling champion.” This didn’t discourage any of the burlier men, however. They only laughed at their defeat and declared a rematch against the battle ship captain.

A small group of the more reserved crew members had settled down on the other side of the platform and fell into casual conversation. I hung on the outskirts of this group, leaning against the balustrade and nursing a cup of alcohol. It made me happy to watch all of my friends relaxing and enjoying the well-deserved banquet held just for them. The change of pace was needed after the arduous trip we all had just returned from.

I sighed deeply, resting my muscles and letting the sound of music and idle chatter fill my ears. A new presence next to me caused me to turn my head.

Kazuha had found his way to my side while I was distracted by the party. He looked at me with his kind eyes and tender smile. I noticed his cheeks held a bit more color than usual, the culprit most likely being the cup of alcohol he also held. In all honesty, I would be more surprised if there was someone who wasn’tdrinking at this banquet.

“Didn’t feel like arm-wrestling with Beidou?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Mm, can’t quite say I wanted to break an arm tonight,” he joked back. I loved when Kazuha was in the mood to joke around with me—his sarcastic side always managed to light a fire in my stomach. It was impossible not to feel excited.

I sent my gaze back out towards the banquet’s crowd. “You don’t usually hang around for these types of things. Something special about tonight?” I wasn’t complaining about his presence. If anything, I hoped he would stay as long as possible. It was good for him to be social every once and a while, especially when we were cramped up on the Alcor for so long.

“Not in particular. It’s a beautiful night beside the water, and the air is warm and comforting,” Kazuha mused. “I also happened to be in the mood for a drink.” He always did say he enjoyed a cup of wine late at night.

“Well, this certainly is the place to find one.” I took a sip from my own drink. “Are you glad to be back on land for a bit? I know that trip definitely took a lot out of me. It seems to have been worth it, though.” I was exhausted from all of the fighting out at sea, but this banquet had eased my mind greatly.

Kazuha hummed. “Aren’t we all glad? The ocean has its moments, but the scenery grows familiar rather quickly. Fish was also becoming quite tiresome…” he trailed off. It wasn’t often he complained to me. The alcohol must have loosened him up more than I realized. I gave him an understanding smile.

“You did good out there, Kazuha. We definitely wouldn’t have brought so much treasure back if it wasn’t for you. You worked hard, so enjoy yourself for a bit.”

He paused to stare at me through heavy eyes, then looked away contemplatively. “You know, I might just have to.”

I was a bit confused at his response but brushed it off. The two of us continued to talk and laugh about various things—recounting stories of our fights out at sea and the stupid stuff our crewmates did while drunk. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend the night relaxing with anyone else but Kazuha.

There was something about the time that we spent together that was just so…unique. No one else made me feel the same way he did. Whenever he was with me, I couldn’t help but give him my undivided attention. I wanted him to notice how completely invested I was in his words—in him and his entirety. I wanted him to be interested in me in the same way.

The live musicians played various songs until a slower ballad arrived. The shift in the atmosphere was nearly unrecognizable. People carried on talking and drinking as usual. Only a handful of couples had decided to dance together in the docking square to the music.

Kazuha’s attention had been drawn to these dancers. They swayed together to the rhythm, spinning and stepping with their partners. I almost felt sleepy watching them move.

The samurai next to me rested his drink on the railing behind us and blocked my vision with his body, breaking the trance the dancers held on me. He looked into my eyes with determination and the hint of something else I couldn’t quite place.

“You told me to enjoy myself tonight, so,” Kazuha said, holding his hand out to me. “Come dance with me.”

I felt my cheeks flare red.

“Dance with you?” I laughed out, surprised. “You’re drunk. Since when do you dance, anyways?” He only looked at me with a mischievous smirk.

“Since now. Now, come on. Before the song ends.”

I was left stuttering as Kazuha grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the middle of the square with him. Once he was satisfied with the spot he found, he turned towards me. I could feel the curious stares of the Crux Fleet on us as Kazuha set his hands on my hips.

“W-wait, Kazuha! I don’t even know how to dance,” I tried complaining. I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.

“It’s not that hard to pick up on. I had to learn these types of things as the heir of my clan. It seems that now is the time they will finally come in useful,” he smiled. “Just trust me to guide you.”

With those comforting words, Kazuha removed his hands from my waist and slid them down my arms, wrapping them in my own hands. They were warm and soft, except for a few callouses here and there. He lifted my hands up to his shoulders, causing our chests to move closer together, then returned his hands back to my sides. This position was the most intimate I’ve ever been with Kazuha. My head began to spin.

There was nowhere left to look but directly at him. His entire body filled my vision and consumed my senses. It would have been overwhelming if he wasn’t giving me such a loving look.

His expression calmed me down. It was understanding and patient, waiting for me to adjust to the situation before making any other moves. I decided to trust his words and follow his lead.

Kazuha got the hint and slowly began to sway with the music, lightly pushing my hips side to side with each motion. Next, he began to move his feet, stepping slightly. After some time, I finally caught on and we fell into a comfortable slow dance together. When I was no longer distracted with learning how to dance, I plopped my face into his shoulder embarrassedly.

“The crew isn’t gonna let us live this down, you know.”

Kazuha just laughed.

“Perhaps. It’s your fault for telling me to enjoy myself, though. You’ve only brought about your own downfall.” I could hear his grin and couldn’t stop one from breaking out on my face as well.

“You’re such a dork,” I laughed, closing the distance between our bodies. My head rested on his shoulder, the remainder of my body pressed flush against his own. I felt Kazuha’s hands hug behind my back.

No one could hear us talk due to the volume of the music and our distance away from everyone else. We just kept dancing together, letting the song guide us.



“I really like you, you know.”

I tensed for a second, surprised by his confession, before goofily smiling into his shoulder.

“Oh, is that so?”

Kazuha pinched my side lightly, making me laugh and flinch away. “Come on, I’m serious,” he chuckled.

I lifted my head from his shoulder so I could face him directly. His cheeks were a rosy pink and a soft smile graced his features.

“Well, Kazuha, I really like you, too.”

His toothy smile grew. Kazuha shut his eyes and bumped his forehead against mine as he let out the most angelic laugh I’ve ever heard. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of us. All we could think about was each other, completely oblivious to the world around us; the distant groans and cheers of crew members passing around their betting money also went unnoticed. Kazuha and I were so focused on each other that we didn’t even realize the slow song had already ended quite some time ago.

Kaedehara Kazuha x f!Reader

A/N:aah i’ve been working on this one for a while! i really hoped to get it posted today, so i’m sorry if it sounds rushed;; there are some intense scenes later in the story so please be aware if you’re sensitive towards that! i tried to write an inazuma setting so i hope i used accurate terms. it’s heavily inspired by teapot dialogue and kazuha’s character stories// the bake-danuki mentioned are the little tanuki who prank people and dance

warnings: swearing, light blood, violence, break-in, intense scene, ooc, reader mentioned to be smaller than kazuha


word count:5.8k

summary:You live in a forest far from the city. When someone knocks on your door during a storm, will you regret opening it to greet them?


Lightning struck nearby, its booming echo piercing through the dense rain. The night sky was pitch black, visible only when another flash of lightning sparked life into the thunder clouds. The intensity of Inazuma’s storms had been slowly increasing as of late.

From the safety of my home, I watched the tall Aralia trees—which usually swayed peacefully—be harshly blown by the storm’s aggressive winds. The force of the downpour caused the rain to fall diagonally, agitating all the nearby greenery and sending wildlife into hiding.

I returned my attention to the kettle of tea brewing. Stormy weather was unpleasant if you were caught outside during its onslaught, but wonderful background noise to enjoy a book to. I’ve always found the sound of drumming rain to be therapeutic, even if its current intentions were anything but. Tension disappeared from my body just from the thought of snuggling under my kotatsu with some hot tea and the latest novel I purchased.

A sudden knock brought me out of my musings. That couldn’t be right. Why would anyone be outside so late in this weather, and at my door, nonetheless? A few seconds passed in silence. Before I could write off the sound as my imagination, a second series of knocks from my front door confirmed the existence of a visitor. I skeptically made my way to the door, opening it to greet whatever mysterious person found their way there.

Standing in front of me was a young, white haired man, soaked by the rain from head to toe. He was on the shorter side and had a non-threatening presence, although my eyes were instinctively drawn to the sheathed sword at his hip. Warm-colored maple leaf patterns painted his black yukata—it was only the top layer to a second white and red one. His forearms were wrapped in bandages and shiny, black armor plating. I brought my focus to his face. The man’s eyes were a fiery red, yet felt mysteriously peaceful to look into. Dripping white bangs tickled his pink nose and soft cheeks. My unexpected visitor was quite handsome.

“Good evening, miss. I hope I’m not disturbing you by showing up so late?” he spoke. His voice had a soft, soothing tone that effortlessly carried his smile in it.

“U-um, no! It’s alright.” I was caught off-guard by the situation but tried not to let my confusion be too evident on my face. How long had this guy been outside for? The wind probably would’ve blown me away the second I went out. Not wanting to keep the man there longer than need be, I asked, “Is there something I can help you with, sir?”

He nodded.

“I am a wanderer who’s been caught in this storm-” That much was obvious. “But, there aren’t many places nearby that offer shelter. Usually, I try to find unoccupied caves or abandoned temples, but it appears those options aren’t available tonight.” He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing a hand over his nape. “I thought I would try my luck at a nearby house. Although, it’s alright if you turn me away. I understand how a stranger asking for shelter late at night can appear from your perspective.”

This traveler had a point. Red flags should be waving all around, keeping me on guard from any potential danger. They should, and yet, I found myself feeling comfortable with him. He wasn’t pushy or agitated and even acknowledged how the situation looked objectively. Besides his words, the man himself made me curious; I wanted to learn what would happen if I let him inside. Doing just that, I pulled my door open for him.

“You are welcome to stay here for the night. Let me grab some tea and something for you to dry yourself off with,” I said, closing the door behind him once he stepped inside. Water instantly began pooling on the floor where he stood. The layers of his outfit were thick and the water weight only made it appear more uncomfortable. “I can take some of your clothes and set them to dry by the fire if you’d like?”

“Please,” he agreed. I noticed his hands were covered in small scars and callouses—proof of his experience wielding a blade. I watched them unwrap the black and red scarves from around his neck and hang them over his forearm. Next, they slowly untucked his black yukata from his belt, then slid the garment off his shoulders. I only caught myself staring when he began removing the white yukata. His chest was now exposed, showing the droplets of water that trailed over his muscular chest and abdomen, tempting my eyes to fall lower. I felt my cheeks growing warm at the sight.

“Uh, wait a second! Let me grab you a change of clothes first! I should have something that fits…” I shuffled away into another room before he could respond, returning moments later with a towel and an oversized outfit for my veryhandsome guest. Thankfully for my sanity, he had stopped stripping in my absence and patiently waited for his clothes.

I excused myself while he changed. Upon announcing that he was finished, I took his folded, wet clothes into the kitchen and placed them by the open fire to dry. I set the still warm kettle of tea and two cups onto a tray, carrying it out into the living room. The man had remained near the front door, not daring to cross any boundaries while I wasn’t present. He was very polite, I noted.

“Here, come sit. I actually had some tea brewing when you arrived, so it’s still fresh,” I smiled, pouring him a cup as he sat across the kotatsu from me.

“Thank you, miss. You’re very kind to be doing all of this for me.” His movements were graceful as he accepted the tea, bringing the cup to his lips and blowing on the drink’s steam.

I took the moment of silence to study him again. The top he now had was a white, long-sleeved piece meant to be worn beneath outer layers. It ended up fitting wrong on me but looked rather nice on him. It hugged his chest, stretching over his muscles and leaving little to the imagination. His arms were hidden by a comfortable, earthy green haori. I also took notice of his hair, now removed from the ponytail’s hair tie and falling just above his shoulders. Some of the wet strands had curled slightly, mixing with the red streak and cutely framing his face.

My guest sighed appreciatively after taking a sip from his cup.

“Ah, pardon me for not introducing myself. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. Please, call me Kazuha.”

Kaedehara Kazuha. I thought his name fit him nicely. It was smooth, like his voice, and rolled off the tongue easily.

“Kaedehara… that sounds familiar,” I wondered aloud. Kazuha hummed in response.

“The Kaedehara Clan used to be a renowned noble house, but has fallen from grace over time. It has long since held its previous status. I would’ve been the one to inherit the Clan’s wealth and prestige, but it appears the Archons had other plans for me.” Kazuha didn’t sound upset while revealing this information. Rather, he sounded quite relieved while speaking of his clan.

“I see.” I nodded in acknowledgment. “My name is (Y/N). It’s very nice to meet you, Kazuha.”

“The pleasure is mine, (Y/N). It’s rare that people are willing to house wanderers like myself on such short notice. The weather lately has been difficult to travel in without some form of shelter, as well. Though, I wasn’t expecting to find a house so far away from the city,” he commented. It was true. My house was far from Inazuma City, and there weren’t any villages around for miles. I had lived alone here for some time.

I awkwardly laughed out. “Yeah, I’m probably the only person around in this forest. I moved out here a while ago, trying to escape the city.”

Thunder clapped outside, reminding me of the storm that continued to rage. I couldn’t help but grimace at the thought of it damaging my house somehow. That would be a pain in the ass to repair.

“I have many unhappy memories from the last time I was in the city. It got to the point where I couldn’t stand living there, so I thought moving out here would help me a bit,” I explained. “It ended up being a good decision! I’m an author, so gaining new experience out here has been really beneficial for my writing.”

Kazuha smiled softly at me, as if he related to my struggles.

“I understand the stress that comes from living in the city quite well. Having the opportunity to travel through nature the way I do is truly a blessing. Your heart calms when you’re alone, and you’re able to appreciate the beauty in the land around you. Sometimes, you’ll even end up having special encounters, such as this one.”

Kazuha had a way of speaking that was very dreamy; each word was laced with empathy and genuine interest in the conversation.

I found myself relaxing around Kazuha. We had only just met, yet conversing with him felt unexplainably natural, as though we’d been well acquainted for a long time. I was nervous opening my door to him at first. Inazuma’s storms were not to be taken lightly—I would have felt terrible leaving him outside to brave the weather. Taking him in turned out to be the right decision, and one I would have done many times over.

Our conversation carried on for a while. Kazuha told stories of his travels and the most recent places he visited, while I talked about the latest novel I was writing. I learned he enjoyed poetry and had the curious talent of turning leaves into makeshift instruments. Autumn was his favorite season, as it had the best weather and was the most opportune time to enjoy the scarlet maple leaves. The night grew late before we ended our conversation, fresh out of tea and feeling sleepy.

I made Kazuha a temporary bed on the living room floor. We said our goodnights before I departed into the other room, crawling into bed more satisfied than usual with the day’s end.


Kazuha had left early the following morning, only after profusely thanking me. Our time together was pleasant, so I told him he was always welcome to stay when he found himself in the area. He responded with a smile and wave, leaving me to return to my usual routine. I wouldn’t see my traveling friend again until a couple of weeks later.

The next time Kazuha appeared on my doorstep, the sunset had already covered the sky in bright shades of orange and pink. In his hands was a small box filled with sweets, “repayment for last time,” he had said. I laughed at his antics and brought him inside.

After I (barely) managed to convince him to share the box of desserts with me, we quickly fell into easy conversation. He recounted his latest adventures and the various people he met, while I updated him on my relatively calm life out in the forest.

This became a normal thing between the two of us. Every few weeks, Kazuha would show up at my house with some new gift he picked up on his travels. His presents constantly varied. Sometimes, he arrived with a box tricolor dango and sakura mochi, or he had small decorations and trinkets for my shelves. Once, he even brought a kitsune mask from a festival held on the other side of the island from me, paired with a vivid recollection of the beautiful firework shows.

I loved listening to Kazuha’s stories more than anything else. They were so beautifully told that I felt I was there experiencing the events alongside him. I felt as though I had passed my own hand through the sakura blooms beneath the Sacred Sakura of the Grand Narukami Shrine, catching the soft pink petals in my palm. I felt as though I had walked along the Araumi shore that was sprinkled with vibrant blue sea ganodermas and cherry-colored crabs that blew bubbles in the water. A large number of his tales became inspiration for my writing; in his absence, I eagerly awaited his return just so I could hear more. Just so I could see him again.

Before I knew it, Kazuha had become my motivation and my muse.


Storms plagued the sky again tonight. Heavy, thick drops of rain fell non-stop against my roof and the rest of my house creaked and moaned under the force of the wind. I shifted cozily in my bed, sleepy and unbothered by the typical Inazuman weather.

I didn’t fight against my thoughts as they drifted to the frequent occupant of my mind. Kazuha hadn’t visited in a while—longer than he usually was gone, in fact. The last time we were together, he said he planned on traveling past Narukami Island. I wondered what he was doing. Perhaps he found some abandoned ruins, overtaken by vegetation and aged by the weather, or an old shrine, still being cared for by a friendly village. Maybe he found a nice spot to watch the clouds pass and play a song on his leaf flute. I hoped he was somewhere that made him happy.

I did worry for Kazuha every time he left, but my trust in him outweighed any of my nervous feelings. I knew he was a level-headed, experienced traveler who could protect himself from danger. To offset the small frown on my lips, I buried my face in my pillow and forced myself to think positively. If I let myself think the worst every time Kazuha went on a new journey, I would give myself an aneurysm.

Instead, I tried to guess what gift Kazuha would share with me the next time he visited. I loved everything he brought back, regardless of the quality or cost. The last gift he brought me, I was particularly fond of. It was a small teru teru bozu doll, but the usual string had been replaced by a black and red ribbon. The doll appeared as if it was wearing a miniature version of Kazuha’s scarves. It rested on my bedside table, propped up against-


I jolted up into a sitting position. A loud noise had sounded through the house, too nearby to have been thunder. My heart beat painfully fast, having gone from steady to frantic in just a second. Adrenaline killed all the haze in my brain and made me fully alert. In the dead silence, I heard footsteps make their way to my bedroom door.

I completely froze.

My chest was tight and my body went stiff. The shock was short-lived and overwhelmingly replaced with fear as the door violently swung open. Its momentum caused it to bounce off of the wall, vibrating the room and making a terrible booming sound. My blood ran cold.

This was my first time experiencing a break-in, and I was utterly terrified. I was terrified of the way the shadowy figure stood in the doorway, looming and unbalanced, disguised by the darkness of the room. I was terrified of the sounds they let out: heavy pants that could have easily been called growls. I was terrified of the unavoidable reality I faced, the reality of being completely alone and defenseless at this moment.

But, more than anything, I was terrified of the long knife they held in their hand, pointed accusingly and directly at me.

My fight or flight sense kicked in harder than it ever had before when a throaty yell came from the intruder. I dove out of my bed and onto the floor as they leaped at me, knife digging deep into my mattress. I didn’t have time to think of excuses. My brain was completely focused on escaping this person who had obvious intent to kill.

I forced myself off of the floor, stumbling forwards. They quickly climbed over my bed and dove at my low position. My stomach dropped as a vice-like grip squeezed my ankle. Their fingers were long and boney as they dug into me. In tandem, I harshly yanked my leg away and pulled my dresser over, trying to hit them with its momentum. They realized my plan and released their hold, barely dodging the dresser as it crashed onto the ground.

The large piece of furniture created a temporary blockade between myself and the intruder, giving me time to bound towards the door. If I could make it out of my room, I had two options: I could escape the house through the front door or grab a knife from the kitchen and fight back. These thoughts were useless, however. I wasn’t even able to make it out of the bedroom.

The same iron grip that had bruised my ankle bunched the fabric of my shirt. It tugged—hard—and I was thrown onto the floor even deeper into the room. The air was roughly knocked from my lungs and winded me. I was lightheaded and dizzy, but I forced myself to shuffle back against the wall in a desperate attempt to put distance between us. This person now blocked me from the room’s only exit and trapped me into a corner.

I flinched, startled by a flash of lightning outside. The window let in the sudden white light, illuminating the face of the person who stood over me, still wielding a long knife. I could make out the face of a man. His cheeks were hollow and his eyebrows were pinched above wide and crazy eyes. His mouth hung open, taking in huge, greedy breaths. It seemed that he was covered in blotches of dirt and his clothes were torn in several places, as if he had gotten into a fight outside. I couldn’t make out any injuries on his body, however.

The light disappeared as just as quickly as it arrived, allowing the shadows of the room to submerge us back in its depths. My body was shaking and a cold sweat had long since broken out.

“W-Who are you?! Why are you attacking me?” I cried out. This only agitated the man further.

“Don’t play your games with me, you damn bake-danuki!” he shouted, pointing the weapon more confrontationally at me. “I know how your pranks work all too well! Do you even realize what you’ve put me through, you little shit?” His jaw was tightly clenched, straining the muscles in his neck. The arm that pointed the knife at me was shaking, presumably due to the strength of his grip.

This man was absolutely insane.

“Bake-danuki?!” I gasped out. “You’re crazy! I’m not a bake-danuki! I’m a human! I don’t even know who you are, you broke into my house!”

He let out a groan and yelled, “Shut up!” Lunging towards me, he stabbed his knife directly at my face.

I threw my body onto the ground, avoiding the blade now lodged deep into my wall. This angered the crazy man even further. He gave up on the knife and jumped on top of me, straddling my body on the ground. I hit and clawed at his arms as they reached towards me. Gross hands wrapped tightly around my neck. I began to panic and scratched him more, but he was unaffected by my attempts. We glared at each other with equal ferocity until black dots began blurring my vision. He continued shouting at me.

“You think I’m stupid?! No one would have their home out here, in the middle of nowhere, except for you conniving little bake-danuki! I’m so-” Pant. “Damn-” Pant. “Tired of you!” He spat out, heavily gasping. I felt my eyes begin to roll back.

“Can’t laugh now, can ya? Now that you’re on the losing side, huh? Don’t worry. I’ll be laughing plenty enough for the both of us once-”

Air raced back into my lungs as his hands released my throat. I didn’t have much time to savor the feeling as I was immediately yanked up. I was sitting on the floor still, but instead of the wall behind me, it was the chest of the intruder, legs on either side of me. One hand gripped my jaw painfully and forced my face up. I figured the other was holding the blade I felt pressed against my neck.

I didn’t have many other options but to look forwards, instantly seeing what had caused the shift in the man.

Even though it was dark in the room, I could clearly make out Kazuha’s familiar figure, which had just walked in through the doorway. His sword was sheathed and he held both his hands parallel to his head. We were on opposite sides of the room from each other, but his presence alone filled me with hope again.


“Shut up, bake-danuki.” Kazuha cut me off sharply. I was taken aback for a moment. His voice was still and emotionless. I could feel the man shift uncomfortably behind me.

“W-Who are you? How did you find this place?” The man stuttered out. He didn’t sound like he trusted Kazuha, but was also much less aggressive to him than he was with me.

“It appears we’ve come for the same reason, no?” Kazuha tilted his head at me. “This bake-danuki has been tormenting me for weeks. It was time I came and put a permanent end to its games.”

I felt the man slowly, but eagerly sit up behind me to respond. “Yes! Yes, I know exactly what you mean!” He let out a relieved, airy laugh. It was the laugh of someone who had been driven to the brink of insanity for a while. “I’ve been lost out here for days, and it’s all because of them! Every time I think I’ve found food or water, or even someone’s house! I get pranked by the bake-danukis! I just couldn’t take it anymore…” His mood dropped as he held the knife closer to my throat, opening a small cut. “It’s just so cruel what you vile things do to us,” he complained. His hot breath in my ear made me cringe.

My body hurt from the fight earlier and the interaction occurring made my head throb. It was hard to think straight, but there really wasn’t much I could do in this position to begin with. I just had to trust Kazuha to save me.

Kazuha began taking slow, cautious steps forwards as to not alarm the man behind me.

“I understand. This house we are inside of right now… It used to be mine. This bake-danuki here forced me to give it up. In return, I would be spared from its ceaseless pranks.” He knelt down onto one knee, still a few feet away from us. “Please, if you understand how I feel… Give this one to me. Let me take care of its punishment. In return, I’ll let you stay in this house, where there is real food and real water. Do we have a deal?” Kazuha was close enough to see his face clearly. His kind, gentle smile sat on his face, just as it always had. His eyes, however, told a completely different story. They were serious and intense, threatening the man to accept his offer.

The room was silent except for the rain that fell outside—the rain that had once been so loud and comforting, now only a whisper compared to the suffocating tension in the air.

My jaw was suddenly released and the knife retracted from my neck. The man shoved my body forwards and pushed me into Kazuha, who protectingly wrapped his arm around my waist and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“A-alright. As long as you promise me this house won’t disappear once you leave, I’ll let you take that one.” He was looking around paranoid, like he expected the walls to collapse after releasing me.

Kazuha pulled me up to stand with him, holding my wrist with feigned strength. “You have my word.”

He wasted no time swiftly rushing me out of the bedroom. The second I made it through the doorway, a massive weight fell off of my shoulders and the air became breathable once again. Now that we were in my living room, I could see the source of the loud “crack!” from earlier. The front door was busted open, broken from its hinges, letting moonlight and rain pour through.

Kazuha took long steps through the room, splashing in puddles from his haste. He dragged me along with him until we were through the ruined doorway and out of the house entirely.

Thunder boomed in the distance and rain instantly drenched us. Kazuha turned partially towards me, a serious expression on his face.


I barely realized what he said before I felt a strong force pushing my back. I gasped and did as he ordered, jumping along with its momentum. My body was thrown against Kazuha’s. Our chests were flush against each other and my thighs wrapped around his sides. Kazuha had picked me up by the waist with one arm in order to carry me. His other arm was supported underneath my legs.

I felt like I had to say something, but the words died off on my tongue. I was still trying to process everything that had just happened inside, let alone whatever Kazuha had planned outside.

His hold on me tightened. Unlike the hateful grip of the intruder, I felt safe and secure in his arms.

“Hold on tight,” Kazuha commanded. He began running while holding me, quickly making his way through the forest of trees that surrounded my house. The downpour and leaves crunching under Kazuha’s feet were the only sounds made. My adrenaline began to wear off and I felt extremely heavy. Confusion made my head spin and questions raced through my mind. I placed my hands on Kazuha’s shoulders, leaning back to look into his face.

“Kazuha! I-That man! He just broke in! I didn’t know what was happening until it was too late…” I quickly explained. Words basically began spilling out my mouth before they held any meaning to my brain. “I was just laying in bed and t-then I heard this loud noise! But, before I could do anything, he was already in my room a-and he had a knife!” My voice was shaky and emotional. What a terrible story I had for him this time. Everything had happened so fast. The reality of the danger I was in crushed me all of the sudden now that I knew I was safe. Tears began spilling from my eyes as I gripped his shoulders tighter. “H-he had a knife, Kazuha! I didn’t do anything to him but he still seriously t-tried-”

“Calm down, (Y/N),” Kazuha spoke. It was the same gentle, soothing tone he used the day we met, along with every day after that. It was the only tone he ever used with me. This time, its purpose was to console my fear. I felt his thumb tracing over my back. “You’re okay now. I promise, I won’t ever let anyone hurt you again.”

My lip quivered while I looked into his warm eyes. I believed every word he said to me.

The area we were in now was unfamiliar in the darkness. I had been so focused on everything else that I wasn’t even aware of where Kazuha was taking me.

“Kazuha… Where are we going?”

“There is a village in this direction, although it is quite some distance away. Please, be patient. I’ll get you there as soon as I can.”

“So far? Y-you usually stay in abandoned caves and temples, right? Why don’t we look for one nearby and wait out this storm?” I asked. I was bruised and tired, but I wasn’t in need of emergency care by a long shot.

He shook his head, his wet hair tickling my knuckles. “It’s not safe here. Not while we’re so close to that man.” I frowned.

“Kazuha… I trust you to protect me, though. It’s better if we rest somewhere. If he comes looking for us-”

“I won’t be able to hold back.” He hid his eyes from me by digging his nose into my collarbone. “We will be fine, but if he were to seek us out—if he were to try and hurt you again… He would not be safe from me.”

I was speechless. My stomach filled with butterflies as I bounced lightly in his arms. Kazuha continued to run in the direction of the village with no intention of resting. I trusted Kazuha with my life at this point. I knew he would do anything to keep me safe, but the fact he felt so angryat that man gave me a new feeling. My cheeks were hot and my heart ached. He was obviously ashamed of his words and the undeniable truth they held, so I changed the subject.

“He kept calling me a bake-danuki… He looked really rough, covered in dirt and such. He said he had been lost for a few days?” I recalled.

“Mm. I think that was the truth,” Kazuha said, “that he was lost in the forest. I don’t think it was the bake-danukis doing, though. They aren’t malicious creatures the way he made them out to be. Yes, they like pranking travelers, but it’s all mostly harmless teasing. He probably was dehydrated and agitated and fell victim to a bake-danuki’s prank. Whatever it was, it made him decide to blame his desperate situation on all of them.” He readjusted me in his hold, so I wrapped my legs tighter around him in order to be easier to carry. “I was once accompanied by a traveling merchant who fell into a bake-danuki’s trap. It disguised as a young woman and offered him shelter and a meal. He didn’t listen to my warning and ended up eating leaves and mud instead of real food. Something similar must have happened to that man, which is why he thought you were also a bake-danuki.”

I would’ve felt more pity for the man if I hadn’t been caught in the misunderstanding.

“I see,” I sighed. It was sad things turned out the way they did. I wouldn’t have minded sheltering the man, just as I did with Kazuha. He just wasn’t in the headspace to think properly. My head rested on Kazuha’s shoulder. “Kazuha… Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life.”

He hugged me tight and glanced into my eyes before focusing on escaping the forest around us. “When I got to your house and saw the door broken in, (Y/N)… I was so scared,” he confessed. “I thought I was too late, but when I walked in, I overheard that man shouting at you. I wanted to get you out of his grasp the moment I walked in the room, but…” His expression was one of disappointment, directed entirely at himself. “I didn’t want you to see me hurt him. I don’t want you to think I’m someone dangerous.”

My eyes were wide from surprise. I didn’t think it was possible to feel any softer for Kazuha than I did at this moment.

“Kazuha, stop for a second.”

He listened to my request and slowed his pace before stopping completely. I left his arms and felt my feet touch the wet ground. Kazuha’s red eyes were staring down, embarrassed at himself. I gently pressed my hand to his chin, lifting his face to meet my eyes.

“I knew the moment I met you that you knew how to take care of yourself. You don’t seem like the type to wear a sword just as an accessory.” I laughed. He smiled softly at this.

“No, I suppose I don’t.”

“Can I tell you a story?” I asked him. He looked confused for a second before he slowly nodded. “Once upon a time, there was a bake-danuki who didn’t get along with the other bake-danuki in the forest. The bake-danuki spent a lot of time alone and began to feel lonely. It disguised itself as a human girl, luring any passing humans into its home and playing pranks on them.”

Kazuha looked like he was lost. I tried not to laugh and continued my story.

“Eventually, the lonely bake-danuki grew bored of the humans it pranked. One day, however, everything changed. A carefree ronin found his way into the bake-danuki’s home. It continued its act as a human girl, but this time, she didn’t prank the ronin. The two talked all night, as though they had been long friends. The bake-danuki was truly happy talking to the ronin, who kept returning to her home. The ronin was grateful to the girl and would bring gifts each time he visited…”

By this point, realization had dawned on Kazuha’s face.

“All the bake-danuki could think about was the kindness the ronin shared with her, and would eagerly wait for his return after each journey. Once, the bake-danuki had been waiting for the ronin’s return in its house when a fox snuck in, attacking her. Just when things looked bad, the ronin returned and rescued her. It’s only then that the bake-danuki realizes… she’s in love with with the ronin.” I looked up at Kazuha, cheeks warm. He had the same light blush coating his cheeks. “There’s just one problem, however.”

“Oh? And what’s that…” He asked.

I chewed the inside of my lip for a second, feeling nervous. “I don’t know how the ronin feels about the bake-danuki.” We stared at each other for what felt like forever until Kazuha responded.

“Well, it just so happens that I’ve heard this story before,” he said, leaning towards my face. “The ronin feels the same way.”

Kazuha’s lips smiled against mine as he kissed me. I was beyond happy he felt the same way. The rain never stopped falling around us, trailing down our faces and soaking into our clothes. It was cold and hot all at the same time. I rested my hands behind Kazuha’s neck, pulling him closer to me. The way our lips moved with each other felt natural. His body felt like it was always meant to be pressed against mine.

We laughed and kissed in the storm for a bit until we broke away, making our way towards the village once again. The night had been long and scary, but he easily managed to rescue me from my fear. I knew that as long as I was by Kazuha’s side, I would be safe. I realized something as we walked together in the night. His stories may have been my inspiration, but the stories we created with each other were by far my favorite.

Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N: i really like the way this one turned out! enjoyy

warnings: none,, fluffy


word count: 1.4k

summary: You’re woken up by the cold, only to find a certain samurai missing from his bed.

You curled deep into the thick blanket on your bed, believing that engulfing yourself in its warmth would somehow return you back to your dreams. These efforts were to no avail, however, as the biting chill in the air had already invaded your warm cocoon and roused you from the brink of sleep. A defeated and tired sigh made its way from your lips. You would curse Dragonspine’s brutal weather once you found the energy.

The frigid region’s merciless reputation preceded itself all across Teyvat. Horror stories of adventurers never returning from the snowy mountains were frequently told in bars; you were unsure whether those rumors were told just to get a reaction out of the drunkards, or if they actually held some validity. Now that you were stationed along its icy coast, the latter option was becoming more and more feasible.

The Alcor’s new course currently placed the armed ship along Dragonspine’s icy shores. Although the weather wasn’t as aggressive in the water as it was on mainland, it still sent most of the crew into their sleeping quarters early—eager to escape the freezing air on the main deck. The cold proved to be inescapable, sadly, leaving you victim to its unpleasant intrusion.

You huffed and rolled over, checking if any of your fellow crew members were also awoken by the freezing draft. The room was small and had beds lining both walls. Barely any moonlight shone through its foggy windows. From what you could make out, there was only one empty bed in the room—one usually inhabited by a certain stowaway.

Of course, who other than Kazuha would stay out in such low temperatures, in the middle of the night, nonetheless.

You willed yourself to pull away from the bed, disrupted by the cold and curious of Kazuha’s whereabouts. As to not wake any of the sleeping crew, you slowly opened and closed the door of the sleeping quarters and walked out onto the main deck. The air was unwelcoming, instantly pinching at your fingertips and nose. The tall Dragonspine mountains loomed menacingly in the distance, daring you to fight back against its frigid attack. A calming tune pulled your attention away from the provocation.

It was a faint sound that danced around the restless, sharp wind. The sound very well may have been the only peaceful one for miles. Before a harsh gust of wind could muffle the soft music, you identified its source to be from the Alcor’s crow’s nest, a favorite spot of your ronin friend.

“So troublesome…” you muttered with feigned annoyance. No matter how hard you tried, it was impossible to be upset with Kazuha’s carefree nature. Even if it meant exposing yourself to the unforgiving air. You slowly ascended the rope ladder that led up to the lookout spot.

At the top sat Kazuha, as expected. A half-full cup of wine sat by his side. His eyes were contently closed as he happily serenaded himself using a leaf flute. While he continued to play his song, unaware of your arrival, you took in his appearance. The usually half-worn, black yukata Kazuha wore now properly covered both arms. Red and orange maple leaf patterns hung from both wrists. His cheeks and nose were dusted pink from both the alcohol and the weather. The red and black scarves on his neck were pulled up higher around his neck, barely kissing his chin. Draped around his shoulders was a blanket, the excess fabric on the ground folding around his frame in a semi-circle. A small triangle of his chest was exposed between the blankets gap, a place usually hidden by his scarves.

You blamed your blushing cheeks on the cold air.

Kazuha’s flute stopped singing as he took notice of your presence besides him. His welcoming smile reached his eyes as he spoke.

“(Y/N), it’s nice to see you,” he hummed. “To what occasion do I owe this pleasure to?” His bandaged hand reached for his cup of wine and took a sip, staring into your eyes all the while. You swallowed and crouched down next to him, ignoring his question.

“Gods, Kazuha, it’s freezing outside. Why are you out here so late?" 

He broke eye contact with you to continue observing the far off Dragonspine coast.

"I love the snow…With our usual routes at sea, the opportunity to appreciate the snowfall rarely presents itself—even if it’s just watching from some distance away,” he sighed. “I can’t help but feel at peace in this weather. Wine and song go quite well to compliment the view, no?” He wasn’t wrong. The sight of the coast and its bright white snow was a calming beauty. However, you were a bit too tired and freezing to truly appreciate the scenery.

“I guess you’re right. Doesn’t change the fact that my hands are about to fall off, though,” you laughed.

Suddenly, your balance was forcefully taken from you as Kazuha tugged on your arm, pulling you into his lap. Your back was flush against his chest and his legs straddled your sides. Kazuha’s hands gripped the sides of the blanket on his shoulders, then wrapped his arms around your waist, covering both of you in it’s warmth. Your brain lagged behind the events occurring. All you knew was that Kazuha had just pulled you onto his lap and began cuddling you, tucking his chin over your shoulder and cheek to cheek with your own face.

“K-Kazuha, what? What are you doing…” You were a stuttering, blushing mess as his body heat quickly fought off the prickly, icy sensation in your limbs from all directions. Forget hypothermia, you were going to overheat if you stayed in this position any longer.

He wrapped his arms and the blanket tighter around you, and softly whispered in your ear, “You said you were cold. I’m simply warming you up.” Kazuha’s breath was hot, sending a shiver down your spine. Never before had he been this direct with you. Perhaps it was the alcohol in his system that guided his movements. Whatever it was, you had no complains as you made yourself cozy against him. There was hardly any room left separating your bodies from each other.

“I did say that, didn’t I? Well, we better stay like this for a while, then. I get cold rather easily,” you smiled. Your sleepiness and Kazuha’s actions made you feel more daring than usual. Turning your head slightly, you said, “In fact, my face is pretty cold, too. Anything you can do to warm me up there?”

Kazuha knowingly chuckled, his lips smirking against your jaw before placing a gentle kiss to the spot. He dragged his lips up to the shell of your ear before sighing and kissing again. As his kisses made their way over your cheek and temple, your upper body twisted to partially face his own, giving him easier access to you. Warm, loving kisses danced across your forehead, cheeks and nose for a bit until their attacks ceased. Kazuha touched his forehead to yours, causing your noses to bump together. Flirty, scarlet eyes filled your vision and captivated your own. A cheeky smile had long since bloomed on the samurai’s face.

“Is there anywhere that I missed?” He hummed out.

“Mm, my lips feel a bit blue. Would you mind checking, just to be safe?”

“Your wish is my command, my love.”

Your lips collided with his in a passionate kiss as Kazuha threaded one hand through your hair, and another around your waist. All your senses were filled with him. He tasted like red wine and smelt like evergreen. His body was hot and comforting as you pushed closer into him, placing a hand on his chest. The way Kazuha kissed you was needy and intense, yet gentle and affectionate all the same. It was clear you both had wanted to do this for a very long time.

It was unclear who broke the kiss first, but you and Kazuha were both lightly panting in its aftermath. Goofy smiles broke out on your face in the bliss of the moment. Even without words being spoken, the two of you communicated every loving word you wished to say in that kiss. A happy sigh escaped you as you returned your back to his chest, continuing to gaze out at the snowy horizon. His arms took their place around you once again, as if they were always meant to be there.

The freezing Dragonspine weather was no match for the loving warmth Kazuha brought you on this cold night, out at sea.

Diluc x gn!Reader

A/N: i feel so bad posting this with inazuma and all the new content… no one cares abt the windblume festival rn its 2.0 lolol. i wrote this during the windblume festival and thought i’d also share it on here. windblume plot doesn’t really have that much to do with the story itself so its whatever

warnings: cringe… but none


word count: 1.3k

summary: You fall victim to venti’s schemes and are now on your way to confess to Diluc.

“Oh, Barbatos, I can’t do this. This was stupid to begin with.”

Your heart felt tight in your chest as you walked. Clammy hands fiddled around a bouquet of freshly picked small lamp grass. The blue petals were illuminated in the moonlight that shined down on Mondstadt. Small lamp grass always had a gentle, refreshing floral scent when it was picked, but you did not feel refreshed in the slightest. In fact, you were more than ready to throw up.

The Windblume Festival in Mondstadt was the designated time of year for romantic endeavors and confessions to occur. It was a time of independence, freedom, and love for the city. You planned to spend this year enjoying the culture and activities offered, but the Archons seemed to have other divine plans for you instead. The Archon, Barbatos, to be specific.

In order to make some quick cash for alcohol, Venti had been offering romantic poetry lessons to the citizens wishing to convey their feelings to their sweetheart or lover-to-be. You had no intentions of partaking in the romantic side of the festival, but a certain Cavalry Captain had managed to get you involved. Venti wanted wine from Kaeya, who would procure it from Diluc. Kaeya was unsure if he would actually be able to get the “payment” from Diluc, so he snitched on your feelings for the bartender to Venti.

Venti saw your struggle as potential—for more wine, that is. He decided to kill two birds with one stone, and now you were on your way to confess your love to the Dawn Winery’s tycoon himself. Of course, part of you was doing this willingly.

It’s become almost painful to be around Diluc lately. Your thoughts always became distracted when you were around him, and you’re unable to focus during work and commissions at times due to thinking about him. He sent butterflies swarming into your stomach just from meeting his eyes, and his fire wasn’t needed to make your cheeks flare red from heat. It was embarrassing how much of a wreck he made you.

You figured that finally confessing your feelings to Diluc was for the best, and maybe this push from Venti was exactly what you needed to get over him. There really was no harm in confessing. Having a crush on someone was akin to complimenting them. It meant you respected and admired them as a person. The only down side to confessing was the chance of rejection, which could put a strain on your relationship with Diluc and make things tense. Diluc was known to have antisocial tendencies, so maybe he would feel tooawkward every time he saw you and end up avoiding you entirely.

But, it was too late to let that wonderful pep talk steer you away from your destination himself. Diluc had walked out of the Angel’s Share bar and locked the door. He turned around and found your eyes staring at his. It had obviously been a busy night at the bar, as Diluc only ever put his beautiful hair in a high ponytail on busy nights. The moon’s soft luminescence served to highlight the light flush on his cheeks. Diluc’s smile was gentle and warm as he raised a gloved hand to greet you.

That kind smile felt like an arrow being shot into your stomach, causing you to inhale sharply. There was no turning back now. You softly cradled the bouquet to your chest with one arm, and raised the other arm to return his greeting. Reluctantly, your legs slowly began to make their way towards him.

“What are you doing out this late, (Y/N)?” Diluc questioned. His eyes glanced over the bouquet you carried, but refrained from asking anything about it. You bit the inside of your cheek for a second, thinking about the words you would use to end your favorite friendship. You took in a deep breath.

“I came to talk to you about something, actually. Do you have a few minutes to spare? I know it’s pretty late.”

“I do. What do you need?” He stood looking down at you. Your body was hot and fidgety under his gaze. It wasn’t even an option to continue looking at his expecting eyes, so you settled on giving your speech to his boots.

“Diluc… I know you’re a busy man with a large burden put on your shoulders. I see how hard you work for the winery, and you’re always so diligent.” You nervously played with the parchment wrapping around the bouquet you held. “You take care of everything almost effortlessly, but I know you probably put a lot of stress on yourself to make it seem that way, and I really respect you for it. I respect how you treat your workers with kindness and put their needs above yours… You have such a kind heart to everyone, including me. For as long as I’ve known you, I’ve always seen you put others before yourself, like staying out late and putting yourself at risk for the sake of Mondstadt.” You paused for a second to breathe deeply, the heavy silence quickly scaring you back into talking.

“I really do…think very highly of you.” Your cheeks hurt from how hot they were. “But, the more I got to know you, I recognized other things about you. You have every reason to be cold and spiteful, yet you continue to have the most loving heart out of anyone I’ve met. You’re selfless and brave, and you never expect anyone to thank you. Lately, I’m unable to focus around you anymore. Whenever I’m with you, I feel so giddy that I don’t know what to do with myself. You make me feel so safe and happy, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. With every moment I spend with you, Diluc, I just…

"I realize how in love with you I am!”

It was terribly quiet now, and your heart was beating so fast that you expected to start seeing dots any second. You had said your feelings to Diluc, and there was no going back. You expected an awkward cutoff at some point to save you from the embarrassment of an unreciprocating rejection, or at least a quick, curt response, but neither seemed to come. Some time had passed after your confession, so you decided to look up at Diluc’s face.

When you met Diluc’s scarlet eyes, you immediately saw the dark red blush that covered the poor man’s surprised face. If you didn’t feel that exact same heat on your own face, you probably would have thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world. Your own eyes stared into his bright red ones for what felt like an eternity, until he finally opened his mouth to respond.

“You sure know how to catch me off-guard, (Y/N).” He chuckled softly, his words doing nothing to dismiss the rocks settling in your stomach. It felt like you would die if he didn’t give you a proper response soon.

Diluc stepped towards you, quickly closing the distance between your bodies. He leaned down and brought his hand up to your hair, brushing it back. Soft lips pressed gently against your forehead and another hand moved to cup the side of your jaw. Your eyes went wide and your mouth opened slightly in surprise. Diluc removed his lips and stood up straight, taking your hand in his and tracing your knuckles with his thumb.

“I’m sorry I made you confess first, (Y/N)… I’ve shared your feelings for a long time. Hearing you say those words—I genuinely thought I was in a dream.” His sweet laugh fell out of from his lips once again. This time, instead of making you feel heavy, you decided it was your new favorite sound—one that made you feel light and free. His laugh was the perfect sound for the Windblume Festival.

Diluc x gn!Reader

A/N: this is an older piece from a few months ago… i went through and edited it a bit. my diluc brainrot is always strong :( i hope he comes home too one day

warnings: none


word count: ~550

summary: You’re kept up late waiting for a certain someone.

The subtle moonlight that fell through your window did nothing to help your fight against heavy eyelids. A small cup of tea sat long abandoned on the low table in front of you. Even if the drink were to still contain the comforting heat it once did, nothing seemed more appealing than sleep at the moment. Nothing, besides sleep or him.

Sleep would surely not come soundly unless you knew how he was. It was long past the time he told you he would visit you. Your brain was hazy and loosely grasping at consciousness, but explanations for his delayed arrival kept you awake. Although it was unlikely he got overtaken in a battle, you also knew he was human and not as invincible as he thought he was. Perhaps a cargo wagon was delayed and he had to stay late to handle the repercussions? If there was a stalled wagon this late at night, maybe there were thieves who saw the distraction as an opportunity to attack him from behind? If he was nearly as tired as you were this late at night, they could have easily landed a blow on him from behind. Could he be bleeding out on a cold dirt road in the middle of the night, without anyone there to help him? While you stay here, warm and safe in your apartment?

And with that final thought, you forced yourself out of your seat, rushing to grab your jacket. There was no way you could stay here any longer without knowing why he was late. Anxiety began to swirl in your stomach, as it often did late at night when your thoughts roamed into frightening territory. You grabbed your front door’s handle and opened it, only for your vision to be filled with the wide chest of the very man you had been waiting for.

His arm was slightly outstretched, his elbow still tucked near his waist. The black cuff from his jacket hugged his gloved hand, which was about to knock on the door you had just opened. You looked up at his face. His soft lips were slightly parted and his eyes were wide, but tired. He was evidently surprised you opened the door when you did, but too exhausted to exhibit any animated emotions. Though, he wasn’t the type to do such a thing even when he wasn’t tired. Beautiful red hair fell around his face, tickling the edges of his jaw and cheeks. It seemed impossible to not spend a few seconds tracing the small, wild curls of his hair with your eyes. A heinous crime not to, to say the least.


If his presence alone wasn’t enough to eliminate the built-up anxiety you carried, his voice surely killed it off.

“It’s okay, Diluc.” You wrapped your arms underneath his heavy, black jacket, encircling his waist and pulling your entire body into him. You were too relieved to complain about his tardiness, and too tired to pull away from the warmth he always seemed to emanate. Asking him about his activities could wait for the morning. For now, you both were ready to welcome sleep. Diluc reciprocated your hug, wrapping his big arms over your own and around your back. He slouched forward to rest his chin on your head for a few seconds and sighed.


Xiao x gn!Reader

A/N: just a short one,, practiced writing in a different perspective. ty for the liking my last post, it made me happy to see people enjoyed reading it!

warnings: blood, light cursing


word count: 1.3k

summary: You haven’t seen Xiao in a while and you’ve become worried.

It had been quite some time since you last saw Xiao.

This was not an unusual occurrence, however. The adeptus made it abundantly clear that he was not sociable in the slightest regard. The never-ending task of protecting Liyue filled Xiao’s thoughts night and day, leaving room for little else. This preoccupation with his adeptal duties had been the case for a long time, and yet…

Xiao seemed to always find time to spend with you.

Whether he was aware of it or not, the Yaksha seldom failed to ignore your greetings on the Wangshu Inn balcony. Anytime you and your smile wandered onto the outdoor platform, followed by the smell of his favorite Almond Tofu, it was almost guaranteed that the adeptus would reveal himself.

A small friendship had gradually bloomed between you and Xiao. You figured he didn’t mind spending time with you, as you were one of the few people he had allowed to remain consistently present in his committed life. Many stories had been shared between the two of you—one sided tales of your travels, that is. Xiao would silently listen to you talk while he ate your offerings, only interjecting to question you after recounting some “foolish mortal” thing that he didn’t understand. It was a comfortable and peaceful friendship you had formed with the powerful adeptus.

Which is exactly why you were so perplexed over his recent absence.

Another plate of Almond Tofu had grown cold for the nth time this week, sadly abandoned on the Wangshu Inn balcony floor. You felt guilty for wasting so many meals, but the hopefulness that Xiao would eventually greet you like usual was stronger. That, and it would be awkward to eat the technical offering for an adeptus. You would have to profusely thank Smiley Yanxiao for making so many dishes.

A sigh fell from your lips as you traced the grooves on the wooden balustrade lining the outdoor balcony. The restaurant’s small seating area below the inn still had a few customers, even though it was long past sunset. Traveling merchants’ carts bounced over the stone bricks in the road, shaking the lanterns hanging off the back. Moonlight reflected off of the surrounding lake’s water. It would surely be a peaceful atmosphere if you weren’t so distracted by the dull anxiety gnawing at your gut.

You didn’t want to be pessimistic, but you couldn’t help your wandering thoughts. Xiao had never been a people person, nor did he claim to be. Perhaps he grew tired of your constant visits? There was no obligation on his part to spend time with the very mortals he protected. You greatly hoped this was not the case, since you had become slightly attached to the standoffish man.

He was not indebted to you, nor had any reason to entertain you so often, yet Xiao had never forcefully pushed you away. It was fun to watch him become confused over mortal customs and scoff at human tendencies. Xiao was patient with you and always gave you his full attention when you were together, even if he gazed off in another direction while you talked. He warned you that he was a ruthless and unforgiving being, yet you were always enchanted by his endearing manner.

Xiao told you to speak his name if you were ever in danger. You considered calling out to him, but ultimately decided against it, as it could cause some issues. What if he was busy fighting somewhere else, and through summoning him, someone was hurt? What if he was hurt? You thought it was unlikely. Although you’ve never seen him fight, he made it clear that he was a powerful Yaksha who could emerge unscathed, even when pitted against countless enemies.

So, where in the hell was he?

Before your train of excuses continued, you were hit with an overwhelmingly intense presence in the air. Chills shot violently through your spine and your stomach dropped. It felt as if gravity itself became heavier, intent on forcing your body down onto the patio floor. You barely managed to turn around, only to be met with an alarming sight.

Blood dripped from the looming figure, silhouette obscured by angry flares of a black and teal aura. The menacing, glowing eyes of a demon mask stared at you, just feet away. Familiar tufts of dark hair hung over the mask, weighted down from dark red stains. Their shoulders were hunched over and one hand was tightly wrapped around the jade polearm that had been stabbed into the ground. As you took in the being’s familiar outfit, you quickly realized something.

This person, threatening and bloodstained, was none other than Xiao.

Seconds passed before realizing you should speak out to the no-longer absent man. Before Xiao’s name could make it out, however, the spear by his side dissolved and he lost his support. You barely reacted in time, reaching out to catch him. Xiao was dead weight in your arms, causing you to fall to your knees.

You had so many questions, but couldn’t manage to focus on a single one due to the rapid pounding of your heart. Was this his blood? What was the dark aura coming from his body? Was he even conscious right now? Where had he been this entire time, and how long was he in this state? Was he okay?

Heavy, painful pants came from underneath the dark mask that covered Xiao’s face. You scooted your back against the balcony’s balustrade and held Xiao’s head in your arm, propping his upper body up on your thighs. You tried gently pulling off the mask, but it wouldn’t budge—almost as if it was attached directly to his face. You were becoming increasingly worried.

“Xiao? Xiao, what’s going on? Should I go find Goldet?”

His bloody, gloved hand tightly grabbed your arm. It wasn’t hard enough to leave a bruise, but enough for him to communicate his unspoken message. He wanted you to stay with him.

Your heart hurt from the sight in front of you. His face was hidden, but the constant pants and groans that came from him let you know he was in pain. Under normal circumstances, Xiao would never let anyone see him in this state, let alone a mortal like yourself. If he could see the sympathetic face you were making for him, he would surely tell you off.

You pulled the arm he gripped onto away, redirecting that intense hold to your hand. The arm cradling his head readjusted as you did your best to make him comfortable. The soft chatter from the lower restaurant had become completely silent. You and Xiao were the only nearby people who remained exposed to the night sky.

As you continued to rub your thumb over his hand in yours and mumble comforting words to the hurting Yaksha, the dark aura sparking out from his body came to a halt. The glow from the demon mask’s eyes dulled before the mask disappeared completely. Xiao’s pants slowed and the tight grip on your own hand softened. His usually sharp golden eyes were half-open and unfocused, staring at nothing in particular. It was a rare, vulnerable sight to witness.

Xiao was tired and hurting in your arms, yet he allowed you to hold him all the same. You didn’t know if it was even possible to help Xiao, knowing little about the adeptus’ karma. It made your heart ache to see him so exhausted and defeated, even more so that there would be no one aware to thank him for his sacrifices. Once he was able to move again, you would be the one to do so. Once he regained the light in his eyes and the strength in his legs.

Until then, just as Xiao protected Liyue, you would protect him from his unceasing karma, here in your arms.

Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N: this is my first fic, so it might sound a bit stiff. i’m nervous posting but tried my best! sorry for it being so long,,, do people still post longer fics on tumblr anymore?;; it’s the “he saves u” trope. enjoy :)

warnings: blood/light gore, knife, violence, cursing, needles, possible ooc, SPOILERS for Kazuha’s story/Ch.2 Prologue


word count: 7.6k

summary: You and Kazuha are sent into Liyue Harbor on a supply run, but the trip takes a turn.

If it wasn’t for the rising and setting of the sun, time would have felt unmoving. This feeling, however, was nothing foreign to the crew aboard the Alcor. Not much variety came with sailing at sea. Usually, gentle blues were painted across the sky, and ocean waves licked the battle ship’s hull. The scenery was peaceful but greatly lacked excitement. Because of this, feelings of anticipation and relief always managed to fill the air when Captain Beidou declared for the docking of the Alcor.

I set the last of some folded cloth into a small crate, then secured the lid shut. Beidou had chosen to dock us in Guyun Stone Forest, as she planned to hold the Crux Clash nearby in a few days. The crew was tasked with preparing the supplies to be sent to the tournament’s location. Since the event’s focus was on the fighting, no one minded reusing the boat’s supplies, which were slightly dull from their time at sea.

The contents of the crate were light, so I had no problem carrying it out onto the main deck. Everyone was casually loading their own crates and carrying various boxes ashore. Across the deck from me, a very unimpressed Kazuha talked with Sea Drake, who was failing at balancing a pile of large crates in his arms. The top of the stack predictably crashed down onto the deck floor, followed by several more boxes of the cargo. Kazuha sighed down at the large man, who began to dejectedly reassemble the fallen supplies.

Almost as if the wind had brushed his hair aside and whispered a secret in his ear, he looked over in my direction to see I had witnessed the ordeal occur. Kazuha’s usual gentle smile dawned across his face. The easygoing nature he emanated always managed to relax me—as if his kind eyes put me under a calming spell. Returning his smile, I continued on, descending the ship’s gangway. The feeling of the stable ground under my feet was a welcomed change after so many weeks at sea. I placed my smaller crate among the other cargo on the shore.

“(Y/N)! C'mere for a second.” Beidou called to me from her place next to Juza, who she’d been chatting with for a while. Earlier, I spotted Juza pointing around the area and Beidou nodding in turn, so I figured they were overlooking the packaging and transporting of supplies. Swiftly moving around the boxes in my path, I made my way over to the woman.

“Yes, Captain?”

“You’re heading into the harbor while we’re here, right? You doing anything special there?” I thought her question over briefly. I wasplanning on going into Liyue Harbor, but I had no dire plans.

“Not especially.” She smiled her big, toothy grin at this.

“Fantastic. While we’re here, I wanna take the chance to restock some of our supplies. I need you and Kazuha to pick up some stuff for the Alcor.” She turned her head up in the direction of the main deck. I realized Kazuha had been watching us talk from above after meeting his eyes. He looked away from me and nodded to Beidou, who was waving him down over to us. “The ride from here to the harbor will take a few hours, so it’s best to leave while it’s still early. Do you think you’ll be ready to go soon?” I returned my sight from Kazuha and answered Beidou.

“Uh—yeah, I’ll be ready. I just need a few minutes to throw some stuff together.” Beidou nodded and continued to speak, although her eyes were cast on something behind me.

“I’ll go ahead and leave the list of supplies needed with Kazuha. You go prepare, (Y/N), while I fill him in.” The person of her attention had quickly made his way off the ship and now took his place next to me, waiting to be informed of our trip together.

“Yes, Captain.” I gave Beidou a final nod and Kazuha a parting smile, before turning away. The voices of the two I had departed from slowly grew faint as I made my way back onto the ship.

Once I was left alone to gather my belongings, the blush I had been fighting back crept its way onto my face. I would be left alone with Kazuha while in Liyue Harbor. The two of us had been good friends ever since Beidou accepted him into the Crux Fleet, although he was a bit hard to understand at first. As Kazuha warmed up to the crew, it was quickly apparent how friendly and kind-hearted he was. After many nights of drinking and listening to him recite haikus in the crow’s nest of the ship, I found myself having feelings for the fugitive samurai.

In retrospect, it was truly an unwinnable fight. Kazuha was undoubtedly attractive. His silky white hair pulled into a side ponytail gave him a matureness that was nicely complemented by his softer features. His expression was naturally welcoming, but the passionate, bright red of his irises concealed a mysterious past. Even if I were to ask him a hundred questions, there would still be plenty I didn’t know about Kazuha.

I packed light, but I was sure it was more than my travel partner would ever consider bringing. Kazuha instantly proved me right as I made my way onto the shore. Per usual, the clothing on his back and his sword constituted as his luggage. It was a common saying of his that as long as he had his blade by his side, there was nowhere he couldn’t go.

“Good morning, (Y/N),” Kazuha greeted. “Have you finished preparing for our journey?”

“I have.”

“Then, let us be off.”

The sun began to kiss the horizon by the time Kazuha and I arrived at the harbor. The warm light emitted from the city’s traditional lanterns spread its famous nightlife ambiance through the streets. It was an impossible feeling to replicate out in the darkness of the ocean.

I looked over to inspect my partner. It was no secret he was fond of spending time in nature and had much intimate experience with the outdoors from his travels. Although this wasn’t his first time visiting Liyue Harbor, I wondered if there was a bit of a sensory shock going from the mostly quiet life aboard the Alcor to the busy city nightlife. If Kazuha was shocked, he concealed any hint from being apparent on his features.

“You’ve told me before that you usually opt for camping outdoors,” I began. “What do you plan to do for shelter tonight?” I was more than happy to spend time with Kazuha, but I couldn’t help but crave a warm bed and a room that didn’t sway all night.

“That is true,” Kazuha chuckled. Even if it was brief, his small laugh sent butterflies into my stomach. “However, the air has begun to stir. It’ll most likely rain tonight. I’d rather take my chances at finding an inn.” I might never understand how he was able to predict the weather the way he did, but his judgment had never been wrong in the time I’d known him.

“Likewise. Liyue Harbor is a popular location for tourists and travelers, so there’s always places open late for people like us.” The trip here was long and tiring, and I was hoping to take a shower as soon as possible. “There’s a nice place I know of only a short walk from here.”

On the way to the inn, I saw many of the night shops and vendors laying out their goods. The sun would be gone from the sky relatively soon, but that did little to discourage the citizens from staying indoors. Enthusiastic voices filled the streets as people conversed and bartered. The storytellers who entertained at restaurants echoed their tales, and the rich smell of Liyue’s cuisine ensued. I felt a bit embarrassed. Even though I was a local to the city, I had been looking around the streets more excited than Kazuha. Nonetheless, I was happy to be back for a bit.

“It’s been a while since I was last here. I grew up here, yet I still feel elated every time I return from a journey.” As the words were spoken aloud, I quickly felt regret in saying them. From what I knew about Kazuha’s past, he was unwelcomed back to his home. “Ah! I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me to say.”

Kazuha, however, was unbothered by my comment. His face held no sort of negative emotion. Rather, he seemed more at peace than usual, if that was possible for the already carefree soul.

“You need not apologize for appreciating your home… It’s a wonderful thing to still feel joy when visiting a place you know well. Often, a place well-traversed easily grows monotonous.” His forgiving eyes met mine, and I felt I would become weak if I looked into them any longer. “It also happens to be that your enjoyment is rather contagious.”

His smile might very well be far more lethal than any monster we face at sea.

I silently hid the blush his tender words caused by studying the stalls that lined the street. All kinds of colorful trinkets and gems were exhibited by the various stores. The renowned Mingxing Jewelry shop had elegant rings and necklaces displayed all along the store’s front, and thick jewels sat lavishly on the wooden shelves. There was a certain Mingxing good in particular that caught my eye. Several vibrant ribbons with delicate gold embroidery were splayed along a velvet case. They looked like they were intended to be hair accessories.

Not long after, we arrived at our inn. Once done checking in with the receptionist, Kazuha and I made our way to the two-bed room we would inhabit for the night. The inn wasn’t the fanciest place available in Liyue Harbor by a long shot, but compared to the rough conditions we faced on the Alcor, it could’ve been the very bedroom intended for the Jade Chamber. The room itself was on the cozier side, but having two separate beds would give us some privacy.

“Do you mind if I use the bathroom first? I’ve been craving a proper shower ever since Beidou said we’d be landing.” Bathing was difficult in the middle of the ocean, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss the relaxing feeling of a hot shower.

“Go right ahead,” Kazuha acknowledged as he made himself comfortable on the outdoor balcony overlooking the harbor.

It didn’t take long for the two of us to clean up, as it was now impossible to ignore our shared hunger. We had quickly decided on Wanmin Restaurant since it was high-quality food served late at night. After ordering, we found an open table off to the side of the restaurant. Sharing meals outside was the usual case for the Crux Fleet, but it felt special to do so with the wandering samurai under Liyue’s night sky.

“Beidou said she left the list of supplies we need to get with you,” I said, starting conversation. I didn’t mind Beidou requesting for us to run this errand, regardless of her being my Captain. She had done more than enough to earn my friendship and respect. Spending time with Kazuha in Liyue Harbor was also much more exciting than shopping alone, although I doubt Beidou knew what she was doing by arranging this. Kazuha made a sound of agreement in response.

“Since we got here relatively late, I thought it would be best for us to find a place to stay first and foremost. Fresh supplies will arrive with the morning shipments,” he breathed out with a light sigh, “but Beidou requested for so much, it would never fit on the boat we arrived in. We’ll need to find a sailor with a larger boat to transport it all in. Of course, this can wait for tomorrow.”

“She didn’t happen to include a shipment fee for the trip back, did she?” I laughed, already knowing the answer was ‘no’. Kazuha’s sigh was heavier this time, but a grin had broken out on his face. We continued to chat about the materials we’d need to obtain the next day.

The waitress eventually interrupted the conversation with our meals. The atmosphere was a comfortable one—laughing with Kazuha under the stars and surrounded by the lively city. I would without a doubt remember this night for a long time.

I knew Kazuha was a wanderer who made no promise to stay in one place for too long, and that eventually, he would leave the Crux Fleet to continue his journey. It would be unfair to try and convince him to stay with us for longer than he felt life intended, yet I couldn’t help but selfishly pray to the Archons to prolong our time together as much as possible. In moments like these, I couldn’t bring myself to look away from the man in front of me. If love had an expression, I imagined it would look similar to the one he wears. Light from the lanterns and the moon simultaneously dusted his features. It bounced off the highlights in his white hair every time he tilted his head or laughed. The scarlet irises of his eyes suffocated me in a warm ocean. Perhaps, it was these things that kept me afloat while at sea on the Alcor rather than the ship itself.

“Will you be leaving the harbor with the supplies tomorrow?” I asked, knowing he had no business in Liyue Harbor other than fulfilling Beidou’s request.

“Most likely. I’ll need to assist with setting up the tournament.” I saw him shift his arm from beneath the table. “I am also in possession of its prize at the moment.”

Kazuha had told me the story of how he obtained the “Masterless Vision” earlier in our friendship. It was an item that often aroused solemn feelings from him during the dead of night. I couldn’t help but frown at the idea of him offering it as a prize to be won by some stranger.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to have it be the winning prize for the Crux Clash, though? It’s just… It feels so sentimental.”

“I’ve tried many different experiments in order to test the possibility of it reawakening… I feel that if I do not abandon that sentimentality or keep the vision for myself, I will be doing an even greater injustice to my friend,” he spoke. His eyes were unreadable, but I had the feeling it was not as easy to use the vision in such a way as he made it sound. Kazuha had never been the type to act rashly or make impulsive decisions, so there was no reason for me to press his choice any further.

“I understand, Kazuha.”

It was late by the time we finished eating and returned back to our inn. Before entering, however, I remembered something I had to do before the night ended.

“Kazuha, there’s something I need to go to do real quick. I won’t take long. It’s okay if you head inside without me.” I was hoping there wouldn’t be too much resistance at my request for him to go without me. His expression told me I wouldn’t be so lucky.

“The air is distraught,” he frowned, “it’ll be raining soon, (Y/N).” I wouldn’t let his frown stop me, as this was something that could only be done tonight.

“I promise, Kazuha, I’ll be back shortly. The longer we wait, the more likely it is I’ll be caught in the rain.”

“Okay,” he hesitated. “Don’t take too long.”

We parted ways in front of the inn, which wasn’t far from my destination. I had remembered the ribbons being sold at the Mingxing Jewelry shop and wanted to buy a pair for Kazuha and I. Even if we were to part ways, I hoped to be a part of his life that he would always remember, just as he was for me. A ribbon to serve as his hair tie would be a nice gift to accomplish just that.

Upon arriving at the shop, I pointed out a bright vermillion ribbon and a (color) ribbon to Xingxi. She wrapped them elegantly around what appeared to be a thin, rectangular wooden charm, and then slipped a velvet pouch covering over the gift. Just as I had finished paying and stepped away from her booth, thick drops of rain began falling around me.

Kazuha’s weather-predicting streak continued to be flawless.

I attempted to shield the gift from the increasingly steady downpour as I quickly made my way back to our inn. There was no doubt in my mind that the samurai would scold me the second I walked through the door. It would only be worse once he discovered the reason I stayed out was for him. It was in Kazuha’s nature to care greatly for his friends’ well-being, yet I always managed to find myself feeling giddy when he expressed his concern for me.

With my mind distracted by the man waiting for me back at the inn, I failed to notice the long arms that reached out from the thin alley I was passing. Before I knew what happened, I found myself thrown onto my hands on the cold, wet alley ground. I looked around the space to be confronted with three figures. The man closest to the entrance of the alley was tall with slender limbs. I assumed he was the one who grabbed me in the first place. There were two people opposite of him—a man and a woman. Both were shorter than the first man but had a more muscular definition from what I could see through the rain.

It was a bad situation to be caught in. The heavy rain had sent all the residents back inside, and the low visibility cast by the now cloudy night sky wasn’t helping my case. No one would be able to spot my predicament in such dark conditions.

I was certainly not helpless in a fight as a member of the Crux Fleet, but being caught disarmed in a three against one fight has never been to anyone’s advantage. Still on the ground, I spotted Kazuha’s gift, knocked out of my hand from the impact of being thrown. When I reached out to grab it, the woman swiftly brought the heel of her boot down hard on the middle of my back, winding me. The second man picked up the pouch and placed it in the woman’s outstretched hand.

“This one was just at Mingxing’s. Might’ve bought some expensive shit,” the woman said. As she pulled the wooden rectangle out of the bag, however, her expression turned sour. “Ribbons? Are you kidding me?” She unraveled the red one I had chosen for Kazuha and gave her next orders. “Pat 'em down and see if there’s anything else.”

“Get the hell off me!” I tried to fight back, but the woman’s boot was still firmly planted in the center of my back. The two men now crouched over me and began feeling up and down my sides. One reached into my pocket and found the spare mora I had left from the day. Luckily, the majority of it remained back at the inn room.

“Not much left besides a handful of mora. Everything probably went into those ribbons, yeah?” The tall man who took the mora grumbled.

“Damnit. They’ll have to do then. Most of that shit from Mingxing’s sells for something, at least,” the woman chewed her lip, then shifted more of her weight onto my back, causing me to groan out. “Hey. How much’d you buy this string for?”

“None of your business,” I forced out. I wasn’t scared of some criminals like these, who couldn’t even compare to the notoriously weak treasure hoarders, but it was quickly becoming harder to breathe due to the pressure on my body.

This was apparently not the correct answer. The woman lifted her boot from my back, giving me a chance to inhale. Just as I tilted my head up to get a good look at my assailant, she swung her foot hard, colliding with the side of my head. The impact sent me rolling into the wall of the drenched alley. I moaned from the throbbing pain in my skull and slowly propped myself up on my side with my arm. Once my vision stopped swimming, I was met with a small knife the woman had shoved in my face. The two men with her seemed surprised as they stood some distance behind her. They most likely didn’t expect a small mugging to escalate like this.

“Are you sure you wanna talk to me like that, brat? I’m sure some blood would clear up just who exactly is in charge of this situation realquick,” she hissed out with an ugly look on her face. I knew she wasn’t bluffing. My pride and experience as part of the Crux Fleet wouldn’t let me be fearful, but the intensity of it all had really increased after the woman pulled out a weapon.

The lack of submission on my face must have irked the woman even further. This time, I received a nauseating kick to the stomach. It was much worse than the first hit. Since I was already against the wall, the momentum had nowhere to go but throughout my body. I let myself lie on the ground, trying to catch my breath and deal with the pain.

Leaning in close to my face, the woman asked again, “How much was the damn ribbon?”

I grimaced, feeling incredibly frustrated. At this point, my clothes were freezing and uncomfortably sticking to my body, which was aching in two separate places. The air was windy and agitated, and it was hard to think straight between a brutal headache and a knife pointed directly at my face. But, more than anything, I was mad regarding what they decided to steal from me.

It really was just some string, like the woman said. Kazuha’s ribbon dangled in her hand that wasn’t holding the knife, while mine was still wrapped around the wooden charm, discarded on the ground. I knew Kazuha wouldn’t want me to go to such lengths for a material gift, but I was angry—at them for stealing it, and at myself for being helpless to defend it. I was no use to anyone dead, so I conceded and told the woman the price.

“Twelve thousand… for both,” I said while sitting up from the ground as much as I could. There wasn’t anywhere I could move to put distance between myself and her weapon, so I tilted my head to the side while keeping my eyes locked with hers. The woman clicked her tongue at me, but didn’t respond. She seemed to be studying me over. There was a tense silence, and the relentless wind blowing the rain multiplied the strong, suffocating feeling in the air. The two men behind her grew more and more fidgety the longer the silence permeated.

“Hey…” the second man looked like he was going to reach his arm out towards the woman, but didn’t fully commit to the action. It was obvious she was the ringleader of their trio, but also the most unstable one. “We got what we could from them. Shouldn’t we just get outta here before the Millelith catch on?”

“Those guards won’t be able to see past their polearms with all this rain, let alone down a dark alley,” she snapped her reply back at the second man. “Damnit! What is up with all this wind?”

The wind had picked up substantially at this point, surpassing the rain in force and speed. It wasn’t as bad from low on the ground, but I was not spared from the brutal lashing caused by the air. In the darkness of the alley, I saw the bright red ribbon I bought for Kazuha, soaked and thrashing wildly in the woman’s hand. If she happened to let go, it would surely be carried off on the wind and never seen again.

I muttered out, “You should… put the ribbons back in their bag.” My female assailant whipped her head back to me and crouched down in my face.

“You know, you’ve had a real fuckin’ attitude problem from the start!” Her displeased face was scrunched up. It was obvious the speed of the wind had caused her to become more distressed than she already was.

“I’m sure your friends think the same about you,” I spat back.

The woman’s eyes widened and her brows furrowed tight. I knew provoking her wasn’t a smart move, but I couldn’t help my comment while watching Kazuha’s gift become ruined in her hands. Quickly, her hand with the knife retracted from my face and was thrust towards my upper chest. I reacted in time by shifting my body back down towards the ground.

A terrible stinging feeling flared from my upper arm, where her weapon had left a deep cut. I gasped in pain from the sudden stab wound. Dark red blood trailed down my arm and stained my clothing, then began to pool on the street beneath me. The injury was nothing fatal, but it was hot with pain and would become dangerous if not treated relatively soon. I had assumed the woman’s threats were serious, but part of me didn’t imagine her actually stabbing me until it was too late. The longer I was in this situation with the thieves, the greater the risk on my life was. The wind whipped violently around us and the hard rain slapping the pavement muffled my voice.

“Kazuha…” I groaned out. At this point, all I wanted to do was return to him and his warmth.

I was tired of the cold.

I gripped my hand over the bleeding wound on my arm. The second I had cast my eyes down, a yell came from the men on the other side of the alley. Two dull thuds were heard as their bodies fell into my line of sight on the ground. Frantically turning around, the woman found herself face to face with the blade that always adorned Kazuha’s side. It was radiating a bright glow due to the elemental energy infused. Wind and rain swirled around the sword, drawing my eyes towards the samurai himself.

His bangs were slicked down to his forehead from the storm and water trailed down the curves of his face. What was more shocking than Kazuha’s arrival, however, was his expression. The eyes that normally held so much empathy and care were brutally cold and unforgiving. Lightly pinched eyebrows pushed against his lidded eyes, and frowning lips parted to speak to my attacker.

“It appears I’ve been led to quite the vile situation now, haven’t I?” Kazuha’s voice was calm, but held none of his usual soothing tone. It was harsh and bitter, something I’ve never heard from him before—not until now.

The woman began stuttering out, shocked that she had been caught and overwhelmed by the vision user so quickly.

“L-led here? How? No one should’ve been able to see us here with all the rain!” She eyed the long blade held in front of her, but didn’t dare move a muscle.

“Foolish people say foolish things,” he bit. “Nature’s gaze witnessed your crimes, and the disturbance in the rain told me of your location.”

Of course, that was the case. I should’ve known Kazuha was aware of the danger I was in even before I did. His sword was unwavering in the face of the woman as he spoke his next words.

“As members of the Crux Fleet, we abide by the laws of the sea. For crimes such as this, the law calls for the thief to be thrown out to sea with their hands bound and legs broken,” Kazuha’s voice was pure ice at this point. “And I’m not one to break our law.”

Panic was evident on the woman’s face. Her eyes wildly darted around before she decided to test her luck and moved to run out of the alley. The back of Kazuha’s anemo-infused blade struck the back of her head sharply, causing her to collapse just as her two partners had. It was now just Kazuha and I, surrounded by the three unconscious bodies of my attackers, windblown and drenched.

He turned away from the woman’s body and moved towards me. Slightly in shock, I was unable to speak out to him. The passionate red eyes I adored were stoic and unreadable. They avoided meeting my own, and instead focused on studying my injuries. With his sword returned to its sheath, Kazuha unwrapped his scarf from his neck. Crouching down in front of me, he gently grabbed my arm and inspected the cut. Blood and water ran down the entire front side of my arm, and the rain had diluted the pool of burgundy below me, now running between the valleys of the street.

His frown remained as he spoke, “It’ll need stitches, but this will have to do for now.” Using his scarf as a tourniquet, he firmly wrapped it over the wound. In no time at all, blood had stained it several shades darker than it previously was.

Next, he traced his hand up from my injured arm to my cheek, where I assumed a visible mark was left. Sharp pangs had been coming from my face and stomach ever since I was first hit. My cheeks were wet from the rain, so I couldn’t tell if her kick had broken the skin or not. Kazuha’s fingers were barely felt as they brushed my hair back and ghosted over my face. It was as if he thought I would break the second any pressure was applied. Kazuha was close, yet still refrained from letting our eyes meet.


He cut me off by lightly resting his hand on top of my head in a comforting gesture. I felt an ache in my chest, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the pain or his actions. I was dripping wet from the water, freezing cold from the now absent wind, and covered in blood. I was a mess, but I was okay because of him. Things surely wouldn’t have ended well if Kazuha didn’t sense the danger I was in.

“Thank you, Kazuha,” I bit the inside of my lip, beginning to feel emotional. “Thank you for saving me.”

Kazuha stood up off the ground, scanning the three unconscious assailants.

“I need to leave and bring the Millelith to take care of them, (Y/N). Will you be okay alone for a minute?” he spoke. I could tell he didn’t want to leave me alone again by the way he stared at the bodies, making sure they were out cold and not just faking it.

I reassured him, “I’ll be okay, Kazuha. You can go.”

I watched him hurry out of the alley to grab the nearest Millelith soldiers. The lighthearted feeling I had when the rain first started had quickly dissipated with the events that followed. Instead of getting scolded by him with his forgiving smile, I knew things would be grim and regretful. The original culprit of my prolonged outing was curled pitifully on the ground in front of me. The ribbon was soggy, but still a vibrant shade of red against the dark pavement.

Shifting, I moved myself to pick up Kazuha’s ribbon, tracing over the embroidery with my fingers. I hoped that letting it dry would restore it to its original condition. Shuffling across the alley, I picked up the equally waterlogged wooden charm with my ribbon still wrapped around it. The state of the gift put a frown on my face. Finally, the velvet pouch the gift came in was similarly abandoned in the middle of the alley, waiting to be picked up. Kazuha returned with the Millelith soldiers just as I finished reassembling the present.

Two soldiers made their way over to the unconscious muggers behind me, while one came to assist me. Kazuha remained at the entrance of the alley, talking with another soldier.

“Are you able to walk?” The soldier had a boyish face. If he was new, the sight of my blood didn’t alarm him.

“I think so,” I let him help me up. Once I was upright, the blood rushed to my head and I became dizzy. The soldier held me as I leaned on him for support, letting the spots fade from my vision.

“Dr. Baizhu usually isn’t available this late at night. I can bring you to the Millelith’s headquarters to get cleaned up,” he offered.

My savior’s voice intercepted, “No need. We’re travelers staying at an inn nearby, and I have medical supplies to treat their wounds. I’ll bring them to your doctor in the morning.” Making his way over to the boyish guard and myself, he replaced the guard and supported my weight. Even in the cold rain, his warmth bled through his wet clothing. I subconsciously leaned closer to him.

The soldier seemed to hesitate, looking my poor condition over. The way Kazuha spoke was forceful and blunt, as if he didn’t trust anyone but himself to handle me. Taking the hint, the Millelith soldier conceded the unspoken argument.

“Alright, sir. Thank you for…” the guard paused, eyeing criminals on the alley ground, “stoppingthese thieves. This sadly isn’t the first incident we’ve had with these three, but because of you, it’ll be the last.”

Kazuha and I said our farewells and parted ways with the soldiers. Once we stepped out of the alley and onto the street, I let out a sigh I didn’t realize I had been holding in. I was relieved to finally be out of that dark alley, but the tension in the air wasn’t gone just yet. Kazuha stopped us and moved himself to face me.

As I was about to question him, he bent his legs and carefully placed his hands under my arms, lifting me into the air. The shock of being picked up made me instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, which was his goal. Kazuha adjusted my position, tucking one arm under my thigh and another around my lower back. His eyes stared past my shoulder and his nose was tucked into my collarbone. This made our chests flush against each other. His wet hair tickled my neck and the side of my face.

The complaint on my tongue quickly disappeared when my body reminded me just how tired I was from the day, and the warmth Kazuha radiated made me relax into him. Tucking my chin over his shoulders, I let out another content sigh, closing my eyes and letting him carry me through the rain and back to our inn.

The atmosphere back at the inn was heavy, as I had predicted. Kazuha immediately carried me into the bathroom upon entering our room. Words had not yet been exchanged since we left the alley. I sat on the counter next to the sink while Kazuha unpacked our first-aid kit. Using a cloth, he wiped the blood from my arm. Once he felt my arm was clean, he held the cloth to my wound.

“Hold it there for a bit,” he ordered.

Our nurse on the Alcor always took care of our injured, but I thought it made sense that Kazuha knew how to treat wounds while watching him prepare to stitch my arm. He was a traveler before all else. There was no one around to care for his wounds but himself in the wild.

Kazuha moved away from the counter and grabbed a towel, handing it to me.

“I’ll be as gentle as possible, but this will hurt,” my current nurse frowned. “Try not to move too much, (Y/N).”

I nodded, relaxing my arm and turning my head away. It was hard not to whimper as the needle passed through my skin, but I stayed still in order to make things easier for him. I could tell he really was trying his best to make it less painful. His skilled hands didn’t make any unnecessary movements, and he was fast when piercing through the wound. My thoughts drifted off while I tugged on the towel and waited for Kazuha to finish.

I wondered what he was thinking this entire time. Was he mad at me for staying out and causing him trouble? I promised myself I’d wash his clothes since I was ultimately the one at fault for making them wet and bloody. It was no secret that Kazuha was more introverted, but his behavior now wasn’t a side he’s ever shown me before. There was complete silence as he worked, focusing on stitching the cut on my arm properly. The samurai was never easy to read, but at this moment it felt even more impossible than usual. I wanted him to open up to me, I wanted to know everything about him—his feelings, his worries, his past. I wished that he would spend hours telling me every detail about himself. It was frustrating being stuck on the outside, forbidden from knowing any of his thoughts.

“It shouldn’t leave too much of a scar,” his voice cut through the silence, startling me. Once again, he wiped my arm clean of any remaining blood, then wrapped it tightly with bandages. I could tell it would be tender for a while.

Kazuha brought his attention to the throbbing side of my face. A fresh, warm cloth softly cleaned my face from the dirt and blood. His face was close to mine, yet he still managed to dance around my eyes.

“Kazuha.” I tried.

He completely ignored me and continued to place bandages on my cheek. There was a slight stinging sensation from the medicine he applied, but it was much more bearable than the stitches.


“I warned you not to stay out, (Y/N),” Kazuha spoke. A sigh fell from his lips as he pulled away, reaching back into the first-aid kit for another bandage. “I told you it would rain.”

His face was locked in the same serious expression. The frown wasn’t the same forgiving one I usually received with his lectures. It was heavy and added to the guilty feeling that was pooling in my stomach.

He busied himself by applying another bandage to my face. Once the tips of his fingers brushed my skin, however, I felt a strange tickle from them. Although it was barely noticeable, Kazuha’s fingers had begun to shake.

“Nature has always communicated with me, but that doesn’t make me invincible. I’ve lost many people in my life, even with my senses. What if I had been too late reaching you, (Y/N)? By the time I arrived, I could tell that woman seriously intended to…” he trailed off. Emotion had begun leaking through his voice. His concern for me, his anger towards my assailants, the sorrow he carried from his past. It was all hard to detect, but it was there nonetheless.

“I should have never agreed to let you leave my side. I should have known better.” Kazuha’s eyes had long since fallen from my cheek and down to my lap. I couldn’t stand listening to him blame himself for my decisions.

“If I had—”


He fell silent as my hands cupped his face and forced him to finally meet my eyes, which were wide and trying to hold back tears as they stared into his glassy red ones. Kazuha was visibly caught off-guard by this. Through the blurriness in my eyes, I watched his serious expression crack into one of sadness. He mirrored my actions, cupping my face. His fingers swiped beneath my eyes.

“Please, don’t cry.”

My hands fell from his face to loosely hold onto his wrists. Big drops fell from my eyes, only to be caught by his loving hands.

“I’m sorry, Kazuha,” I cried. His lips were slightly parted and his face held the most caring expression I’ve ever seen. His sadness was a gentle one, one only saved for those he genuinely cherished. It just made me cry harder. “I’m sorry I made you worry about me… Please, don’t blame yourself for my mistakes. None of this was your fault.”

I let him wipe my tears while I mumbled apologies. The adrenaline from the incident had long since worn off, but it was only the man in front of me who was able to cause the state I was in. I loved him from the bottom of my heart.

My cheeks were red and puffy from the emotion Kazuha pulled out from me. I reached behind my spot on the counter to grab the gift I bought for him. The velvet was mostly still wet, but not much could be done about it except time. I set the dripping pouch down on my lap for him to see.

“This… is the reason I was out.” I held it up for him to take.

He slowly reached for it, wrapping his fingers delicately around his present. Kazuha looked up into my eyes as if he wanted to say something, but decided to stay silent and went back to the object in his hands. Slipping the wooden charm smoothly out of the pouch, he inspected the two colorful ribbons tied around it. His fingers untied his vermillion ribbon and lightly rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger. Equally red eyes stared into mine, silently asking a question.

“I know your time with us as part of the Crux Fleet is temporary,” I began. “Travelers are called so for a reason. It can’t be expected that we will be together for a long time, but still,” my voice felt thick with emotion thinking about Kazuha leaving the Crux Fleet. If I had it my way, I would follow the wandering samurai anywhere he asked. “But still, I don’t want to be a temporary memory. I want you to always have something to remember our time together by. I saw these ribbons at the Mingxing Jewelry shop on our way here… I thought they would be nice hair accessories. The red one matches that streak in your hair,” I weakly chuckled. “I got the (color) one for myself.”

Kazuha’s eyes were wide now, surprised at my confession and the meaning behind the two ribbons he held. He handed me the red ribbon intended for him and turned around to give me access to his ponytail. I took the hint and tied it over the band that held his soft white hair in place.

When he turned around, the (color) ribbon was removed from the charm and hung limply in his hands. A smile graced his lips and his eyes were lidded. Kazuha always had nice eyes, but his eyelashes were especially beautiful. They were long and dark and curled perfectly to frame his kind red irises. A delicate hand took mine and lifted it between the two of us. My cheeks grew warm as I watched him tie the (color) ribbon intended for my hair around my ring finger. When he was done, he raised my other hand to be held in his.

Kazuha had a way of making my heart race with the softest of touches. Sitting on a bathroom counter, facing the person I loved as he tied a pretend ring on my finger was enough to send me halfway to Celestia. His thumbs began to trace over my own hands in his.

“Just as the sun remembers to rise, the seasons of Teyvat will remember to change. Winter carries its cold chill, killing each leaf on the tree. The tree is blessed with the new life and purpose brought by Spring. Summer’s heat tests the will of the tree and its determination to protect what it has been given.” Kazuha’s voice was filled with affection as he spoke these words. “As long as the maples leaves of Autumn continue to turn red from love, I promise that I’ll never forget you, (Y/N).”

Kazuha slowly brought his face closer to mine until his lips brushed over my own. My head tilted as I let my eyes close, completely giving myself to him. His lips were soft as they gave me the gentlest kiss I’ve ever received in my life. The passion behind his words and actions filled my heart, and any trace of the sadness shared between us earlier was completely gone.

He leaned his body closer to mine in order to deepen the kiss. The feeling of his lips against mine quickly became addicting. I wrapped my uninjured arm around his shoulders and began to play with his hair, messy from the day’s events. It was strange how contrasting Kazuha felt. At times, he was utterly unreadable, not letting a hint of his thoughts or feelings slip out. But now, Kazuha had nothing to hide as he kissed me. The love I felt from him was genuine and pure.

I didn’t let him go far when he broke the kiss. Keeping my arm tossed around his neck, I rested my forehead against his.

“I love you, Kaedehara Kazuha.” I felt warm all over being so close to him. Kazuha pecked my lips in response.

“And I, you, (Y/N).”

10:12PMldon’t you know in your heart is a powerto change everything?

you used to swat his touch away without thinking about it. a hand on your shoulder, an arm around your waist, any inkling of childeattempting to cozy up to you was immediately ignored.

and despite the title that loomed over his head, or the knowledge of his power that stuck itself in yours, it would only delight him. the man known to kill without a second thought would merely tilt back his head and let out a hearty laugh, as if your rejection was the most charming thing.

“do you trust me?” he’d ask, hand outstretched obnoxiously.

i don’t trust you because i know you, you had always thought. though, he never really needed to hear it to know the reason behind your coldness.

“not particularly.” you’d reply, lips turning up with the ghost of a smile.

because while your feelings towards him have always been quite clear, you are bound to him by contract – a spy and a harbinger, brought together by nothing more than the duties that plague you. your relationship is a convenience moved by the tsaritsa’s will alone.

but, playing such a role requires it, trust. you’ve always liked to think that childe understands this as well as you do. that being truly close to him is not something that aligns with your interests.

hence, you thought you would be happy when he finally forced himself away from you. you thought that a bit of space was all you needed to calm the incessant burning in your chest, something you’d assumed was annoyance.

yet, instead of your heart forgetting the stimulation, it grew restless.

perhaps that’s what pushed you to make exceptions you shouldn’t have. drunk on backfiring change, an eager heart had persuaded you beyond points you had planned to explore, to a point you were always forbidden to know.

you still pushed away childe’s hands and friendly words with ease, but your personal turmoils made the moments you were forced to act more real.

“may i?”

in that snezhnayan town square, he had extended his arm to you. an invitation you could only stare at, wondering which persona of yours would fight its way to the surface first.

“it would be my pleasure.” you respond, lips curling into a dainty smile that poked at your already softening resolve.

you were contracted to act like this. you were contacted to look enamoured with the tall man in front of you, so long as other eyes are on you. but it was the public’s trust you needed to gain, so why did it seem like his was beginning to mean more?

you had no choice but to look a bit deeper into the man’s adoring eyes, into the look that despite the man’s personal convictions, was supposedly only a show.

and as your heart finally began to still, you were thrown further from the tsaritsa’s path than you had ever intended.

sometimes, you wonder what happened to that fearless and daring person you had once been. you had successfully stared your future in the eyes many times, calm all the while, as if there wasn’t a worse punishment than pretending to be in love with someone you were trying so hard to avoid.

i’ve become weak, you think, as you eye childe’s outstretched hand.

“do you trust me?” he asks, grin wide.

because you are no longer in a position where you will deny yourself the things you want, you take it. you take his hand and even though it’s not the first time his fingers have locked with yours, or you’ve felt your heart jump at the trace of contact, you smile.

i trust you because i know better now.

“don’t count on it for too long.”

© tartagilicious 2022 / not beta-read

In Life and Death /

 When everything you know is shrouded in light, it’s often hard to remember to peek into the darkness. Your family has long since been a part of those who avoid it, choosing to hide comfortably amongst the high ranks of Mondstadt’s nobility. Your father, the King, has fought hard to keep it that way, especially following the Queen’s unfortunate death. However, with a sudden push from the Fatui, certain old wounds are quickly reopened.

It’s why upon tragedy striking, you aren’t alone in the assumption that the foreign nation is to blame. But when unseen circumstances quickly push the question of the culprit’s identity over to you, you find that the situation is much deeper than meets the eyeBetween the mysterious nature of an unknown killer, familial doubts, and the 11th Harbinger launching himself into the scene by making an attempt on your life, you think you’re completely in over your head.

Even if Childe claims you have the picture all wrong.

And so, in a gruesome twist of events, you’re faced with a choice – trust Childe’s convenient involvement and get to the bottom of everything together, or risk becoming victims yourselves.

 warnings: mentions of death + father issues

 word count: 6.08k

The purpose of your detour was not lost on you, truly – but, Diluc should have known better than to suggest that the glaring displeasure you hold for your father will ever be anything but potent. Such a record can’t be easily forgotten, and you’re reminded of the same foul feelings the very moment you step into the castle again, when a travelling troupe sweeps right by you.

You wave to the friendly ringleader that side-steps you, but you can’t help the way your smile drops at their departing backs. Their presence can only mean the preparation of the yearly celebration of Ludi Harpastum. A bitter feeling manifests in your chest as you watch them depart. 

Sooner or later, you’ll need to begin thinking about making preparations yourself, but the timing is oddly cruel. The sister celebrations themselves are still two months away, and the subtle reminder is almost insulting – it’s as if someone has thrown a time bomb at you, giving you the honour of watching it tick and tick and tick, until you’re reminded of the event you too can’t bear to postpone. 

It’s what sends you to the king’s office, barging in without so much as a knock. If your father wants to try and stop you from fixing things yourself, fine. If he wants to hide behind his claims of business and responsibility, so be it – but you won’t let his fear take the memory of your mother away from you. 

He looks up immediately. You take great pleasure in the surprise that passes over his features in the split second it takes him to recognise your face. But, the king doesn’t even attempt to comment as you come forwards, leaving the large door slightly ajar in your wake. 

“Good afternoon.” You comment idly, slipping into one of the chairs in front of his desk. A thick silence permeates the air as your father acknowledges you with an empty gaze

“___,” His weary tone of voice warns you, though there is a noticeable layer of uncertainty – has he done enough to be unsure of what you find issue with? 

“Choose your next words carefully.” He says.

“…I was targeted and left in hospice for a week, if you haven’t already forgotten.” You take in a breath, purposefully avoiding his gaze as an unsteady finger points to your covered neck. Diluc had ingeniously suggested patching it up again, knowing that this time, you would have no choice but to accept. 

Having such a physical piece of evidence surrounding the event your father had left you to handle alone, you would rather bet on the slim chance that it will glean a drop of sympathy from him; or, more importantly, an explanation of some kind. 

“But, I’m told you had more concerning matters to deal with.”

Letting your hand drop again, you frown. 

“Master Diluc informed me that you neglected to visit, even once.” You point out quietly, hating the way your voice trembles. “I just– I’m not sure what to think. Why? Where were you?”

Your father goes silent.

“If something had happened to me, would you have just tacked my name next to my mother’s and let the people of Mondstadt honour me for you?” 

Hurt flashes across his face, perhaps the most emotion you’d seen from him in ages. When he doesn’t answer you press on quietly,“…Can’t you at least give me some kind of explanation?”

“…You must understand. ___, someone was killed this morning.” Your father mumbles, thick brows twitching with a foreign sense of defeat. “I’m afraid to do much.”

A barrage of feelings crash into your chest. At first, you assume that he’s merely trying to change the subject, but slowly, the rest of his sentence reaches you. 

In an instant, your chest curls in on itself. The familiar deep-rooted feeling of shame cracks through your ribs, begging to sprout from the cage of bone you’ve long since confined it to. It blocks you from the world with a vengeance. You’d been so selfish that you’d barely even considered how life had continued on without you. 

He reassures you quietly, unaware of the struggle you fight within your own head. “I left you alone only because you would be better protected there.”

Unable to help the frown that slips onto your features, you deflate slightly in your chair. Your heart beats wildly at the words you know are a lie – the nuns are as helpless as any citizen in the event of a threat. But you don’t bother to correct him anymore. 

“…Who?” You ask softly. 

He fixes you with an unconvinced look, taking in your slouch and dressed neck. You hadn’t gotten the opportunity to look in the mirror since waking up in the infirmary, but you can only imagine your appearance would be enough to shock any other noble sharing your name into their own room in hospice.

But, the king looks at you in an odd way for a moment. Something in you wavers as he releases a breath, accepting whatever judgement he had just come to the conclusion of.

“The harbinger contacted a lawyer from Snezhnaya, to help with the case proceedings.” A shallow laugh leaves the man. “Something about missing out on a home court advantage.”

You let out a helpless sigh. How predictable of an order. 

“But, that lawyer was found on the brink of death outside of his jail cell this morning.”

You hesitate. “How were they…?”

“She was killed in the same way my chamberlain was.” He admits. “But, I don’t know if the culprit is the harbinger locked up right now, it’s too soon to tell.”

As silence begins to sink in between you, you sigh. “…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so easily. You know, it’s just, with what happened to Mom—“

“She would be happy to know history didn’t repeat itself.” Your father interrupts you, and suddenly reminded of who you’re talking to, you revert to a nod.

“Yeah.” You breathe, chest tightening. “Right.”

Her sense of trust had gotten her killed, but first and foremost, your mother’s life was stolen from her in almost the same circumstances you almost lost yours. An intruder had snuck in almost expertly. Though, unlike Childe, they had wasted no time in making their decision. 

For weeks, the culprit was unknown, until it was discovered that a maid had cleverly devised a way into the royal bedchambers one night. The motive is thought to be a robbery gone wrong, seeing as the young woman was discovered to be dressed in your mother’s jewellery upon capture.

You suspect the reason your father refuses to acknowledge it is because he feels some sort of blame — after all, it has been his decision to send the queen to bed early that night. Your mother had been a capable woman, ruling her country and raising her child with the same beaten hands. A break was only what the woman deserved. 

The maid originally took advantage of the odd night only to attempt stealing a few necklaces. But, it was just by some count of misfortune that your mother had stirred mistakenly, causing the anxious young woman to pull a knife.

Despite the holes that litter the story due to reiteration, the detail that remains in each is the fact that the queen had simply been dreadfully unlucky. Still, you had always found the sequence of events strange — especially seeing as your mother wasn’t the biggest collector of jewellery anyway. You’d always noticed that everything she owned was well worn, though of course, you had little sense of value then. 

“Well, let me remind you:” Your father brings you out of your thoughts, breaking the tense atmosphere. “Times are changing, and the last thing I need is for you to be caught up in something you shouldn’t be. I told you that I would arrange for investigators, and… I’m in the midst of it. I promise.”

You nod, chest tightening. I know better than to trust that. 

Pulling the large mahogany door shut behind you as you depart, you rest your hands on the wood for only a moment. Your body is taut with shame still, so you attempt to shake some feeling back into your limbs. But, faint voices come into earshot exceptionally fast. When you turn your head, you realise it’s only a pair of maids, headed in your direction with a tray of food and linen respectively.

Their chatter is indistinct even as they draw closer, and begrudgingly, you hide your face in the door so as to not reveal yourself. Most maids harbour only the best intentions, however, you’d rather not have your appearance outside the king’s office become a high topic of gossip.

“I keep dropping these off to the prisoner in the dungeon,” An older voice sounds as they pass behind you, the slight shifting of metal indicating a gesture with the tray of food. “But they’re always still completely full when I pick them up again.”

“…Well, I probably wouldn’t be very hungry after this morning  if I were him.”

The prisoner?  You wrack your brain for a moment, and frown once you realise who they must be chatting about. You’d heard that the Harbinger was jailed when you spoke to Diluc, but hearing about the situation from someone outside of that scope of importance only reminds you how big the situation has grown. 

When you turn your head, they’ve already almost disappeared. But, you have the sudden incessant urge to go after them and ask for more information, namely the things your father avoids providing, but sense of duty be damned – your fear stops you first. 

You’re not sure you want to face the harbinger just yet.

Habitually, you briefly consider contacting Diluc — the idea of having a friend at your side makes the entire process seem much less daunting. Yet, you hesitate. You’d already taken up so much of his time, you’d feel bad requesting his attention for any longer.

Though, mainly, you’re having an admittedly hard time scrubbing the look he’d given you this morning from your mind. It’s not unusual to see Diluc being exceptionally caring with you, as he knows as well as you do that he is the only person you will let pick up such a role. And yet, something had been innately different. The nature of his gaze, you still can’t quite place it in a way you can understand. 

But the quickly fading sound of footsteps pulls you out of your troubles. Whether or not you’re comfortable or ready, there are decisions you will have to make eventually — it’s only a matter of when.

Cursing bitterly beneath your breath, you pivot for a moment before jogging slightly to catch up to the pair. They don’t notice you until you’re beside the one carrying a tray of food, and your face has been painted into a clear smile. 

 “Hello! Can I stop you two for a second?”

You make yourself known with the easygoing personality that most of the castle staff are more accustomed to, despite the way your nervous heart thumps wildly. Before the chamberlain’s death, it had been simple to fall into the familiar personality. Yet, now, you can barely fathom letting your guard down within the castle’s walls.

The older of the pair regards you familiarly, and half heartedly, you realise that it’s the same maid you had spoken with in the library the night you’d been attacked.

Her eyes wrinkle into a friendly smile as she greets,

“Hello, my lady.” The deep green of her eyes moves over your neck, silently observing. “I was deeply saddened to hear of what happened to you, are you doing alright?”

Bristling slightly, you nod.

“Yes, of course, thank you.” You assure her in a delicate voice, one that she waits patiently at the sound of. Something seems to click in her mind as you gesture to the tray of food in her hands.

It is a singular portion, covered by a silver dome lid  — obviously not meant for anyone of importance due to its condition, and very likely going to the man that had tried to kill you only nights ago.

“So, could I… maybe take that off your hands?” You smile slightly, an awkward laugh leaving your lips. “I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but I just recently woke up from the state my injury put me in. I haven’t had real food in about a week.”

Not a lie, technically.

The other younger maid is the first to answer.

“Your highness, this food is certainly not the standard you’re looking for.” She frowns. “Would you like me to make a trip to the kitchens for you?”

“Ah,” You feel yourself go pale as you shake your head. “No, no, that’s alright. I’m not feeling especially picky in a situation like this.”

The maid seems like she wants to say more, but hesitates. In the meantime, the older woman’s gaze turns contemplative. 

“…Here, my lady. Take it.” She offers the tray to you, and you can’t help the surprise that permeates your expression. “I can easily fetch another, please go on.”

The thinly-veiled knowing tone should catch you off guard, but at the moment, you’re too relieved your plan had worked to comment. You sigh out your thanks. When you take the tray from her, you know you don’t have any time to waste – so, despite its surprisingly heavy weight, you walk off with it regardless. 

It’s strange, the feeling you get when you begin to walk away. You feel like you could easily take on Childe if he suddenly appeared in front of you, and yet, in the same breath, you still realise that you’re terrified of him — it’s  a cruel swirl of emotions that messes with your thoughts.

Clearing your throat uselessly, you methodically count your strides with each breath. The sensation of blood rushing into your ears nearly blocks your senses entirely, but you continue on to gain some semblance of control over your pounding heart, if nothing else.

You hate to admit them, your weaknesses. You were raised learning that things such as fear are only hindrances, something that doesn’t deserve your acknowledgement or time. But, you are human, after all – fear is an inevitable experience. You can push away things that you don’t want to face, and avoid those who care a little too much, but you need them. You need them both to be human.

Diluc alone is proof of that. The way you feel when you’re with him, you halfheartedly wonder if that’s how normal people feel all the time. The situation now only proves how deeply your views have cut, and how utterly unable you’re able to deal with the things you dislike. 

Your breathing comes out unsteady as you turn your head. The dungeon you’re looking for is extremely close, only a mere few turns away, but still you hesitate. The rational part of you tells you to ignore your nerves, because Childe has lost to you, and he does not deserve to be feared. But, the other is wary of seeing the same wicked curiosity in the man’s sapphire eyes once again.

“…I already got this.” You whisper, reminding yourself of the tray in your hands with a shallow breath. “I can’t back out now.”

In truth, you probably couldjust eat whatever the maid had been ordered to deliver to him. But, that’s another issue entirely; every bite taken would likely only remind you of what you’d chickened out of. If you were reallycommitted to figuring out how to stop these murders from happening again, you would need to gain the courage necessary to face the man that had almost killed you eventually. It would only be hypocritical to avoid the situation now. 

It’s why you find yourself meandering down the hallway that leads to the holding cell  you’re looking for a few minutes later – because for all of your shortcomings, you will never let yourself handle this issue worse than your father. 

There are multiple dungeons that sit hidden around the castle, varying greatly depending on who they’re designed to hold. Crime has always been a fluctuating statistic in Mondstadt, and those before you had been sure to equip you with the resources necessary to keep any potential threats contained. 

The ladder in which you determine where someone will go is fairly simple, and the places that the Harbinger could be are naturally at the top of that spectrum – the best of the best guard those doors in locations that are seemingly random, in completely ordinary spaces only to stave off any curious eyes. 

For this reason, they’re among the least used of the holding cells. 

The one you think of is notably guarded by two knights. Though as a whole, the sight isn’t necessarily unusual, as most doors here and there have some sort of post stationed nearby either way. You only figure it’s the right dungeon because the door is at the end of a long hall, not to mention that the pair of maids had been headed in this direction. But, you can only make your decision quickly and find out. 

Begrudgingly, you take a look down at your clothes that aren’t those of a maid, and choose to settle for fashioning your hair to cover your face slightly – every bit of obscurity will help, you think, as you come upon the knights. And despite the urgency you possess, you’re already beginning to regret your decision. Perhaps going out of your way to lie and take the harbinger his meal wasn’t the best idea? After all, the metal platter in your hand is already starting to show its weight. 

Though, you have no choice but to go through with your rushed plan when the knights guarding the narrow hall finally notice you. Holding your breath under their immediate scrutiny, you nearly come to a full  stop in front of them. But, the two pairs of eyes that meet yours almost unwillingly are silent as they gesture for you to continue ahead. 

You’d initially covered your face hastily in anticipation of being recognised, though you aren’t yet sure whether you can accept this strange alternative. Your stomach curdles. All that keeps you walking is merely the possibility of being stopped, so, quickly, you take the hint and pray that their silence is a good thing. 

You release a bated breath once you finally reach the unmarked door at the end of the hall. 

Surely, you’ve thought this through enough? The arm that holds the platter aches, and for a moment, the weight of your situation strikes you once again. Lip curling, you anxiously try to bat away the sensation that nibbles at what little resolve you’d managed to build. Though, for a weak moment, you do consider it – turning back, forgetting that you’d ever made this rash decision. That you’d been brazen enough to think you could succeed when someone had been in your shoes only hours ago, and had paid for it. 

Anyone with sense would be able to tell you that you may be mere steps away from making a grave mistake. 

But, your pride has always been stronger than your sense of fear. Facing Childe is something only you can do. Finding the culprit behind these murders is something only you can do, and he may be the only one who can give you the information necessary to do it. It’s for that ironically sympathetic reason that you let your pride win. 

When the final moment for someone to intercept you passes peacefully, your clammy hand that grasps the door handle twists. A shrill, damp smell hits you like a wall. The scene that meets you is exceptionally dreary, and suspiciously dark for a time where the sun is at its highest – however, there is somehow no sign of light in the small staircase, so you chalk it up to the rainstorm’s doing. 

Your heart skips in a nervous rhythm as you descend the cobblestone stairs cautiously, nudging the door shut in your wake. A terribly simple room unfolds as you take the last steps in – all one shade of brown stone, with the barest of furniture adorning the empty side of the space. And, just as you’d predicted, the amount of light  in the pathetic room is small. It leaves most of the space to an assortment of old lamps. 

With a small smile, you surmise that it’s only what Childe deserves.

Though, the holding cell opposite everything else is larger than you’d expected. It even falls back into the dark, where you suspect more traditional prison commodities are present. Shifting your weight onto one side, you pointedly ignore the large holding cell opposite the stairs and search for a surface to dump the platter onto. Despite any physical prowess you may have, you regard the pain in your arms bitterly.

You would really rather not acknowledge whoever is behind bars, but alas, it’s what you’ve come all this way for. So, you turn around begrudgingly, leaning forward slightly to let your eyes adjust to the darkness. 

For a moment, you truly can’t see a thing. Only the prisoner’s silhouette is visible, and even as you squint, it’s hard to make out distinct features. It’s easy to grumble internally at the embarrassing situation, but all thoughts abruptly cease once you’re able to see properly.

It’s not one silhouette behind the bars, it’s two

Your blood runs cold as you consider for a moment, had you assumed Childe’s location too quickly? Biting back a curse, your face twitches with regret. If you’d guessed wrong, then who’s cell have you just walked into?

“Ah,” An unfamiliar voice rings out, and the shorter of the two silhouettes suddenly stands up straight. They hold a box in their hand as they do so. “Where’s Christina? Are you delivering the meal today in her place?”

Dully, you register the man’s words. There’s two of them. 

Christina is the name of the older maid you’d taken the platter from, expectedly familiar to whoever sits behind the bars now. The most rational conclusion you can manage is that you’d simply just taken the liberty of assuming the prisoner she mentioned was the one you were looking for – but, what does such an assumption mean for you? 

If anything, you must have made a wrong judgement somewhere. Perhaps the situation is fortunate, though – with this innocent mix-up, you have the perfect opportunity to turn back and gather yourself for the time you actually manage to find Childe. 

“…Yes. She was in a hurry, so she passed it off to me.” You nod slowly as your body relaxes, already trying to outline your escape route. First, you turn to the domed platter you’d sat down previously, attempting to determine the procedures that follow. The shiny metal betrays no secrets regarding the matter.

The man doesn’t respond for a short while, perhaps watching you struggle, before kneeling back down to shift his attention elsewhere.

“I see. I’ll be quick then, please don’t wait up for me.” He says. 

You don’t respond. In fact, you barely hear his words over your own inner voice, garbling orders to the hesitant hands that hover over the dish. It would only be right to assume that a maid takes care of all somewhat laborious duties – the small details people usually don’t think of, and very things that set the scene for those ahead. Regrettably, though, you have never paid much attention to the people who complete such duties. 

With an inward sigh, you press forward and grasp the handle, lifting the tray. Beneath it is a fittingly plain assortment – nothing more than a smaller plate and a sealed drink. 

You stare at the food almost longingly. Despite the meat’s sad look and the even less alluring appearance of the vegetables beside it, you feel like you haven’t eaten in ages. Memories of your days in the infirmary come back to you abruptly, though you do your best to brush them away.  They won’t serve you in any way here.

You set the tray down with a bated breath, turning around to ask one last thing – “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Silence answers you, and for a moment, you think you’ve said something wrong.

“No, thank you.” The man says. 

Another laugh rings out, clearly belonging to the person below the other. You aren’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed at the familiar sound.

“Go easy on her, can’t you see she’s new? Let her wait if she wants.”

The jovial tone of the stranger’s voice immediately puts you in a tight spot. Despite any of your previous doubts, you’ve found the right place – and without a doubt, thankfully. It seems your contingency plan is no longer necessary, but even if Childe’s first reaction is to mock you, you find solace in the fact that at least your judgement has proven correct after all. 

Now that you know what to look for, the scene unfolds in front of you. 

The more polite of the two holds a tin in his hand, marked with a giant red plus, showing his status as a medic. He kneels beside the familiar man sitting on the ground, trying his best to quickly resume tending to the wounds on the prisoner’s face. You can’t help but snicker when you notice Childe’s condition — bruised cheek, a split lip. It seems you’d managed to at least inconvenience him. 

“Is there something wrong?” The medic mumbles, eliciting a quiet sound from the man beneath him as your face drops. 

“Ah,” You tip your head, looking up in surprise. The dark must obscure your identity more than you’d anticipated. “…No. It’s nothing.“

Before you can think of any way to dig yourself out of the hole you’ve fallen into, the medic silently wraps up his duties. From what you can see, Childe’s respective injuries have all been carefully treated – though truthfully, you don’t get a very good look. The medic rises from the ground with practised grace. 

You eye the medic carefully as he fishes through his breast pocket coolly, producing a set of keys to unlock the cell door. Meanwhile, he makes no move to even peek back at the harbinger. He walks away from Childe with an insurmountable amount of trust.

You almost comment on the odd dynamic the two seem to have, but remembering the man’s frosty nature, you think better of itt. Instead, you brace yourself for a scolding of some kind, befit for the new hire he seems to think you are — instead, you’re merely met with a brief heavy hand on your shoulder as he passes. 

“He likes to scare people that don’t have their wits about them, but if you work fast, he won’t bother you much. Good luck.”

You aren’t sure whether to take his words as a sign of success or failure, but whatever the case, his warning is much too complicated to properly read into. Especially when so much already occupies your thoughts. Your eyes trail the medic as he walks off without any further explanation, kindly pretending not to notice your ruffled state. 

Though, for someone who comes with his own warning, Childe is oddly docile. 

“So, you dirtied your hands just to visit me?” 

You turn to face him, but when you fail to retort, he continues, “I am honoured, though. Truly.”

He raises a hand in an aimless gesture before leaning back into the stone wall of the holding cell. Childe’s eyes twinkle in the low light even as you remain silent. Though his words are outwardly casual, you have long since become an expert at picking small talk apart; being a member of the royal court has only warranted it. 

And it relieves you to no end to see that Childe is just as unsure of your presence as you are his. 

The silence is only broken once the medic has ascended the stairs, the slam of the door marking his departure clearly.

“I don’t know what else to say.” Childe remarks honestly. “I didn’t expect this.”

“You could start with an explanation.” You offer, feigning a smile. Your heart beats wildly as you consider the words you’d mentally rehearsed.  “Though, for some reason, my intuition tells me you’ve been quiet at every other turn thus far.”

His jaw ticks ever-so slightly as he nods.. “At least your intuition is good for something.”

“…But, there is one thing I am curious about.” You ignore his taunt, eyes drawing back to the uncovered food on the table next to you. Halfheartedly, you pick it up and approach the holding cell. You would leave him to rot in a heartbeat, but no amount of resentment will delude you to taunting him in the same way he does you. 

Childe’s eyes are quiet as you kneel to slide the platter into a small gap. He watches you still, even as you retrace your steps to a safe distance. 

“What happened should be simple, but you neglected to kill me even though you had ample opportunity. So, answer me honestly. Is this your twisted way of silencing me? Of silencing my investigations that will surely put someone you know behind bars?” You prod him, far past feeling shy now that you have facts behind you. 

He seems to think for a moment, eyes elsewhere before he says, “The Fatui aren’t responsible for anything.”

“Why were you in my room that night, then?”

 “Have you not considered that silence is just because my pride is just important to me?”

You shake your head. “I’ve seen men like you on their knees in front of the court hundreds of times.” You are unfeeling as you say it, gaze turning to a lit candle across the room. “None of you do it just because you want to save face.”

Diluc had been right. Your theory of Childe being captured on purpose, whether in an attempt to spy or otherwise, doesn’t really make much sense in the grand scheme of things. Of course, there’s also his proclamation of the Fatui’s innocence to worry about, but it could also simply be a lie. Assuming you know who the killer is could be a grave mistake, but what other options do you have?

Childe arches a brow. “Are you implying that there’s more to what I did? Maybe it had nothing to do with my neglect, but my failure instead.”

Your gaze flickers back to his, challenging. You think it’s then when he finally notices the bandages that wrap your neck, remnants of nights past suddenly burning behind the veil of his blue eyes. 

“You called the king a fake.” You remark, the words tight in your throat. “I don’t think failure played any part here.”

“But, let’s say you did fail. It still doesn’t explain your appearance in the first place.” When he doesn’t respond, you continue, “Were you telling the truth about not wanting any sort of ransom?”

Childe’s brows twitch in interest.

“…If you won’t answer that – since your capture, have you had any contact with the king?”

Diluc had been gracious enough to inform you of the king’s neglect to visit you, but everything else, that was your father alone — when you were told he was merely busy, that he had assumed leaving you alone was better than risking your life, he’d forgotten that those were only reiterations of the same excuses he’d been giving you all your life. 

Because you know better. You’ve alwaysknown better. 

Obviously, you don’t want to suggest such a partnership in the first place. However untrustworthy you may find your father, Mondstadt has been actively fighting against the notion of working with Snezhnaya for years. There’s simply no reasonable way to explain such a change in heart. It’s why you feel as though questioning Childe about it may be the only way to gain some sort of understanding.

The harbinger’s face shifts slightly, a foreign sadness passing through his eyes as his adam’s apple bobs. But, it’s gone as quickly as it comes. A heavy sigh echoes through the room, hitting you like a wall once you’ve realised what you said. You ruffle immediately and clear your throat before he can say anything.

“Just avoid him if you can.” He mutters.

Not a suggestion. An order. 

“Why?” A simple question, but you hesitate to answer when you notice the remnants of something else in his voice. It’s not quite the sadness you think you’d glimpsed, but it grips onto you like something greater. Suddenly, you can’t help but wonder what he pictures when he thinks of your father – what kind of monster he is in the eyes of the enemy, and if it’s any worse than the monster he is in the eyes of his own daughter. 

When you don’t answer, a small smile comes back onto his face. 

“Trouble on the inside?”

You shoot him a defeated look, to which he just shrugs. 

“You’d be doing yourself a favour by confessing to me, and saving yourself the pain of those who come after me.” You say loosely. “Consider it a debt paid, if that helps.”

Childe lets out a hearty laugh at that. 

“I don’t owe anyone anything,” He waves a hand, still holding onto the edges of his laughter. You straighten. “You’re alive, so consider that my gift to you.”

Unimpressed, you sigh. Maybe this is the reason no information has yet surfaced – Childe is unnervingly casual, expertly deflecting each serious topic like a blow against a blade. He seems intent on taking his motives to the grave, or, at least wherever the world chooses to drop him next. You can’t imagine those after you being any more thrilled to deal with him than you are, though.

“Fine. If not to me, then what about your lawyer? Do you owe her nothing as well?”

You haven’t yet attempted to look, but you’re certain that if you squinted, you’d be able to tell just where exactly the attorney’s life had ended. Swallowing a lump, you continue in Childe’s silence. Such damning evidence is not so easily removed. 

“I don’t know what your motives for being here are, but I willfigure it out. So, if you don’t want to speak, fine. But know that only means you will owe so much more the next time we meet.”

His voice is unintelligible as he makes yet another snide remark, and the noticeable lack of fire behind the words is like an axe of hope in the stone wall of your heart. For once, it matches his worn appearance. 

Then, he shakes his head, “You’re nothing but talk, Your Highness.”

Your stomach drops as he stands. Childe still manages to exude a threatening aura even as his body moves stiffly, kicking his disused joints back into use. You can almost hear it, the phantom hisses and groans of a machine powering back up as he wiggles the sleep out of his fingers. Being held in such a way had no doubt affected him badly.

You keep your gaze on his steadily as he walks to you, holding yours all the same. For a few moments, the only sounds in the dreary room are his soft footsteps and your incessantly climbing heartbeat. But, before you can comment, he stops in front of you, nose mere inches from the bars.

Something desperate deflates in you as he holds up his arms, chains groaning with the movement. 

His wrists are bound. Shackled to the wall, he’s unable to reach past the bars – unable to reach where the memories of bloodstains lie beneath your feet.

“I told you then that I haven’t killed anyone, and it’s the truth.”

“But…” Childe trails off, taking a wandering step back as he lifts his hands into a half shrug. “If you think you have everything under control already, feel free to do what you want.”

Bust me, if you can.


Warnings: NSFW, PWP, Thirst Drabble, pervert and flatmate Thoma, solo masturbation

The ever reliable Thoma as your flatmate who always helps out with the chores, makes sure you two eat properly, that the flat is maintained neat and orderly. Oh-so-caring Thoma who’d pick you up from your work after his ended to make sure you get home safe, carries the heavy grocery bags for you while also double-checking for your favorite snacks, who wakes up earlier in the morning so he can prepare some breakfast for you too.

He’s perfect. Perfect as a flatmate, maybe even perfect as a boyfriend. But you two remained friends, respectfully tiptoeing each other, looking away with faint blushes on your cheeks when any contact was made.

And Thoma thought you were perfect too. How you’re so thoughtful and always looking out for him, making sure he rests, encouraging and comforting his worries away…You’re just so sweet to him.

Which is why when you’re away, it’s the perfect Thoma that would sneak to your pile of laundry, picking up your scant undergarment and retreating to the comfort of his room. Ashamedly inhaling your scent, wondering when he’d be able to smell the real thing, imagining how much he wanted to stay on his knees with his face buried in your cunt.

As he grabs his hard cock to your smell, he can’t help the low groan escaping his throat, wondering if you’d be blushing when he asks you to spread your legs for him. Will your delicate hands and dainty fingers spread open your pussy for him to ogle at? 

Thoma would throw his head back on his pillow, hand moving faster over his cock, the slick sounds of his own precum fuels his lust and desire to hear your own juices drench him, dreaming how loud he’d make you moan and how he’d fuck you hard enough until you scream his name.

Your stolen panties forgotten as Thoma humps the air, biting hard on his lips, not wanting to let out a sound in case you come home early. But he can’t help the moan as he finally reaches his peak, hs cum staining your undergarment. Instead of feeling guilty, Thoma just stiffens at the thought of him painting your pussy white, his cock easily hardening again at the thought of claiming you for himself.

Spider’s Thread [Reverse AU]

Possessive Red Xiao x Reader

Word Count:2.5k

Commissioned for:@profoundwitchsalad

Art Credit:@ruoyeahs

Warning: Unhealthy relationships.


“You’ve ruined my life because I have a warped idea of what love is and I can’t live without you. But now you’re trying to leave me and I won’t allow that. You left me alive. You have a duty to live for me and by me. I’m not letting you go.”

Xiao Semi Series

[Friendship ] [ Falling in Love ] [ Cuddles ] [ Protective ] [ Affection ] [ Jealously ] [ Opposites Attract][ String Of Fate (Soulmate) ][Fainting]

Link to original posts:  [Red! Xiao.] [Reverse AU]


Alatus was once told a story by his Master. A sinner who falls into hell is rewarded for his only good deed, choosing not to kill a spider. As his reward, a thread is lowered down for him to climb out of Hell. In the end, the sinner remains in Hell because he kicks aside others and the thread breaks. Alatus doesn’t remember why his Master told him this story but he still empathizes with the sinner. He would have done the same or asked for this ‘saviour’ to extend their hand down instead. That way he could pull them down.

“Xiao? Are you okay?”

He slowly opens his jade eyes to see you hunch over, peering down above him, eyebrows furrowed together in concern as you reach down and softly tap his temple. He allows you to take a moment to do whatever you want with his face before he reaches up to grasp at your wrist gently, holding back on his want to rub circles into your skin. His reminiscing can wait for now.

“What is it?” he asks curtly, sitting up and resting his elbow on his raised knee. You pout at his curt tone but shrug it off as you take a seat next to him and lean your shoulder against his. You dig into your bag and pull out slips of commission papers and hand it over to him to read through what needed to be done today. A few Hilichurl camps needed to be taken care of, sabotaging a slime balloon, all tasks that seem mundane to someone who fought in a war. As he’s preoccupied, you take a moment to look at Xiao’s face. He’s just the slightest bit unnerved whenever you do this because you always seem to know what’s bothering someone.

“Were you dreaming of her again?” you ask quietly. The silence is a good enough answer but you nod understandingly. You never knew his Master personally but you did fight a long strenuous battle against her. From one look you could tell she was a manipulative and cruel woman. While it may not be very kind to say, you were glad that with her passing, Xiao would be free from her physically. But mentally…there were still some things to work out. But Xiao was a very reclusive person, especially with his emotions, so pushing him any further would only make him irritated and closed off.

“Venti and Zhongli are joining our party for a bit if that’s alright. They’ll help out a lot with our commissions and travelling. I like Liyue a lot but climbing mountains stresses my shoulders out,” you laugh as you change the subject to something less depressing. Standing up as you dust your clothes off before turning to Xiao and holding your hand out for him to take. He stares at it hard for a few moments before huffing and reaching over to clasp your hands together.

It has been so frustratingly peaceful since the war ended. He’s not used to it and he can still feel the lick of cutting winds and the heavy pressure of rocks against his body when he sees the bard and funeral parlor consultant just on the horizon. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t play nice with these two Archons but they’re important to you so he bites his tongue until he tastes blood. He knows the Archons do the same. As soon as the two of them spot you both, Venti is already rushing and tackling you to the ground in his excitement.

“Traveler! I haven’t seen you in ages. You need to come and visit Mondstadt more,” Venti cried into your shoulder as you awkwardly patted him on his back. Always with the dramatics but you cared about Venti all the same. Xiao scoffed before flicking his jade eyes to meet gold as Zhongli stared down at him cautiously. Since the war ended, everyone seemed to have this warped idea that Alatus had some vendetta against the Gods and Celestia but he was fighting because he was told to.

“Xiao. It’s good to see you again,” Zhongli said to him. Xiao just nodded in acknowledgement. Even with this new mortal form, Morax never bothered to change his eyes. His gaze alone held the weight of the mountains he had thrown. If Xiao hadn’t been under one of them before, he might have crumbled under the pressure.

“Alright alright, Venti. I promise I’ll drop by sometime this month but we still have commissions to do!” you laugh as you haul the bard onto his feet and swat his cape down from the speckles of dirt. He grins cheekily at you, linking pinkies with you to seal your promise, before suddenly lighting up as if he just remembered something.

“Actually! Before we start anything, I need to speak to Mr. Zhongli and Xiao. Super important archon things, you know?” Venti nodded to himself as the two mentioned people stared at him with varying levels of confusion. But Venti just waved their worries off and linked his arms with both men as he dragged them off to a more secluded corner with a surprising amount of strength, “We’ll be right back!”

“Do what you need to do but don’t take too long,” you called after the trio as you trailed off to the side, messing with your bag of commission papers and gear. Xiao hated that. He knows that these two Archons are your…friends.. but shouldn’t you be a bit more cautious? Just because they have mortal forms doesn’t make them human, it doesn’t make him human either.

“Hey, there’s no need to look so scary. There really is something important I wanted to talk to the two of you about,” Venti speaks up as soon as you’re out of earshot. It still gives Xiao whiplash whenever he drops the persona and switches back to Barbatos. “Since Morax is the only Archon I trust with this information and, while I don’t trust you one bit, you’re the one that’s with her all the time you should also know. She’s ascending to Celestia.”

Barbatos gauges both of their reactions. Morax seems visibly surprised, his eyes slightly widened a fraction, while Xiao has no idea what that means. His Master didn’t exactly give him a history lesson on Celestia or Archons, just pointed to who was his enemy and dealt punishments when he failed.

“And what the hell does that mean?” Xiao asks as he crosses his arms. Venti appears for a second as the bard pouts before continuing.

“It’s like I said. A mortal who performs great, heroic feats can ascend to Celestia and achieve godhood. Where they will watch over their people from above. I’ve only seen this once before so it took me a while to recognize the signs. But 1000 years ago, I helped a woman named Vennessa with her ascension and with the traveler’s recent actions with winning the war. Well, you don’t need me to explain the rest,” Barbatos finishes. Zhongli simply hums as he cups his chin and absorbs what’s just been heard. He doesn’t seem troubled by the news at all.

“Have you told her about this?” Zhongli questions as he looks towards the direction that you left. Venti shakes his head. “That would mean that she would vanish from this world.“

“I know she loves this world. Whether she wishes to ascend or not isn’t my choice but I want her to continue her travels with that beloved smile on her face. But if she does choose to ascend, she will need our help,” Venti stares at the two of them in a mix of pride, sadness, and determination. “Can I count on you two for your help?”

It’s a complete white noise in Xiao’s ears as his surroundings fade out. He thinks he can see Zhongli nod to Venti wishes, the ever calm smile on his face to match the cheery grin on Venti’s. What, now you want to become a God? Leave this world behind? That’s not funny. You made him give up everything. While in your eyes, your blinded hero syndrome, you think you’ve liberated him from a soulless conquest but he still has nothing. You still took everything away from him and your only compensation was to have him by your side until he left himself. But now you want to leave without a warning? That’s not fair. You don’t get to take back what you owe. He won’t allow you to leave him behind.

“Did something happen? Did Venti say something unnecessary again?” you ask out of the blue. Zhongli and Venti had returned to their respective regions once your commissions were all finished. Since the three of them disappeared to talk Archon business, Xiao had seemed even more tense and aloof than usual. As if he was out of it? You knew that everyone was still suspicious of Xiao and they were angsty to leave you alone with him, but you knew Xiao would never do anything to hurt you. When he doesn’t answer, you slowly reach over and you subtly nudge his head up onto your lap and look at him curiously. Before reaching down and cupping his cheek. He leans into your touch before turning his face into your palm and leaving a soft kiss. It makes you giggle at the ticklish feeling as you look at him so softly. It annoys him.

“You were never connected to the war and yet you fought against us anyways. Even when I killed so many people, why did you choose to spare me?” he asked as you blinked at him before giving it some serious thought. He went on a rampage and almost destroyed the world. It was fun. He doesn’t have any regrets at all because he hated humanity. His own Master was human after all. But then you appeared and stopped him. A random outsider that wanted to play the hero. He thought it was cute. Perhaps he had underestimated the lengths someone would go to to save the world they loved but when he fell defeated at your feet. He said that this wouldn’t change a single thing. He would still scorn humanity and what they did to him. He was so sure he would die there but you chose to extend your hand down to him instead despite what your companions felt. Even when the war ended and he had nowhere else to go, you offered him to travel with you. Nothing changed about his mentality, every person that chose to talk to him was quickly scared away with piercing eyes. Every conversation started would end in silence. Every touch would be met by the tip of his spear. But you would link your hands together with his and smile brightly, and he would always end up forgetting his trauma for a moment. You’ve… become precious to him.

“I love this world and everyone in it. You are a part of that world even if you tried to destroy it. It…didn’t seem fair to leave you behind when you’ve suffered just as much,” you finish but it only seemed to spark a wave of deep anger inside of Xiao. He quickly lurched up, almost knocking your forehead with his, before grabbing the scruff of your shirt collar and yanking you forward.

“Cut it out with that "love of everything” crap. It’s revolting. So you’re saying the people I killed weren’t worth avenging? Do you think I’m so weak that I need protection? It’s one thing to try and please everyone but at least have some awareness would you?“ he snarled as he pushed you to the ground. He knew he was being harsh on you and you had every right to walk out and abandon him but you didn’t. Of course, you wouldn’t. You needed him as much as he needed you. You just reached over and tenderly reached your hand and placed it next to his. Damn it, why is he always the one stuck worrying about you.

"Then you want to protect me, right? Then don’t break your promise. You left me alive which means you have a duty to live for me,” he takes your hand in his and squeezes hard. Digging his nails into your own until crescents appear and tiny specks of blood appear so you know he’s serious. He doesn’t care how you interpret his words, just so long as you never leave him.

“Don’t die on me, Hero.”

It’s been a few hours since the conversation so it’s pitch black outside but Xiao was never one to sleep. Even if he could, his mind is too loud to fall asleep too. He’s startled when you melt against him fully asleep. Honey smooth as you curl up to his warmth and cling to him like moss to a rock. He can feel his cheeks start to flush as his heart begins to pound against his chest. He can’t breathe as his world is filtered through each beat that drums against his ears. He’s not sure if there’s actually something wrong with him or if it’s just been a while since someone got so close and his instincts haven’t left.

He’s just realized it. He’s feeling pain. The feeling in his chest is black but he can’t claw it away. It’s strange in a way that he can’t explain it, that he’s never felt before, that he’s never felt the need to experience. His life had been warped by battle and a constant push to submit to his Master. They are all things he knows but the gentle words that come from your mouth, the bright eyes that hold the world, the horrible ice-hot feeling inside of him is so foreign yet too easy. He doesn’t like it.

It makes him feel…clean in a way. Enlightened perhaps? His Master is long gone and it’s like you said. He’s free now. Free to make his own decisions and live his life how he wants to. He carefully turns over so as to not startle you away as he really looks at you. You look so peaceful in his arms, eyelids shut without worry, face slack without nightmares, breathing so softly against him. If you weren’t so close to him that he couldn’t feel the rise of your chest, he wonders if he would think you were dead. He stares at the lock of hair swaying back and forth with each breath like a starved man. The strange feeling doesn’t stop. He hates it. It’s everything that goes against him and what he knows and everything he should want. He’s supposed to be the villain in your story, he should kill you right now-

“Xiao…” he hears you mumble beside him as you lean further into his arm. Damn it. How low is he going to go?

“What are you thinking about now? You just need to think about me. Don’t think about anything else…but me” Xiao sighs before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him until you’re snug against his chest. Close to him, where he can touch you, where you belong. Not with Morax or Barbatos. Not with humans but beside him. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his head into your hair and he stares off into the distance. The feeling never leaves him for the remainder of the night.

“Ah! There you are. I was running around crazy looking for you,” he turns his hair to see your flushed form pulling yourself up onto the mountain cliff, “When I woke up I couldn’t find you anywhere! You gave me a scare there.”

He hates you. He hates you.

Words of his previous master ring in his ears, almost as if her very soul is wrapping around him as she whispers in his ear how weak he is. Ones with power that refuse to take what they want because they rather live in the comfort of nothing. Be greedier, take what belongs to you.

“Xiao?” you say as his piercing eyes stare directly through you. His Master always told him that she loved him. Even if he hated her he still clung to that false love. Of being wanted. Isn’t love for a single person vile? Would feeling such emotions for one person instead of “everyone” bring you down to reality? It’s not fair that you’ve crawled your way into his heart while you walk along in bliss. Now that he thinks about it. It was so simple. He just needs to monopolize your thoughts and love. This time it won’t be as friends.

“I love you.”

He’ll pull you down to where he is. You extended your hand down to hell so it’s your fault. He’ll drag you down kicking and screaming if he has to. You left him alive. You have to live for him and by him. He’s not letting go.

Reblogged for extra notes

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synopsis:with a twist of fate you sit across kamisato ayato - the man that is supposed to be your future. even on the first meeting you can’t tell if he is gentle or ruthless with how he opens your soul.

word count:730
gn! reader


first words, aside from pleasantries, that kamisato ayato says upon your meeting are not directed to you.

perhaps you should be offended that only his greeting acknowledged you, but in high society etiquette, to show that you are interested in someone they should also be the first person you speak once that is over. then again, maybe you should be glad that he ordered others in the room to leave so you could converse with him alone.  


Keep reading

’ / !

+albedo, xiao, zhongli, childe, kazuha, gorou

tw.fem!reader, cursing, praise, fingering, f!oral, jealous/possessive tones, breeding kink, m!oral, dom! w/ sub! reader

an. first time writing for genshin just had to do my most famous troupe ;)

translucent blue eyes watch from a distance, your limbs clings to the sides of your body as the bitter cold settles across mondstat, your skin rises with a chill and as you look at him over your shoulder—albedo feels heat settle in his cheeks amongst another warmth resolving somewhere else.

“my love” albedo whispers, motioning for his feet to move onward towards you, arms wrapping around your body as he lays his chin on your shoulder. “have i ever told you just how beautiful you are?” he murmurs, smiling against your skin when his fingers begin to climb, reaching solace in your breasts, two digits rolling across your clothed nipples.

you could answer but albedo seems to have made the question rhetorical, he feels the hitch in your lungs—that small gasp filtering your chest while he toys with your tits, keeping a steady hand on one breast while the other dwindles down to slip into your bottoms.

“you’re wet, pretty girl. this won’t take long to make you mine” albedo breathes into your skin, laying his tongue flat against exposed flesh as he dips two fingers through your folds, he smiles feeling your back arch against him—the way your cunt clenches around his fingers, juices dripping down to the palm of his hand.

how easily you’re falling apart from two of his fingers, albedo wonders how much you’d cream around his cock and if you could look anymore beautiful, he’d probably cum so much quicker inside you but albedo knows you’d beg for more—just like right now, as he is knuckle deep, curling and pounding into your weeping hole until a sheen wetness covers his fingers.

“so perfect” albedo hums, bringing his fingers up to spread them showing you what you had done to just his measly fingers. heat soaks deep within the apples of your cheeks, albedo seems to find it rather cutely played how coy you can be when you were practically begging for more, “you shouldn’t act so shy, princess. this mess is all for me, hm? so, show me how good i really make you feel on something else—it is all yours afterall.”

it’s not necessarily foreign to xiao the way his cock twitches at just the sight of your body under him and he’s done this before—or so he thinks he has yet the way your eyes resemble a backwards doe-like look makes him want to buckle under the pressure.

you’re so responsive to his touch, slender fingers diving between your legs while he pumps the two digits so eagerly, lips parted with heated moans brushing past his tongue. “does it feel good?” xiao questions, chest rattling with an uneasy beat—he knows he’s making you feel good you’ve already soaked the sheets beneath you but xiao can’t help but crave to hear it.

xiao wants to be patient with you, devour your body to its full consumption but he’s driving himself insane, almost becoming a mortal being as you wiggle and writhe under him needing more of him and so xiao does indulge into your subtle begs, fisting his cock once more before plunging it into your fluttering hole, the other hand crashing beside your face while xiao rolls his hips.

“tell me what to do—tell me how to fuck you xiao moans, teeth sinking into his bottom lip when you answer with your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper into a indescribable submerge of bliss. the nerves in his limbs grow numb, your nails digging into his back feel like nothing but solid pleasure driving him to fuck you harder, xiao is almost at a loss of everything until your lips find his and he’s finally landing back upon earth.

you hold his face within your hands, watching unblinking golden orbs fascinate into you, xiao allows a smile to creep along the edges of his lips, “you’re everything i’ve ever wanted.” he keeps his words hushed, a low groan following after the sentence as xiao continues pounding his cock deeper into your pussy—from being clueless about you to needing to know more; xiao had wanted nothing more but pain and solitude but now he can’t even paint the world without you in it.

zhongli is unphased by almost everything, he seems to find himself locked into another world of some sorts—that is until he watches from a distance how people didn’t know how to keep their hands to themselves, or the way words weren’t filtered as they crept into the shell of your ear.

zhongli soon feels a heat rise to his gut, anger coursing through those stagnant veins, and he could try to deny it—an ache throbbed below his gut. but he tried brushing it off at first—until you were left alone with him and zhongli wanted nothing more than to show you—who exactly you belonged to.

the approached deemed necessary for zhongli to wrap his fingers around your delicate throat pulling you into a sloppy kiss while careful fingers unraveled your clothing, allowing your back to hit the sheets of his bed while he crashed to his knees, eager hands gripping the back of your thighs as zhongli spreads them apart, lingering his gaze from your disheveled face to his glistening pussy.

“they all seem to think you belong to anybody but me” he groans through his teeth, experimentally laying his tongue out flat to slide the warm muscle through your folds, bucking into his face when zhongli shoves two fingers into your clenching hole. “you know i don’t get jealous often, princess. but something about the way they flirt with you makes me want to make you cum so much quicker.”

zhongli groans again as his tongue wraps around your puffy clit, sucking and quickening his pace of his fingers curling deeper into your pussy, thighs trembling around his face gives zhongli the notion that you’ll never cum this quick with anybody else, your moans rupturing from your chest never will sound so self indulgent to not another soul but him.

he takes a second to suck on your clit, bringing your orgasm to the surface and that’s all he needs—all zhongli needs to see that you’re his, “next time they attempt to talk to you my love, will you remember how hard you cum as my face is between your thighs or should i make you cum on my cock next, hm?”

childe was usually more careful with you on days spent with bodies entangled under cotton waves, soft murmurs of moans lingering your skin and fingers intertwined never leaving but only to grasp onto him harder. but childe might have reeled this scenario in his head and he might just have happened to want to rush it just this once because the thought—was insufferable if he couldn’t see it in person.

“pretty girl” childe coos, pinning your legs to your chest, a smirk edges his lips when he watches your hole flutter around nothing—you’re already dripping, expecting him to toy with your pussy until childe was satisfied but tonight he had better ideas. “how much cum do you think you can take?” childe smirks, bending down to press a kiss on your forehead before he sinks his fat cock inside you, pushing past the tight vice grip on his length until he bottoms out—struggling to hold a moan back when he feels just how perfect your pussy was made for him.

“do you feel that princess? this pussy is wanting me so bad” childe grits through his teeth, spreading your legs further apart so he can watch how much you’re being split open by him. he already wants to cum so bad—deep inside you, let the mess fill your hole while he fucks more into you and he doesn’t even feel bad when you’re begging for it, nails sinking into his skin when he’s three pumps in and his cum leaks out of you in seconds.

“fuck baby, you’ve made me cum so quick—wanna see this pretty hole filled with nothing but my cum” childe throws his head back when more of his seed dumps into your hole, he loves how messy it feels around his cock, the noises you’re making feel like heaven to his ears and whenever he is finally done fucking your sensitive hole, childe will have to just fuck more into you—you’re his to put as much cum inside you as he can, right?

kazuha seems to forget you sleep longer than he ever has, his chest vibrates with warmth from your back pressed tightly against him, the subtle way your chest seems to rise so delicately. and even more importantly kazuha lacks the knowledge of what the early start of something else really brings forth.

it starts with a pulse below his stomach, blood dropping lower causing nothing but growth and nothing but an ache he hates when you can’t resolve it for him. but kazuha knows the innocent kisses along your shoulder blade would surely wake you, calloused pads skimming across warmth flesh till he feels you stir awake from your sleep and just the roll of his hips on your ass is just a cute little sign.

“good morning, my love” kazuha breathes out, placing tender kisses on your cheek while your fingers card through his messy strands of hair that have fallen from his ponytail. you don’t mind the second thing he does is spread your thighs apart, lifting one leg over his own so you’re easier to touch—with greedy fingers he finds you already wet and maybe he shouldn’t yet—he does, springing his cock free and sliding it through the wetness clinging to your cunt.

“need you, always need you to make me feel good” kazuha hums, wasting no time sinking his cock in, gasping when your pussy clamps down on his length. he rocks his hips to uneasy pace, kazuha slowly closes his eyes while he rests his face into the back of your neck, moaning and whimpering when his swollen cock grows closer to spilling his seed inside you.

kazuha wraps his fingers around your throat, tilting your face to meet his as he crashes his lips against your own, tongue gently scraping across inner cheeks, the other hand finding your puffy clit and quickly drawing soft circles, “i want to cum for you and you’re going to take it like a good girl, yeah?” kazuha whispers in your mouth, smirking along the lines of your lips when he feels a weak attempt of happily saying yes to him when he’s making you feel like your entire body is dissolving.

“you should relax” you whisper out to gorou from the floor of his room, he ceases the words falling from his lips to look down at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before gorou is back to rambling about another mission. but you seem to ignore him this time, slowly climbing from the floor until your face is pressed in his lap.

“w-what’re you doing?” gorou stammers, watching as you carefully spring his cock free, giving it a couple of small licks until he grows harder in your hand. “getting you to relax” you murmur against his length, guiding the head into your mouth until you can swallow more of him. gorou jets his eyes across the room before shakily placing a hand on your head, fingers grazing across your hair until he gives it a hard grip.

you toy with his cock, licking and slurping until he twitches in your mouth, the other hand coming up to cup his clenching balls—his chest is filled with an erratic beat, lips tremble between his teeth and you bring his orgasm to the surface before pulling away leaving a string of spit in the wake.

“d-dont stop, i-i do need this” gorou whines, struggling to put your hot mouth back on his swollen cock, you smile up at him—how pitiful he looks but how much greed circles the pupils of his eyes. “relax, pretty boy. i’ll make you cum” you coo at him, going back to what you were doing earlier but this time with a quicker pace so gorou is already seeing stars in his blurred vision.

“s-so good for me” gorou slurs, unable to control the way his hips buck into your face, nails digging into your scalp and when you really know he’s beginning to grow close you can taste the pre-cum dripping down your throat, gorou throws his head back when you take more and more of him until you’re gagging, spit dripping from the corners of your mouth and finally as he reaches the end he really can’t help slamming your face deep into his lap.

you swallow all that gorou has and keep going because just one load down your throat isn’t enough to relax him and though gorou is so sensitive right now he’s not going to stop you—he’s being needy now, whimpering when he’s already so fucking hard, the leftover mess spilled in his lap and that beautiful fucking sight of you sucking his cock to make him feel just a little bit better.
