

Into the Homestuck-verse

We’ve also got a few Homestuck AUs, so if anyone wants to ask about that, feel free to.

List under the cut:


As the name implies, this is a JoJo AU. I’ve got a fewshittylists on the beta trolls. Not entirely sure how the plot goes, but it involves Pillar Man Doc Scratch tricking the beta kids and trolls into helping him get the Red Stone of Aja so he could become the Ultimate Lifeform Lord English. The trolls are human by the way wwwww

Tagged with #jojostuck


This is a Watch_Dogs AU. It’s divided into two: the ancestor portion of the story (based off of the first game) and the beta trolls’ portion of the story (based off of the second game). The Striders are also here, but IDK about the other kids. Here’s a small list for the ancestors.

Tagged with #watch_stuck


Exactly what it says on the tin. We’ve got a small post vaguely listing down the premise, but it’s been a while and I think a few things has changed. Maybe I ought to make a new post wwwwwww

Tagged with #genshinstuck

dude help i keep making aus and i cant stop: the tragicomedy

that’s right mothers and fuckers of the court. i may not have art AND i haven’t finished all my other au post bUT I’M BACK AGAIN WITH ANOTHER FUCKING AU. in celebration of my most recent hyperfixation, may i present to you:


as the name suggests, this is a homestuck-genshin crossover, because i put homestuck into literally everything else that i have. it’s like my hyperhyperfixation. the plot will be……. ngeh, im not 100% sure to be honest. essentially it’s gonna be something like…… what would happen if the Tsaritsa succeeded in her quest to gain all the other Archon’s Gnoses

I’m just gonna list down the ideas i have:

  1. Condy is basically the Tsaritsa of this au: while she was originally the Hydro Archon, she succeeded in stealing all the other Archons’ Gnoses and became the Imperial Archon
  2. some of the other ancestors used to be Archons– Psii was the Electro Archon, Redglare was the Geo Archon, Signless was the Pyro Archon, etc.
  3. Visions are only given to/received by people the Condescension trusts, and/or her military forces
  4. Story probably involves the mortal children of the dethroned Archons (a.k.a the Beta Trolls [plus-minus some who are on the Condesce’s side]) taking back what is “rightfully” theirs
  5. I like to think they’d go around killing and stealing Visions from various members of Her Highness’ forces. As to how they activate them, hm…… either some bs about “oh they’re the Archons’ kids they’re naturally attuned to them” OR smth abt how their wills are strong enough to resonate with the core principals of their chosen Element

full disclaimer i am…… not completely well-versed in the world lore so if I got anything wrong. I’m still “researching” stuff to be able to make a more…… meaningful and/or cohesive au, ig, so feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything!
