#genshin au


Note:This will be my last update for a bit, I’ll be focusing on some events for work next week so I’ll be off tumblr. Not to worry, I still am working on everyone’s requests, and I see all your lovely comments and asks! Just need some time to sort them out <3

Summary: When Prince Scaramouche picks you out of a random group of commoners to marry, your life is turned upside down. He’s mean, snarky, condescending and he doesn’t act like a proper husband or prince at all. However, when Prince Tartaglia from the neighbouring kingdom takes an interest in you, Prince Scaramouche finds himself even more annoyed than usual. This is the story of him and you navigating this roller coaster of a relationship.

Warnings: slow burn, does not exactly follow the genshin lore, AU, tw: blood, injury

Word Count: 2.2k words

Summary and a recap on the Royal AU plots are here.

Read other parts: (Ruthless Prince Masterlist)

A silent week.

If you thought that life had been miserable ever since you came here, it doesn’t compare to this week. You haven’t seen Scaramouche. Not before you sleep, not when you wake up, not even during your meals: breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

The only time you saw him was when you woke up in the middle of the night, groggy with sleep and eyes blurred with drowsiness. All you could see of him was his back, the gentle rise and fall of it. When you woke the next morning, he wouldn’t be there anymore, and wouldn’t show up for breakfast, Kuni would say that he was in his study, busy with papers first thing in the morning.

That was a lie, and you knew it. 

You spent the week painting and drawing in the art room. Not only did you have no events this week, but you even declined Duchess Kokomi’s invitation to have tea with her. Somehow, last week’s events at the ball just left a sour taste in your mouth, you weren’t in the mood to see anyone. 

As you settle in front of the easel on a Friday morning, your hand on the brush making big, upward strokes on the painting you were working on, your mind wanders yet again, causing your hand to stop and stall. 

“What I did back there had nothing to do with you, in fact you can go right ahead and kiss him in private.”

Scaramouche was out of line, or so you thought. It hit you all over again, as you blankly stare forward. 


Not one smidgen of understanding and love for you. You never asked for his heart, you knew you couldn’t have it. But, at the very least, some type of companionship, even something less than friendship, just civility towards each other and yet…it was so hard to obtain.

A week ago you were still grasping at hope. You were going to spend the rest of your life with him, there must have been some way to see eye to eye, to understand him a bit better. You thought that all you needed was time and perseverance, and at some point, you’d felt as if you were finally able to reach a little bit of him, finally able to see a part of him that wasn’t callous or self-centred. 

But now, where there was once hope, there was nothing but despair. 

You were wrong. Time or perseverance was not going to change anything. He made it very clear that night, scowling at you, ordering you to play your part, using you as an accessory. 

You sigh, setting your paintbrush down when you notice that you’ve stopped painting altogether. Your head turns towards the large lattice windows, the light streaming through it drawing criss-cross patterns on your canvas. It was such a nice day out, and yet you sat in here on the inside gathering dust just as all the books on the shelves have. 

The door clicking open nearly scared you to death. There was no knock, no announcements whatsoever, and Scaramouche just walks into the art room, arms crossed as your mouth falls agape. You hadn’t seen him in a whole week, and he decides to show up just like that. 

The Ruthless Prince walks over to the armchair that he usually occupied on Fridays, and realizes that the tea you usually brew for him was not ready. 

He doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you feel as if you’ve held your breath, wondering if you’re in trouble for not getting it out earlier. You just didn’t think he was going to show up, after all of that. 

“…Where’s the tea?” He doesn’t look at you as he asks this, as if his eyes could only be glued to the table and were allergic to you. You let silence curtain the two of you, your body relaxes, yet it relaxes in a way that shows defeat. Your eyes linger on him, before you finally exclaim. “I didn’t prepare any.”

Quiet, and timid. 

There’s a thin veil of uneasiness between the two of you, an awkwardness that was new. You hadn’t realized that those four weeks of him enjoying tea in the art room was already a glimpse of comfort with him. Now it was back to that painful and glaring silence.

“…You better go and make some then,” he huffs to himself, sinking into the armchair as if it was any Friday beforehand. You stand, with your feet heavy, you drag them all the way to the middle of the room, facing him, a few steps away from the armchair he sat on. “…I’m not preparing it for you,” you started, seeing him tense up a little, and his head finally moves the slightest bit, turning towards your voice, yet not daring to look at you fully. 

“…I don’t feel like preparing it for you…It’s my free and private time so…I’ll do what I want with it,” was it petty? You immediately ask yourself. To take the words he threw at you and throw it back at him? The only difference was the eerie calmness in your tone. Scaramouche recognizes it, and when he turns his head to finally look at you, you can’t read his expression.

There’s no scowl, no glare, no smirk nor a grin. Just him, looking at you and waiting for what else you have to say.

“…I’ll teach Kuni and the maids how to brew it, you can ask them to prepare it for you,” Then, like a mechanical being, you stroll out of the art room quietly, but you walk out with a realization in mind:

I liked brewing it for you, I liked watching you drink it.

And he sits at the armchair, unmoving as the door clicks close, having a thought that he had already known for weeks on end:

I liked it when you brewed it for me.

The following day of Saturday had the two of you struggling to even look at each other during the ball you attended, and still, in front of all the others, you were the stellar conversationalist and everything seemed as it was. 

Play the part, as he said. 

Kokomi had been there, and it was your one saving grace during that ball, having her to really converse and catch up with. You’d left Scaramouche’s side to greet her, and stayed to talk to her for the most part.

Scaramouche didn’t stop you, but he did watch you from one of the various drinks table. You looked so…animated. So different from when you stood next to him. What did he expect, after that tirade last week? Why was it affecting him so much? How did it change your attitude towards him so drastically? Why was he only seeing it now? Was this the cold shoulder? And he thought it was bad before, now it was just…


He downs the drink he has in his hand, just in time for the arrival of Prince Tartaglia to be announced. He half grunts and half growls under his breath, as if things weren’t bad enough already. He picks up another drink and starts on it, not even bothering to clap or turn around when the Snezhnayan Prince arrives.

Come to think of it, Tartaglia was supposed to be here for a few weeks. It wasn’t often he came around, but when he did, it was usually to check on the trading agreements and to make sure his imports and exports were in order. And of course, Scaramouche had an impression that Tartaglia just loved to annoy him, so, instead of the actual king coming to check, it’d always been Tartaglia. 

When the applause settles down and when a few minutes pass, Scaramouche yet again opts to scan the room for you. As he suspected, Tartaglia now joins your group of two with Kokomi. Nevermind that Kokomi looks just as amused as you at whatever story Tartaglia’s performing, but you looked as if new life had just been breathed on to you, listening to and laughing at the Snezhnayan prince’s comedies. 

Scaramouche catches his own frustrated sigh, holding it in and just…trying to let everything go. 

When did it become like this?

He wonders. 

Not the fact that you had gone cold and wary of him–he knew exactly when that started–but when did he start feeling a sense of unease whenever you weren’t by his side? When did he start wanting for you to look at him like that too? He’s inclined to believe that his outburst last week…was not all that it seemed to be. He felt ridiculed, he felt that his sense of authority was threatened, but…could there be any other reason he felt angered like he did?

It takes seconds for him to realize that you’re back at his side. He blinks, and raises his eyes to look around, seeing Kokomi and Tartaglia still engaged in their small talk, then his eyes drop to you. You looked…absolutely miserable next to him, forced smile and tense shoulders and all. 

How can I make this bearable again?

He suddenly asks himself, then instinctively passes a drink to you. You casually receive it with a small thank you, but other than that, there were no other words from you. 

The night goes on as such, more small talk with the nobles, more of you conversing with people he didn’t even want to look at, up until it was time for the two of you to leave. 

Briefly, just before the two of you depart, you find yourself seeking out Kokomi and Tartaglia again, saying a brief goodbye to the two people who have made the night the slightest bit enjoyable. Scaramouche observes as you do so, but doesn’t say anything about it.

He doesn’t say anything at all, as usual, on the carriage back. You, on the other hand, perhaps because your mood was a little better than it was after talking to Kokomi and Tartaglia, and maybe because you thought that this cold war had been going on for too long, a casual “Are you having dinner with me today?” slipped past your lips. 

Though, there was no expectation laced with it at all. Just a question, no desire whatsoever for him to join you, nor a trace of hope for him to reply nicely. Merely to ask if he was going to leave you alone for the rest of the night. 

His head jerks towards you at the sudden question…the first thing you had uttered to him in a week. Well, the first semi-nice thing, after that incident with the tea. He’s confused as to how to answer. Does he ignore the question, and continue with this strange atmosphere or does he say–

“Yes,” he says it before thinking about it fully, as if it was the only sensible answer. From his peripheral vision, he sees you nod, and that was the only conversation you had with him in the vicinity of the carriage. 

Scaramouche doesn’t offer his hand when you step down the carriage at arrival. He hasn’t done that in a while. However, a strange feeling overcomes you as you step down, a prickling at the back of your neck urging you to turn around, just as the carriage leaves, giving you a clear view of the deep forest surrounding the castle edges. 

What possessed you or told you to turn around, you’d never know. Instinct, you might call it. A gut feeling. You thought that your eyes were playing tricks on you, when you see a slight billow of black among the trees. It’s dark, but there was movement and there was enough moonlight for you to catch it. 

“Scara–” a cloak, that’s what it was. A glint and the sound of something snapping through the air had you clumsily tackling Scaramouche down to the pavement leading up to the castle. He falls on all fours, shocked at the action and finally thinking to himself ‘Are you that mad at me?’ 

He’s had enough. He turns toward you with the same snarl as last week, looking like a lion devouring his prey. “What the hell do you think you’re–”


Soaking through the dress from your left chest, an arrow sticking out from your front. You, just kneeling there and looking at it, startled and unable to grasp the severity of the situation. Everything is so hazy now.

“Y/N–” Scaramouche’s voice mixed into one of confusion and horror, his eyes tacked on to the way the arrow pierces through your dress, sinks into your flesh and blooms red dangerously close to your left breast. 

Scaramouche snaps out of it when you start to fall backwards onto the pavement, he jolts forward and catches you. His eyes dart up towards the trees, purple veins of electricity on his free arm, a loud, thunderous crash of lightning decimating a whole portion of trees, painting the area purple for a split second before the trees caught fire with a raging orange, hoping to catch the perpetrator off guard.

The knights were alerted by now, and Scaramouche doesn’t quite remember what orders he barks at them. 

All he can remember was the trembling of his breath as he hoists you up into his arms.

All he remembers is the unfamiliar feeling of dread introducing itself to him for the first time. 





Art Disclaimer: Please do not take the photo and repost. Feel free to reblog though. Commissioned ch

Art Disclaimer: Please do not take the photo and repost. Feel free to reblog though. Commissioned chirika for this one. 

Meet You Halfway (Part 1) Kamisato Ayato x fem!reader [Bodyguard AU]

Summary: Kamisato Ayato is hired as your personal, undercover bodyguard. Despite your protests that there’s no need for such a service, unconvinced that there’s really anything wrong with that strange, threatening email you received, your father promises you that it’s only for a short month, just to give him some peace of mind. You yield to his requests, ignoring Ayato’s presence altogether in your life, telling yourself that a month would pass by quickly. However, a series of events changes your dynamics with the undercover agent and you’re forced to come face to face with the fact that your life and your safety, is, in fact, in Kamisato Ayato’s hands.

Chapter 1 - And So It Begins

Chapter 2 - check back later :)

Post link

Note: Nope I don’t know where I’m going with this.  

Warning: Rather comical and humorous first part, this will probably be a slow burn, does not follow Genshin lore

Word Count:1.8k

Read the other parts in this series:(Meet You Halfway Masterlist)

“He says his name is Kamisato Ayato, dad.” You whisper into the receiver of your mobile phone, having locked yourself into your bedroom, pushing a chair against it for good measure. The tall stranger was in your living room. Truth be told, it was entirely your fault in the first place for letting a stranger into your house. 

“Ah, you must be Ms. (L/N). Hm…” Ayato gives you a smile, followed closely by him reaching a hand up to his chin and looking you up and down, as if assessing your current state. “Aaaaand who are you? Can I help you?” You’ve never seen him before, not at your apartment complex, not at uni, nor at your part-time job at the library. 

“I’m a friend of your father’s. He’s asked me to come and check on you, after…those emails you received,” You opened the door to him almost immediately. After all, no one knew about those emails except you and your parents, so tall blue-haired guy must have been telling the truth, right? 

It only dawned on you how wrong of an idea it was when Ayato stepped into your house, blinked at you, exceptionally surprised and said “Well, coming into your house was remarkably easy. If it had been anyone else, you could be murdered by now, Ms. (L/N). Luckily, it’s just me,” he chuckled in an almost amused and mocking way but strolled into your apartment and looked around. 

Your ego was hurt. You had prided yourself in being a very careful and independent person, deciding not to live off of your father’s money and wanted to experience the “raw essence” of being a university student in it’s most authentic form. Well, of course, it wasn’t all sunshine and daisies. Studying psychology, juggling school work, social life and your part-time job was not the easiest of things to do, you realized, but you were stubborn enough not to ask for help from your parents, because that’s what you had decided to do when you moved and went to university in a different town, miles away from home. 

“I-Sorry, what did you say your name was again?” You closed the door behind you and locked it for good measure, but the deed was done. There was a stranger in your house. A stranger looking around your living room as if inspecting it for any speck of dust. He doesn’t even turn around as he offers his name. “Ayato. Kamisato Ayato,” he proceeded to walk all around as if he was at home, moving to the kitchen and standing at the open entryway. “I’m not actually a friend of your father’s, I was merely hired to watch over you, miss,” he explains and finally turns around to look at you. Once again sweeping the entirety of you up and down, as if committing your face and frame to memory.

“Watch over–? Why do I need– Okay, give me…a minute, will you?” 

And it brings you here, on a phone call with your father who confirms that you must be in some type of weird dream. “Yes, yes! That’s the man! He’s there early! What a surprise, his agency is top tier Y/N! You don’t have to worry about–”

“I’mnot worried about anything,” you glance at the chair on your door, obviously contradicting your statement. “It’s just an email with some photos of me in it, dad, it’s probably just some, crazy, bored university student playing a prank on me. I’ve already made a report to the local police, that’s more than enough!” 

Whispering in your bedroom was rather strange, you move over to your bedroom window, up on the 23rd floor, from up here, everything down there looked tiny. 

“Y/N, this type of thing is the exact set-up of a murder documentary–”

“You’ve been watching too much Netflix!” you hiss back at your dad, plopping down on your bed with your hand on your face. 

“Well, hear me out, I’ve hired him for a month, that’s all. Just to be safe, Y/N. Just a month, you’ll hardly notice he’s there! I hear he’s a master of espionage! If nothing happens then he’s off the grid and all’s well and fine. Alright?” 

“I–” you bite back a sigh and finally give up, massaging your forehead with your fingertips. “Okay, but am I sure this is the right guy? He just–He looks…He looks fragile, dad. I feel like I have more muscle than he does,” you communicate your worry and your father is silent for a moment on the other side.

“Is he tall, rich-looking with the pale-blue hair?”


“Yeah that’s the guy,” You groan and sigh, finally ending the call with your father after a brief goodbye. You pull the chair away from your door, take a deep breath and swing your door open only to jump up and yelp in surprise to see him standing right there outside of your door. “Wh-What are you doing?” You’re just about ready to knock this guy out with how alert you are. 

Ayato blinks at you and tilts his head a little to the side, smile crawling up his face. “I was just looking at the do not disturb sign on your door,” he points a finger at it. It’s…a childish plastic pink plaque decorated with unicorns and the words “STAY OUT!” were printed in bold and black lettering. “Quite peculiar, seeing as you don’t live with anyone else,” he observes and steps back to make space for you. 

You heave a sigh of relief, getting a bit of your space back and mumble about the plaque being from your younger sister, you didn’t elaborate on the fact that you had just wanted to bring a piece of home with you and put it up on your door for when you were homesick. 

“I take it you’ve talked to your father?” Ayato follows you to the living room and sits on the armchair just as you sit on the nearby sofa. You don’t answer, mostly because you’re apprehensive. Bodyguard or not, he was still a stranger and it was a little unnerving that he…had shown no awkwardness towards you at all. As if he’s done this multiple times before. 

Well, it is his job, after all. 

“I apologize, Ms (L/N), perhaps it was a little rude to intrude on your space so suddenly. But it’s part of my job to assess how I can better protect my client. It’s all just business, nothing personal,” he explains and finally there is some semblance of humanity in him. For a moment you thought that he was just insensitive, strolling around the apartment like that and welcoming himself in. He shows you his work ID card as well, confirming his identity.  

“…It’s…fine… Let’s just…talk about how this is going to work, alright?” You sigh and lean back into the couch, already feeling a headache coming through. 

“There’s nothing to worry about, you may go ahead with your life as normal, I won’t be in the way. Ah, I do require clients to save my number though, just in case something happens,” and so he dictates his number, and he’s quite confident that he’ll pick up if you ever call. “One other thing. Before you enter your apartment, for any reason and at any time whatsoever, after a party, after class, or if you merely forgot your keys, I’ll have to enter it first, just to make sure no one’s inside and I’ll leave right after doing the necessary checks,” he smiles. 

But, you realize that he’s the type of person who looks like he’s always smiling and yet…there’s something a little eerie about the way he does that. Like he’s practiced plastering and tacking on that fake smile on his face.

That first meeting was quick, though rather strange.  

It hadn’t crossed your mind at all the next day that he might be watching you and that he might be around, just following you from a distance. It was ironic, because in some ways, this was how that weirdo got photos of you as well, by tailing you and watching from a distance. Now there was a prospect of TWO people doing that. No matter how many times you told yourself it didn’t bother you, it secretly still did. With this “Ayato” person, you would admit that there was a little sense of safety in your mind. 

“Please tell me you got coffee on the way,” Yoimiya pleaded when you met her at your usual meeting place just before your PSYCH 3002 class. “I stayed up late all night just playing that new video game and now I’m dead on my feet, you HAVE to be awake for the sake of me copying your notes Y/N,” You give your friend a lopsided smile. Yoimiya was quirky. Certainly a free spirit. You’d like to think you yourself were a free spirit, but, after meeting Yoimiya, you really can’t compare her energy levels to yours. You were milder, somewhat toned down and was definitely not a spontaneous person. 

“Yes, I had coffee on the way,” you tell her with a roll of your eyes, walking towards the lecture theatre together and chatting throughout the remainder of the time until the professor walked in. Files of students poured into the lecture theatre, a little late and yet not rushing to get to their seat. You were a little preoccupied with taking out your notebooks and everything, unable to see the new face that strolled into the room.

“Did you see that?” Yoimiya whispered at you as the professor started sorting out the computer. You glance at her, “See what?” 

“That guy! That guy who just came in. I think he’s new!” Yoimiya was one to get excited, and she turned around to catch a glimpse of the guy, then turned again to you. “He’s definitely new! Y/N, just take a look!” 

“It’s probably just someone from the education programme wanting to sit in on a psychology course ‘Miya,” you say, while taking out the pen you needed.

“Ugh, okay, I know the university is big and all but I swear I’ve never seen someone like him around here before, I’m tellin’ ya,” Yoimiya nudges your side and keeps flitting her eyes towards the back of the room, urging you to look. For the second time that day, you roll your eyes, and maneuver your body around to look at who exactly she was referring to. 

Your breath catches at your throat. 

There, sitting on the last row of the lecture theatre with some other university students, totally blending in wearing a casual button up white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and blue slacks, was Kamisato Ayato. As if sensing your gaze on him, his eyes travel towards yours, and your gazes meet. 

He gives a knowing smirk, puts a finger up to his lips, and winks.

Your heart clenches and you slowly turn back around with a sigh, addressing Yoimiya. “…Yep… He’s definitely new,”

This was going to be a loooooooooong month. 

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Summary: When Prince Scaramouche picks you out of a random group of commoners to marry, your life is turned upside down. He’s mean, snarky, condescending and he doesn’t act like a proper husband or prince at all. However, when Prince Tartaglia from the neighbouring kingdom takes an interest in you, Prince Scaramouche finds himself even more annoyed than usual. This is the story of him and you navigating this roller coaster of a relationship.

Warnings: Just lots of dialogue and retelling in this chapter, not much actual Scaramouche in this story. Little Scaramouche makes an appearance for like, 20 cute seconds, haha. We’re going to the main action plot, so it’s not really sunshine and daisies, tw: death, does not follow the actual genshin lore but takes ideas from it, this is kinda looking more like a royal+fantasyAU hahaha sorry.

Word Count: 2.1k words

Summary and a recap on the Royal AU plots are here.

Read other parts:(Ruthless Prince Masterlist)

“…and that’s what he said!”

You were clutching the blanket resting on your lap, looking towards Kuni who had a shocked look on his face.

“The prince…he told you this on his own accord?”


Kuni fell silent. 

There was no one else in the room aside from him and you. 

Yet again, Scaramouche had done a disappearing act. 

It seemed to be his only way of solving things: avoiding them.

Scaramouche saw the horror in your face when he told you, and instantly thought that he had made a mistake. He shouldn’t have told you. He shouldn’t have said anything. He was supposed to be the one to tell you the story, but the look in your eyes reminded him of the ghosts in past. “Just… ask Kuni about it,” then he left. 

You ended up not having an appetite. Confused and rattled at the same time.

“Apologies, princess,” Kuni started with a sigh “…It’s not what it seems, perhaps when you’re all better I can explain the story to you–”

“Kuni,” you looked at the older man, stubborn persistence in your eyes. “I have to know. Right now,” 

Kuni observed you for a moment, then glanced around the room, looking for a chair. He drags one over, closer to your bed, a solemn look on his face. “If at any time you feel unwell, do say so,” he clears his throat. “The prince doesn’t know how to express himself. So I believe he was…not threatening you, but instead he was merely trying to share an incident of long past…”

I never thought I’d talk about this again.

You were getting perturbed. It was like you couldn’t trust anyone around you. Being rude is one thing, but being a murderer was a completely different problem. 

“It’s not what he makes it to be,” Kuni closes his eyes, memory traveling far back into the depths, snatching at tiny snippets to retell. “Simply said, it was an accident. We…have not talked about it in a long time,”

Kuni opens his eyes, wearily smiling, eyes faraway and as if in a realm different from yours.

“The prince was, just as any child was: Jovial, curious and energetic. He ran around like other kids did, and played outside in the sun just the same. I suppose he did have more of a temper than the others did, but it wasn’t anything noteworthy. Just the usual tempers a child would go through,”

“Tartaglia! That’s not fair! You said I could be the seeker next!” A younger Scaramouche stomps his foot on the ground. The surrounding garden is peaceful, and the kids playing amongst themselves are roughly the same age. Tartaglia laughs apologetically. “Ah, yeah! I forgot! It’s okay, you can be next, okay? I promise!” 

Little Scaramouche puffs his cheeks out, but relents and looks for a hiding place while Tartaglia’s sister starts counting.

“Tartaglia’s father and Scaramouche’s father were good friends. The alliance between our two kingdoms were strong, we flourished with trade agreements, shared resources that the other didn’t have…I suppose that’s where the story starts. Snezhnaya ran across a discovery that was all too powerful,”

“…A fake vision?” Scaramouche’s father inspects the trinket. It looked just like the real thing.

“I wouldn’t call it a fake,” Tartaglia’s father hummed. “It works just like the real thing, potentially even more powerful…A delusion, as I call it,”

“…And what are you planning to use it for?”

“Military force, of course! Without visions, our knights are mediocre at best.”

“You mean to say that you’ve given your knights delusions?” Scaramouche’s father asks with an air of worry.

“Hydro delusions. Made from my own hydro vision. You should see them! They’re stronger than they ever were, fueled by a power they never had! My friend, imagine if we could make delusions out of your electro vision,”

“Can I interrupt you for a second there?” Your voice cuts through Kuni’s retelling. “This…vision thing. Only the nobles have them, right?” 

Kuni doesn’t answer immediately. “Back then, we believed so, yes. That only the nobles were presented with such a power. However, times have changed, and we’re more open to the possibility that a vision can be granted to anyone who longed for it,”

“So…Scaramouche, the king and the queen, Tartaglia and his parents, they all have one?”

“Indeed they do. They saw it as a blessing granted to them,”

You tried not to show any apprehension or doubt in your face, but there must’ve been a hint of it appearing. A blessing, huh? You supposed it entirely depended on how people looked at it, because from where you sat and listened, it just sounded like a lot of responsibilities.

You signaled for Kuni to continue.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline, my friend,” Scaramouche’s father hands back the hydro delusion.

“Ah, well if you change your mind, the offer is always here,”

“It turns out that in order to make a delusion, they had to extract the element from a real vision, and so Tartaglia’s father was persistent in asking our king to lend the power of his electro vision…Our king, of course, declined. He was not the type of person to interrupt the natural flow of things…He felt that if humans interfered too much into powers that they didn’t understand, it might cause great disaster…”

You tried to follow where the story was going. From the way Kuni was telling it, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that something had gone wrong along the way. “…But the king was forced to use it, at some point?”

“Yes,” Kuni sighed. In his mind, the story is still fresh as it was yesterday. The happenings as if it just transpired. “Our peace continued, up until the neighbouring kingdom threatened to overtake us. See, we were but a small kingdom back then, milady. There was no possible way for us to fight back, not with our small military power…The King realized this…and took up the offer,”

“He agreed to make electro delusions out of his own vision?” you concluded wrongly for Kuni, who shook his head slowly.

“There was not enough time to produce electro delusions. So Prince Tartaglia’s father lent our king the hydro delusions that he already had on hand. There was no doubt about it, once our knights donned the hydro delusions, the war was over before it even started. The enemies had no chance at all. But…the king discovered a greater tragedy.”

“Accelerated aging…They’re losing their life force far too fast while using the delusions,” the royal doctor broke the news to the king, eyes filled with confusion and worry all at the same time. It was beyond the realm of what he had seen, never had he observed a human deteriorate in such a short time. 

“All of them?” the king asked in horror. Watching as three of his knights remained bed-ridden for days, their hair slowly turning grey. 

“It seems not. Particular people are weaker against the effects. Your captain, for instance, has yet to feel the effects of the delusions, but these three young men have been the hardest hit,” 

“…Take the delusions away. All of it. Return it back to Snezhnaya,” 


Your head tilts up at the silence, eyes questioning Kuni when you realize that he had stopped. He seemed to be struggling with something, the same expression of contemplation appearing on his face just as it did yesterday on Scaramouche’s.

You give him time, and he breathes out a heavy sigh.

“I’m afraid…I still cannot fully explain in words what I experienced and saw that day…but the disaster happened before we could even return the delusions…Prince Scaramouche…managed to get his hands on one of the hydro delusions and…”

There’s a pregnant pause once again, and you finally feel like the story is reaching its peak. Suddenly, Kuni stands up. You sit up from your relaxed position as well, thinking that he was about to walk away and abandon the story, but he lifts his shirt up halfway.

There, on his left abdomen, right at the edge of his waist, was a large puncture wound. New, pink and rubbery skin had tried to cover up the hole that was once there. The scar looked soft to the touch, and it was clear that the deformity would never be the same again. 

Your eyes were tacked on to it, the little pieces that Kuni told you melding together and forming a bigger picture. “That’s–”

“I was the captain of the knights back then,” Kuni suddenly continued, dropping his hold on the fabric. “…but I was called in far too late. When I arrived, the prince…had already taken two lives,” 

You didn’t gasp, nor did you sigh. You didn’t notice that you were holding your breath.

“He was just a child, yet the delusion took to him. He was a completely different being, wrapped in an aura that wasn’t his…I was the only one who managed to wrestle the delusion away from him. When he awoke, he recalled no such events… However, with blood on his hands and the wound on my side, he quickly realized what he had done…”

Fear, or sorrow? The two were battling within you and you hadn’t a clue which one was winning. 

“The prince changed after those events. And the king… took me out of knight’s duty and placed me as the prince’s guardian.”

Never had you heard silence with such an intensity. 

“The incident was covered up easily…Aside from the prince, the king and the queen…Only I knew what truly transpired that day…I suppose it’s one of our kingdom’s biggest sins…to not properly honour those who fell in that tragedy…”

You couldn’t help but place a hand on your mouth and sink back to lean on the bed’s headboard, trying to picture the scene in your mind. Trying to process the entirety of the situation. How to feel about it. What to make of it. What it meant for you and for others.

I can’t pretend that I’m okay with this…

You see a flash of Scaramouche’s glare in your mind.

I can’t pretend that I’m not scared… but…does everything that happened really justify the way he treats people in the present? Shouldn’t he be more…understanding?

“…So he’s got issues to work on,” you manage to mumble out your first thoughts, and to your surprise, Kuni chuckles. 

“I’m glad you think so, milady,” he starts to move the chair back to where it was supposed to be. “But do not be mistaken…it isn’t your job alone to remedy his problem.” Kuni doesn’t give any more explanation other than that. There was still much to say, but he gathered that the conversation had to be between you and the pince.

“I know you have a lot to think about, princess, so I’ll take my leave. The questions and thoughts you have right now, and the one’s you come up with can wait… I suppose the prince may have more answers and insights into it, now that he’s grown up,” 

“Hardly grown up…” you mutter, and melt back down on your bed, closing your eyes to really internalize the story. “Thank you, Kuni,”

He gives a small sound of understanding before you hear him excuse himself, the sound of the door opening and closing indicating to you that he’d left. 

The silence helped.

For a moment you laid in bed. Draped your arm over your eyes and merely let yourself…exist

You asked yourself why Scaramouche always had the worst of timings. 

Just when you think everything was going to be okay, he had the uncanny talent of making everything unravel again. 

Why does he have to tell me…Does it have anything to do with the attempted assassination? And why now? Does he think I’m about to die or something, and this is the last chance he gets to confess? 

You huffed to yourself. Thanking the Gods that your body and wound didn’t burn as much as it did anymore, but it still took a lot out of you. Though, you couldn’t completely blame him. It was you, after all, who had a moment of sheer panic in front of him, thinking you were about to take your last breath through that coughing fit. He didn’t offer any kind words, but you remember the feeling of his hand behind your head.

That really happened, I wasn’t imagining it.

That moment of vulnerability you showed. Was that what caused him to reach out? The possibilities and theories of whys and how comes were not decreasing. The more you thought about it, the more questions popped up. 

In some senses, your relationship with Scaramouche was exactly the same.

You learned more about him, yet nothing about him all at the same time.

He was an infuriating mystery. 

And your final thoughts before you decided to leave it for now and focus on your recovery:

That’s what I get for marrying a stranger, I guess.





vice president ganyu teaching our dumb dumb (๑’◡͐’๑)

vice president ganyu teaching our dumb dumb (๑’◡͐’๑)

Post link


A Magi AU, a Genshin AU, or something in between??

I drew this on procreate pocket and that was an experience…

A Magi AU, a Genshin AU, or something in between??

I drew this on procreate pocket and that was an experience…

Please, comfort him

I was listening a sad song while drawing so a sad Aether for you QAQ)/♡

XL doodle for a genshin au!! Warning: essay in tags open at ur own risk


✤ -

This chapter is dedicated to albedocity on youtube (i doubt they will ever see this LOL) but their kazuha playlist gives me the best calming vibes while writing this, I can really imagine myself just sitting on a hill w/kazu watching the clouds. Please go check them out!!

✤Taglist (Open-send an ask to be added) @galaxytastes@melkxsh@one-offmind @jupeteer @yuuriihiime @mitchieey @asagirimeiko @loptido @pen-observing@rrinsluvr@k-a-z-u-h-a @xmellows@the-jester-calamity@yvechu@latterina

Prev;Series Masterlist ; Next



  • Private QRTs don’t really work like that in twitter but it was a creative decision I took to make sure the formatting looked better . The locks more signify if it’s a private comment or not (locks are not shown for the original poster in the qrts as it’s their own comment section)
  • Xingqiu and Chongyun are v protective over y/n!! Xingqiu being more vocal about it.
  • If any problems for y/n arise Xingqiu and Hu Tao usually handle the admin/public side of it, while Chongyun and Benny are support hamsters 
  • This was especially the case for the breakup too! (Nosy people at uni lol)
  • At the get together the gang watched a bunch of cheesy romcoms <33 it was a good time

Ayaka would be the best sister to someone who wears a hijab/headscarf. Super patient and kind and gets cutely excited to help do all sorts of intricate headscarf styles!!

Big brother Ayato who gets comfortable, beautiful prints of fabric too

dude help i keep making aus and i cant stop: the tragicomedy

that’s right mothers and fuckers of the court. i may not have art AND i haven’t finished all my other au post bUT I’M BACK AGAIN WITH ANOTHER FUCKING AU. in celebration of my most recent hyperfixation, may i present to you:


as the name suggests, this is a homestuck-genshin crossover, because i put homestuck into literally everything else that i have. it’s like my hyperhyperfixation. the plot will be……. ngeh, im not 100% sure to be honest. essentially it’s gonna be something like…… what would happen if the Tsaritsa succeeded in her quest to gain all the other Archon’s Gnoses

I’m just gonna list down the ideas i have:

  1. Condy is basically the Tsaritsa of this au: while she was originally the Hydro Archon, she succeeded in stealing all the other Archons’ Gnoses and became the Imperial Archon
  2. some of the other ancestors used to be Archons– Psii was the Electro Archon, Redglare was the Geo Archon, Signless was the Pyro Archon, etc.
  3. Visions are only given to/received by people the Condescension trusts, and/or her military forces
  4. Story probably involves the mortal children of the dethroned Archons (a.k.a the Beta Trolls [plus-minus some who are on the Condesce’s side]) taking back what is “rightfully” theirs
  5. I like to think they’d go around killing and stealing Visions from various members of Her Highness’ forces. As to how they activate them, hm…… either some bs about “oh they’re the Archons’ kids they’re naturally attuned to them” OR smth abt how their wills are strong enough to resonate with the core principals of their chosen Element

full disclaimer i am…… not completely well-versed in the world lore so if I got anything wrong. I’m still “researching” stuff to be able to make a more…… meaningful and/or cohesive au, ig, so feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything!


Genshin OC : Zhiyao • Thunderstorm Warrior

“You chose the wrong person [CENSORED] person to fight! I’ll make sure my blade gets a taste of your charred ashes!”

– • – • –

The feral lightning catboy has arrived! He’s 5'6, 24, and a monster hunter cursed to be short (he vehemently maintains that he was destined for too much power, and so the gods personally nerfed him). He hangs around with Beidou and Kazuha after getting in trouble with Liyue officials, and carries with him a token badge from a mysterious mentor who’s name he manages to dodge mentioning. Please show him some love!

Genshin OC : Zhiyao • Thunderstorm Warrior

“You chose the wrong person [CENSORED] person to fight! I’ll make sure my blade gets a taste of your charred ashes!”

– • – • –

The feral lightning catboy has arrived! He’s 5'6, 24, and a monster hunter cursed to be short (he vehemently maintains that he was destined for too much power, and so the gods personally nerfed him). He hangs around with Beidou and Kazuha after getting in trouble with Liyue officials, and carries with him a token badge from a mysterious mentor who’s name he manages to dodge mentioning. Please show him some love!

 “ Well, I guess just a few drops (of blood) couldn’t hurt…”little shop of

“ Well, I guess just a few drops (of blood) couldn’t hurt…”

little shop of horrors au ft. albedo !! because i want soft-bedo with glasses……. also he would do everything for the plant to grow(yes he names it after lumine, thanku)

Post link

Isekai Content

I’m rebranding my SAGAU works as Isekai AU because I think it falls more in that catagory. It’s much less ‘self-aware’ than I planned it to be. Whoops. I’ll keep the tags the same on my previous work but from now on it’s “isekai au.”

Please note: the first 4 fics should be read first and in order as future fics may refer back to information in these 4.

How Genshin discovers your arrival

Who you meet in Genshin first

Meeting the Knights for the first time (reader x Amber/Kaeya/Albedo)

Divine Creator’s Log: #1 (fem!reader x platonic!bennett)


Breathless (reader x Venti)

Hearts ablaze (reader x Diluc ft. Venti)

Auscultate to your heart (Nurse!Fem!reader x Albedo)

Cocky - Part 1 (Fem!reader x Childe/Tartaglia) 

Haunted - (Fem!reader x Zhongli ft. Hu Tao)

Abyss Miniseries:

SAGAU Content

Your Imposter! SAGAU Life Game

  • Catch a falling star (Request Series): Viewer oneshots based on their wishing experiences
  • Request rules - Reader x Diluc
  1. Anon - Reader x Razor/Ayaka/Jean/Xiao
  2. Anon - Reader x Venti/Keqing/Diluc
  3. Me - Reader x Kaeya
  4. Requester - Reader x Albedo/Diluc
  5. Anon - Reader x Raiden Shogun/Zhongli/Mona
  6. Anon - Reader x Kazuha/Childe/Qiqi


Miscellaneous Work

How Genshin men react to you in pregnancy labor (Fem!reader x Ayato/Venti/Albedo)

Hospital AU headcanons (Nurse!fem!reader x Nurse!Kaeya) 

It takes a Guild - In which you adopt and raise Bennett

TW: For descriptions of SEVERE BURNS

If it takes a village to raise a child then how about a guild?

It was the dead of night when you heard frantic pounding at your door. Irritated at your sleep interrupted, you swing your door open with a scowl. This better be good you think to yourself.  

“What?!” You growled out, voice low and gravelly.

It was Katheryne, the secretary of the Adventurer’s Guild, her face was pale, eyes wide and panicked with a worried expression painted on her face. “(Y/N)! Come quickly, Ben’s been hurt. It’s bad. Really bad.”

Your eyes widened in shock, Ben is one of the senior members of the Guild who is beloved by you and everyone. Rushing to put your work clothes on and grabbing your medical bag and anemo vision, you and Katheryne run to the Guild clinic where your apprentice healer, Millicent, is working in a frenzy cutting him out of his burned clothes. You gasped at the sight of his body, “oh my god” you breathed out.

He was severely burned. All along his left leg up to his mid thigh had 3rd and 4th degree burns; skin turned hard and leathery with some areas revealing muscle and bone. His left arm was also damaged with 2nd degree burns that had skin wet and weepy with serous drainage. His old and wrinkled face and neck were less severe but his eyebrows and mustache were singed off. If you had to guess; at least 30% of his body has varying degrees of burns.

This is going to be a long night. Rolling up your sleeves, you and your apprentice get to work on healing him, starting with face and neck then working down to his arm. You try to concentrate on using your vision when you hear the cries of a baby…. A Baby?!    

You turn to Millicent who was using her hydro vision to heal his arm. “Millicent, why is there a naked baby in my clinic?” Not taking her eyes off his arm, she hovers her hands over a burned area with blue light emanating from her fingers. “I don’t know, he just showed up with his burns and that baby. I just checked the boy, he’s perfectly healthy.”

Just when you were about to console the cries of the child, Ben starts crying in pain. Gently stroking the unburned side of his cheek, you try to calm him down. “Hey hey hey Ben, you’re safe now. Milli and I are working on healing you right now but you need to stay still.” His eyes full of tears he mumbles something under his breath. “I’m sorry Ben, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”

He only managed four final words: “will,” “adventure,” and “final treasure” and with one last breath, he dies on your stretcher.
With a heavy-heart, you checked for a pulse and when you found none, you kissed his forehead and rolled the blankets over him in a shroud. Glancing at the side table, you see his now gray and cloudy vision devoid of all color and life, signifying that he has passed away. Millicent, who was wiping the tears from her eyes, places her hands together in prayer and asks for Lord Barbatos to guide his soul into the afterlife.

Turning your attention to the baby in the basin who was no longer crying, you see his beautiful green eyes looking at you with curiosity. You give the baby a sad smile and hold him in your arms.

“You must be his final treasure, isn’t that right Bennett?”

Masterlist,Part 1 of Abyss Miniseries

AN: If you want, please watch “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen | Genshin Animatic” to get in the mood and hyped. It’s only 2 min, 30 sec!

Summoning abyssal magic, the Abyssal Prince Aether casts a spell on you with ancient runes appearing on your skin. The feeling of foreign magic invading your body gives you a tingling sensation, the symbols softly glowing blue all over your face and body.

“What is this?!” You screeched in horror.

The prince smirks, “I severed your Divine connection to everyone. Every person across the globe is feeling it as we speak and think you’re dead.”


At an unparalleled scale, every human, Archon and supernatural being across the globe felt the sever of your Divine connection. Like a punch to the gut, the wind was knocked out of them leaving a vast emptiness inside. They can no longer feel happiness, love or joy and all that was left was sadness and rage. “The Divine Creator is dead!” The people cried.

The governing bodies of the world; the Knights of Favonius, the Liyue Qixing, the Tri-Commissions and the Fatui are all struggling to keep their nations from erupting into complete chaos. With no news of where your body was and how you died, it wasn’t long until people were pointing fingers.

“I bet the Fatui had something to do with this.”

“No, it was Sumaru! My cousin told me they were experimenting on the Creator!”

“I don’t know, Fontaine has been awfully quiet…”

“I heard Monstadt was keeping the Creator for themselves. They are SO self righteous.”

“No way, those guys are pussies. Liyue definitely had something to do with it.”



The rumor mill was running at full speed and suspicions of one another was at an all time high. Tensions between nations was rising with political relations on the brink of collapse but luckily, all hope was not lost for the Honorary Knight emerges from the dungeon a week later to tell the world of what transpired in the cave.


When the Archons felt the sever, their initial reaction was despair. You just got resurrected and now they have to experience the grief of losing you, someone they’ve loved since the creation of Teyvat, all over again. They all thought that they had more time but once again, you’ve managed to slip through their fingers.

All of the Archons were grieving in their own ways within their respective nations when word came from Mondstadt that you were not, in fact, dead. They found this to be odd because it feels exactly as how they remembered it 500 years ago because the Divine Creator’s death does cause a severe cut-off from love and joy with a subsequently weaker residual Divine connection that returns to the world a couple hundred years later. But after hearing that the Abyss Order was behind this, white hot rage consumed them and they’ll be damned if they fail you again.  

  • Zhongli

Zhongli was especially heartbroken when he felt the sever for the second time because he was the one who tasked himself with being your protector all those years ago and when he first heard of your resurrection, he felt as though he had been given a second chance at life. When he met your current incarnation for the first time at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, you took his breath away and before he knew it, he fell even harder for this version of yourself. He was staring somberly at the push and pull of the tide against the docks when Ganyu told him the details of your abduction. He should’ve known the Abyss Order was behind this, such a grievous transgression will not be tolerated. Unable to contain his fury, his draconic features began to manifest; eyes, hair and markings began glowing a brilliant shade of amber, nails elongating with pitch black scales darkening his hands and arms.

“Ganyu, send word to the Adepti of my council to meet me at Mt. Aocang. We’re waging war against the Abyss.” He commanded with the air and tone worthy of the Prime Adepti. Nodding her head, she immediately went to work notifying Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver and the Vigilant Yaksha.

Morax is back and with a vengeance.

  • Venti

In the Land of Song and Wind there was silence for the air that flowed throughout the land, once gentle and breezy, was now stagnant. There was no rustling of foliage amidst the trees and there was no music in the hearts of his people for what melody could they play that could accurately portray the depths of despair that they all feel. 

The tone-deaf bard sits quietly with his legs to his chest on top of the highest point in Dragonspine, letting the frigid mountain air chill him to his core. He wants to feel numb, his heart hurts too much when he thinks about you. You with your cheeky quips and loving gaze, he never got the chance to tell you how he truly felt. He thought he had more time. He touches his lips and remembers when he pecked your temple and he curses himself for not taking a leap of faith and kiss you on the lips as he should have. But it was too late, he lost his Nameless Bard and now he lost you too. 

The sun was setting over Monstadt when Lumine approaches the heavy-hearted bard. He was stone cold with frozen crystal tears adorning his eyelashes. She leads Venti to a fire and recounts the events of the dungeon to him. As furious as he was about your kidnapping, he felt hope. Somewhere in the world you were alive and waiting for him. Rubbing the tears and the cold off his face, he tells Lumine to have Jean gather all the citizens of Monstadt in front of the Favonius Cathedral.

He knows what he must do.


Doing as instructed, the Acting Grand Master had everyone from Monstadt and Springvale gathered in front of the tall Anemo statue. Once everyone is here, Dvalin takes his cue from his dramatic friend, flies over the citizens and perches himself onto the top of the cathedral. Venti then jumps off of the dragon’s back and transforms into his Archon regalia with wings spread wide, he flies into the hands of his statue. The people are chattering and praying with some even kneeling and bowing when he silences them with the sound of his lyre.    

“People of Monstadt, hear me. You may have thought that I turned my back on you due to my lack of governance but I have not. I believe in freedom and have been watching the flourish of Mondstadt from the sidelines as a simple bard. I come to you now not as Venti but as Lord Barbatos of the Four Winds and I ask you to worship me as you have done thousands of years ago so that I may have the strength to save our Divine Creator from those who would do her harm. Let the wind lead.”

With that, he flies and rides the winds out into the distance toward the realm of the Adepti.  

  • Xiao

Meanwhile at an undisclosed location, you are going fucking insane. With no way to tell time, you have no idea how long you’ve been imprisoned in this pocket dimension that looks exactly like your old home from before you got isekai’ed. Everything was here; your clothes, your food and even your computer that ironically has the Genshin Impact title screen playing that you can’t even exit out of. Caught in the full swing of cabin fever, you start destroying the drywall and floors in hopes of making your escape but it was no use, the second you turned your back, the damage was repaired as if you never wrecked it in the first place. Fuck, you hate magic. Sinking onto the floor, you cry and sob in frustration until you are emotionally drained of all feelings. Wiping the tears and the snot from your nose with the sleeve of your sweatshirt, you remembered something: a quote from one of your favorite characters.

“Call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.”

Knowing it was a longshot, you got onto your knees with hands pressed together in the form of prayer.

“Adeptus Xiao, I need you.” You whisper, fighting another sob from escaping your lips.

Meanwhile at the meeting of the Adepti, Morax was developing a plan to locate you when Xiao stands from the table and looks off into the mountain range with an alarmed look on his face.

“(Y/N)! Where are you?! Are you hurt?” The members of the meeting looked at the yaksha stunned and waited with bated breath to see how this scene unfolded.  

You let out a cry of relief at the sound of his voice echoing in your room, “I’m fine. I don’t know where I am. They’ve locked me up in some sort of pocket dimension and there’s a bunch of sigils written on doors and windows. Can you come get me?” You say with a shaky voice.

This must be a loophole in the seal, Xiao thinks to himself. “I can hear you but I can’t sense your location. I’m sorry.” Voice low and gruff.  

You sigh and pick yourself off the floor, “It’s ok. I’m just happy I can hear your voice. Listen, I don’t know how long it’ll take before they figure out that you can talk to me but you need to know that they want the Eye of the First Field Tiller. They know Dainsleif has it and want to use it to restore Khaenri'ah. That’s all I know.”

Xiao frowned, “I see. As for us, my Adeptal Arts should be strong enough to keep our line of communication undetected. I must go and report this news to Rex Lapis. In the meantime, be safe (Y/N) and call out my name at a later time and we’ll talk more.”

“Sounds good.”

Laying your head down on your bed, you stared at the ceiling imagining Xiao’s famous scowl and you smiled. Perhaps there was still hope after all.

For Part 4; send in 2 characters you want to be in the finale of this miniseries. Xiao and Venti will already be featured in the next part. Send in suggestions by June 11th. 

Masterlist,Part 1 of Abyss Miniseries
WARNING: Non-Consensual touching, yandere stuff & spoilers for Chasm Archon quests

Pain. All you can feel is pain. Slowly regaining consciousness, you feel your head dangling over someone’s back with your hair covering your face. Like a tidal wave, it all comes rushing back to you; Lumine, the Abyss Herald! You begin to thrash and pound at the lectors back, “let go of me you sick fuck!” Screaming at him, you try to reach behind you and claw at his face. Just when you were about to make another swipe at him, you felt another surge of electricity flow through you. Yelping in pain, you go limp and start involuntarily twitching.

“Enough.” The Herald orders. “Bind her arms and legs if you must but we can’t have her convulsing in front of the prince.”

Prince?! You furrowed your brows, they must be talking about Aether. Recalling the Archon quests in your mind, you try to think of a reason why he would have you kidnapped. Your mind wanders to many outlandish theories but ultimately you’re stumped, unable to see how you fit into the puzzle.

The abyss lector follows his commander’s orders and binds your limbs with magic. You test the glowing cuffs out by pulling your wrists apart but it’s no use, you’re screwed. With nothing else to do, you finally take in your surroundings. You’re underground, that much you can tell but with no distinguishing flora or fauna, you have no idea where you could possibly be. This is bad, really bad. You have no weapons, no friends and are completely at the mercy of these jerks. The only things you have are the clothes on your back and your wits. You’re gonna have to be smart about this and bide your time if you want to escape.

Eventually the lector carries you to what appears to be a large room with Aether sitting on a throne made of obsidian. Resting his head in the palm of his hand he watches the abyss lector set you down in front of him. Beautiful. Even though you’re here against your will, you still have that fire in your eyes. Is it bad that he finds you ravishing when you’re mad?

Aether waves his hand, “leave us.” He orders. The black serpent knights, the lectors, mages and heralds of his court offer him a bow and leave the throne room. He rises from his seat and strides toward you, “(Y/N), welcome to the Abyss. We’ve been waiting for you.”

With your head held high, your glare at Lumine’s twin, “Why am I here, Aether?” He chuckles at your candor, “straight to the point as always, you haven’t changed a bit.” Face to face with you, he strokes your cheek with the outside of his hand, “I need your help,” he says softly.

Whatever he needs it can’t be good, you think to yourself. Heart thumping wildly in your chest you struggle to maintain a calm composure, “with what” you replied, tone coming out a little too forced. Staring at him, you see his golden eyes are mottled with determination and desire.

“Help me restore Khaenri'ah. With you by my side, we can return it to its former glory.” You raised your eyebrows, “and how exactly am I supposed to do that?” His face twists into a crazed expression, smiling unnaturally wide for your comfort.

“By stealing the eye of the first field tiller from Dainsleif and give it to me.” Your eyes widened with horror and you took a step back from him. He takes a step forward, “what’s the matter? Afraid you can’t do it? You shouldn’t worry, Dainsleif trusts you with his life. He loves you just as much as I do.”  

“No. I won’t do it and…” you say with a shaky voice. “Whatever this is,” obsession? Mania? You’re not sure what to call it. Gesturing at him you say, “this is not love.”  

In an instant he rushes to you and grabs your bound hands, “oh but it is!” Blush forming on his cheeks he confesses his love for you, “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You love me don’t you?” In a panic you tried to free your hands from his hold but he only gripped you harder. Shaking your head vehemently, “please Aether,” you begged. “I just want to go home.”  

Upon hearing your denial of his love and his plans, his unnatural elated smile changed in an instant to a cold, calculated glare. “I was hoping that you would cooperate but no matter, the serpent knights will take you to your chambers but first,” summoning abyssal magic, he casts a spell on you with ancient runes appearing on your skin. The feeling of foreign magic invading your body gives you a tingling sensation, the symbols softly glowing blue all over your face and body.

“What is this?!” You screeched in horror.

The Abyssal Prince smirks, “I severed your Divine connection to everyone. Every person across the globe is feeling it as we speak and think you’re dead.”

You begin to hyperventilate, this can’t be happening. Feeling like a cornered animal you rally your last ounce of courage and throw a double fisted punch at Aether. He laughs at your cute attempt and easily dodges you, knocking you unconscious with a light hit to your neck.

“Guards!” He calls out, the Abyss Herald teleports over to him and your unconscious form on the floor.

“What are your orders, Your highness?”

“Take our little Goddess to her chambers. As for the Loom of Fate, we will continue as planned but instead of the eye, we will use her instead. If she somehow survives, she can be my queen of the new world.”

Part 3 Here!

AN: 100 followers special! Thank you all for the support, it means a lot 

\( 。◕ ‿ ◕。)/

Masterlist & How it all started

Ever since you arrived in this world life has been good, in fact, you’ve never been happier. Before you got isekai’ed into your favorite video game, Genshin Impact, you were just a lonely nobody who was just going through the motions of what life was handed to you. But here in Teyvat you mattered though as strange it may seem, the people here are convinced that you’re their God and not like an Archon but THE God of Gods, The Divine Creator, the embodiment of Celestia itself. Apparently you are the reincarnation of the late Goddess who not only looked and acted exactly like you, but was also murdered in Khaenri'ah 500 years ago. At first, you tried to deny your status as their Creator but after meeting and interacting with your favorite characters, you decided to go along with it because it made them happy. But as Murphy’s Law dictates: ‘anything that can go wrong will go wrong,’ and that’s exactly what happened.

You, Lumine and Paimon were exploring a dungeon together as a part of a commission she was hired for, venturing deep into the crust of the earth. The stone walls were narrowing in and the air was becoming more and more scarce. Paimon was growing concerned, “uhhhh this place is getting a little tight even for Paimon. We should go back.”

Lumine, your trusted guide and friend, looked to your shaking head and held up a map for her to see. “Paimon you know we’ve been through worse together and, besides, according to this we’re getting close to where the relic should be.”

You agreed with your fellow interdimensional traveler, “yeah, Lumine’s right. We’ve gone this far, we can’t turn back now.”

Truer words have never been spoken. Upon reaching the end of the path, it leads you into an enormous clearing. Lit torches lined the walls of the cave where shadows danced to the flames flicker. However despite the torches, the cave was pitch black in the areas where the light could not reach and had an eerie silence that you found unnerving.

Lumine drew her sword and you your bow. “Be on your guard,” she warned. With an arrow nocked, you were ready for whatever monsters that emerged from the shadows.

Paimon looks at you and your bow. “When did you learn how to shoot?” She asked in a hushed tone. Following the traveler’s lead, you kept your focus on your surroundings, “a while ago,” you muttered quietly, “thought it would be useful to learn self defense.”

“Yeah. This world can be a pretty dangerous place, that’s why I stick with her. Who taught you?” You gave the floating fairy a wink, “ehe, it’s a secret.” Deciding that the conversation was over, Paimon rolled her eyes at you and floated next to her companion.

Venturing deeper into the cave for what felt like hours, you finally reach your destination but staring at the scene before you made your blood turn to ice.There, several feet away from you was an altar holding a priceless relic but looming ominously behind it was an upside down Statue of the Seven, a defiled statue.  

Knowing the implications of that statue, the three of you backed away slowly from the scene. “We need to leave, now.” Lumine orders. But the second you and her turn to break off into a full sprint, a blue magical barrier cuts you off.

“Leaving so soon?” A low gravelly voice cuts the tension. Emerging from a cosmic starry portal, was a massive Abyss Herald. You couldn’t see his eyes but you could feel his malicious gaze on you. “Your Grace,” he says with a half hearted bow, “we’ve been waiting for you. Why don’t you come with me, we have much to discuss.”

In response Lumine moved her sword into a defensive position while you raised your bow and drew the string back, “I have nothing to say to you.” You called out to him, doing your best to keep your voice from cracking in fear.

The Abyss Herald cackled at your attempt to be brave. “Very well, then I shall take you by force.” Summoning his long hydro daggers, he cautiously stalked toward you like the apex predator that he is.

“(Y/N),” the traveler whispers, “you need to get out of here. Teleport away while you still can.”
“What?!” you whispered back, eyes locked on the approaching monster, “I’m not leaving you and Paimon.”
“We’ll be fine, he and I have unfinished business. It’s you that he wants.”
Stubborn as ever but you nodded your head. Imagining a waypoint in your mind, you tried to teleport but… nothing happened.

“Oh?” The herald cocked his head to the side. “Were you trying to escape, little Goddess? We’ve only just begun.” With a wave of his hand, hidden runes illuminate the walls of the cave, “you’re welcome to try again but you won’t be able to break through this spell. I made sure of it.”  

You scowl at him. You’ve had enough of his crap, aiming for his head you fire five arrows in rapid succession. While he was deflecting your arrows, Lumine jumps into action and swings her sword at him to which he blocks and attempts an aqua slash at the traveler thus beginning the fight. While the two were engaged in heated battle, you stayed around the perimeter of the cave, firing arrows at the enemy whenever you had an opening. But just when you think the tide of battle is turning in your favor, an electro abyss lector hiding in the shadows shocks you. You scream out in pain and immediately fall to the ground stunned. Every muscle in your body is contracted, your nerves on fire with excruciating pain that you can feel in your bones. With how tightly your muscles have contracted, the blood circulating to your brain temporarily stops and you pass out as a result.

When Lumine hears your scream, she sees in the corner of her eye, the abyss lector picking up your limp body and throwing you over his shoulder. Panic begins to swell within her. NO! They can’t take you too! She dodges tidal slash combo from her opponent and runs to your aid but the abyss member was too fast and intercepts her before she could make contact with the lector. With an abyssal roar, the creature charges at her in a spinning attack causing a deep gash in the traveler’s leg, incapacitating her.

“Out of respect for your brother, I’ll let you live. But make no mistake; come after us and you will feel the full might of the Abyss as you die.” With that, the members of the Abyss Order open a starry portal and disappear with you along with them leaving Lumine and Paimon alone in the dark empty cave.

Part 2 here!

AN: Uhhh warning there’s a lot of angst.
Masterlist,Part 1

Zhongli awoke this morning feeling better than he has in a very long time. Gone were the aches and pains that his body endured from the millenniums of battle and hardship and gone were the sins of his past that weighed heavy on his shoulders, his soul feeling lighter than air. Even strolling through the harbor, it appears Liyue herself has been given a breath of life as well. For the air in the harbor felt crisper, the sun was warm and radiant and the energy of her people was practically vibrating with your essence.

Watching the citizens move with such fervor, it was evident that you were the reason for this change. However, he found it odd that with every step he took in the direction of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the stronger he felt in his connection to you. A sense of dread washes over him and he can’t help but shudder at the thought of whatever antics the funeral director has put upon you. Taking a deep breath, he enters the building in search of you and to his horror, he finds you lying in a coffin laughing with your arms crossed while Hu Tao looms over with a gleam in her eyes.

“You are absolutely right, Tao. These coffins are comfy. When I die, I’d definitely want this one.”

The 77th director giggles, “I’ll keep that in mind so long as you promise that Wangsheng Funeral Parlor will be the one to handle your funeral proceedings and last rites when you die.” Rising from your coffin like a creature of the undead, you hold out your hand for her to shake. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” You said enthusiastically.

While the two of you sealed the deal, Zhongli couldn’t help but grimace in disapproval of this entire transaction. The very idea of you dying again put the ex Geo Archeon at great unease and the idea of grieving you once more would be far too much for his old heart to take. No, you will not be dying anytime soon, Zhongli determined. Not if he had anything to say about it.  

Stepping out from the corridor the consultant makes his presence known, “Your Grace, it is a wonderful surprise to see you here. I will refrain from asking why you are in a coffin but I have more comfortable seating arrangements in my office.”

Gazing at the tall man before you, you couldn’t help but gawk at him. He looks even more handsome and refined in real life and the sound of his velvet smooth baritone voice makes you weak in the knees. With Hu Tao’s help you carefully climb out of the coffin and walk up to him with a grin. “By all means, lead the way.” Seeing you smile at him for the first time in 500 years made Zhongli’s heart skip a beat. Oh how he missed you, he can’t wait to tell you of all the things you’ve missed! Putting his hand on the small of your back as he’s done hundreds of times before, he leads you away to his office.

Watching the couple exit the showing room, the director observes the way he looks at you. Such eyes filled with adoration, it’s as if you’re lovers torn by war only to be reunited once again. Though it is possible, she thought to herself. He is an Adepti after all and probably has some history with you. Suddenly inspiration strikes her, this would be great material for a poem! The versemonger of the darkest alleys rushes to her respective office to capture her thoughts on paper.

Elsewhere, Zhongli leads you to his simple yet elegant workroom and offers you a cushy lovechair while he prepares you both some tea. You sit down in the seat with a blush still evident on your face from when he put his hand on your lower back. While you watch him prepare the tea, you think back to the feeling of his large hand against you and you secretly hope he touches you like that again. Your thoughts begin to drift to other places he could touch you when his voice calls out to you.


Your eyes widened in shock and you snapped your head toward him. You never told him your name…

“W-what is it? Sorry I wasn’t listening.”

He chuckles, “head in the clouds I see, dear (Y/N). Even after all these years, you haven’t changed a bit. I just asked if you wanted some sweets; they’re imported from Fontaine.”

You nodded your head while he placed the tea and cookies in front of you and went to sit in the chair next to you. Feelings of anxiety start to build you as you realize that Zhongli seems to think that you remember him from before you died. Holding the teacup in your hands, you stare into the steam of your hot drink.

How are you going to tell him that he’s the only one who shares the memory?

You find yourself not wanting to be here anymore and the idea of teleporting away is looking more and more appealing. Sensing your anxiety, the amber eyed man takes one of your hands and holds it with both of his. Turning your hand over, he rubs his thumb across your palm and says, “You don’t remember me do you, (Y/N)?”

You opened your mouth to try and say something, anything that would soften the blow but no words came out. But you didn’t need to say anything because the pained look on your face was all the answer he needed.

As upset as he is, this situation is all his fault for he; Rex Lapis, The God of Contracts, The Geo Archeon was your most faithful apostle and he failed you. He has only broken one contract in his life and it was the one he created in which he would love and protect you for all eternity. He never should’ve let you go to Khaenri'ah and when heard of your untimely death he flew into a rage and greatly assisted in the destruction of the ancient civilization. But once the fires and the dust settled, not even your body could be recovered in the wreckage and with no body, he buried an empty casket. For the last 500 years, he’s carried the guilt of not protecting you on his shoulders and has been haunted by the memories of you wherever he went.

Not sure what to say, you gave your condolences, “I…I’m so sorry Zhongli.”

In response, Morax gave you a sad smile and put your hand that he was holding up to his cheek and held it there. You responded in kind by gently stroking his smooth face with your fingers.  

“It’s alright,” he whispered, “I’ll remember for the both of us. And.. I am to blame for your circumstance. I should’ve done my duty and protected you like I vowed to.”  

You shook your head, taking your other hand and placing it on the other side of his face, you looked him square in the eyes. You’ve never seen him look so vulnerable, his gaze full of bittersweet nostalgia.

“I-” you hesitated, you’re not sure if this is the right thing to say but you think it’s something he needs to hear. “The old me is gone. But I can tell you with every fiber of my being that she would forgive you, thatI forgive you and she would not want you to carry this guilt anymore.” You said with soft firmness and then gave him a tender kiss on his forehead.

Just as you were about to release your hold on his face, he pulled at your arms and you fell into his embrace with you in his lab. You can feel his heart thumping quickly against his chest while he holds you tightly as if you were about to disappear from his life again. Zhongli lets out a deep sigh of relief and inhales the scent of your hair, my goodness you even smell the same. He kisses the top of your head, “Thank you, (Y/N).”

You nuzzled your nose against his neck in return and shifted yourself to get more comfortable in his lap, your tea long forgotten and turned cold.

Bonus scene:
After an emotional morning, the two of you decided lunch was in order and Zhongli recommended eating at Liuli Pavillion. Unsurprisingly, he orders the most expensive dishes and drinks. Usually, Zhongli would do most of the talking but for once, he did the listening as he was quite curious about you, your old life and your experiences so far in Teyvat. Watching you speak with the same mannerisms as the old you that he knew and loved, he could definitely see himself falling for this version of you too. When you both stuffed yourselves full of delicious food, the bill comes to your table.  

You both glance at each other then the bill.

“Yes, dear?”
“Do you need me to cover this?”

And that is how you became Zhongli’s wallet.

Genshin Hospital AU Headcanons

The AU that no one asked for
(Nurse!fem!reader x nurse!Kaeya)

I believe in my heart and soul that Kaeya would make an amazing nurse because he’s the perfect amount of intelligent, dependable and extra as hell.

In the female dominated world of nursing, Kaeya fits right in with the other floor nurses. When he rolls up to morning shift change, he has a venti Starbucks black coffee in hand and is sporting the tightest fitting navy blue scrubs you’ve ever seen that highlights his best ASSets. But his most defining feature is his black eyepatch. It was highly unusual and when you asked him why he wears it, he claims that he lost his eye in a childhood accident and would rather wear an eyepatch than a prosthetic eye.

When it comes to patient care, the older ladies LOVE him. He could convince the most curmudgeon elderly woman to let him do assessments on her and by the end of it, she’ll be wishing that she had a grandson just like him.

One of your favorite things about the blue eyed man was his reports. He has a flair for the dramatic and can sometimes write the funniest progress notes when he has a patient that is particularly difficult to work with. Your favorite progress note of his being;

‘At 1843, the patient called me a “limp-dicked, Pirates of the Caribbean lookin’ ass bitch” and threw his jello at me. Security was called. Will continue to monitor.’

Like most places, your coworkers can make or break your job but with Kaeya, it’s never a dull moment and you know he’ll always have your back when shit hits the fan (and believe me, it happens A LOT at a hospital).


You were busy charting in Epic* when Kaeya plots himself down in the office chair next to you.

Click, click, click, type, type, type.

Not taking your eyes off the screen, you asked “what do you want, Kaeya?”

He huffed in response, “Well! I was going to ask my work wife if she wanted drinks at Angel’s Share after this but seeing as she’s SOO busy, I’ll ask Rosaria instead.”
You turned your head, “like hell you are. It’s your turn to pay!”
He put his hand to his chest, “is that all I am to you?! Your cash cow? And here I thought we had something special.” He winks at you.

You threw him a deadpan look, “…. Did you wink or blink at me?”

He does it again and smirks at you, “that’s a secret, I’ll never tell.”

You rolled your eyes in response and returned to your work while the male nurse spins in his chair and scans the area. There was no one at the nurse’s station but the two of you and not a sound could be heard save for your loud typing on the keyboard.  
“Say…” he starts. You turned and glared at him.
“Don’t say it…” you warned.
“It’s really QUITE here.”

The second he said the forbidden word, the unit telemetry monitor* startings beeping and it looks like your patient is having an episode v-tach*.

You immediately start running toward your patient’s room, “I hate you, Kaeya.” You called out to him. He cringes at himself, feeling very guilty for actually jinxing you. He’ll be buying you food AND drinks when your shift is over.  

Grabbing the code cart,* he quickly follows behind you while calling for a code blue on his phone.  


My other hospital AU headcanons

  • Attending Ninggaung

An elegant, fashionable woman in her late 40’s. She is one of the internal medicine attendings at Genshin hospital. You’ve never seen anyone look more beautiful in a white lab coat.

  • Resident Ganyu

She is doing her residency with Dr. Ningguang. Ganyu is a real workaholic with a passion for cardiology.  

  • Charge Nurse Jean

She is your colleague and shift supervisor. She is kind, driven and wants to be the unit manager.

  • Physical therapist Eula and occupational therapist Amber

Rumor has it that they’re dating. Due to the nature of their jobs, the two are constantly working together.


  1. *Epic - a computer program that some American healthcare systems use to track patient care and progress
  2. *Telemetry - people with heart problems wear a monitor that tracks their heart rhythms at all times and someone watches the screens all day long (in shifts of course).
  3. *ventricular tachycardia - AKA v-tach. When the ventricles of the heart are pumping too fast for the atria to keep up. This can be deadly and one of the reasons why people call a “code blue.”
  4. *code cart - a cart that has a defibrillator (that machine with the paddles that shocks people in movies) and has a bunch of medications that intend to get that person out of the lethal rhythm.