

So I’ve been thinking. What would an inspired Geralf in Ludevic’s lab be up to? We’ve seen his new Dredge all star and his Masterpiece, but what else has he been doing during his visit?

First he needed to do some shopping.

Time to get to work!

Why haven’t he thought of this one before?

And the some more!

This old boy has been lying around for a long time. Now he’s re-sutured and ready to rumble!

Then he thought he needs someone to lead his boys in his absence. To oversee house chores and that stuff. Servants and butlers are expensive and ask too many questions.

We do hope there is more for us next time we visit the famous and beloved Cecani prodigy.

drasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinovdrasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinovdrasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinovdrasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinovdrasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinovdrasthenes:THE CECANI SIBLINGS “Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz “Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinov



“Gisa and Geralf” by Karla Ortiz
“Wailing Ghoul” by Svetlin Velinov
“Geralf’s Masterpiece” by Daarken
“Gisa’s Bidding” by Jason Felix
“Stitcher Geralf” by Karla Ortiz
“Ghoulcaller Gisa” by Karla Ortiz

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