#get to know me tag



send a number(s) or phrase(s) [angelnicknelson]

1. seating plans — did you ever have to sit next to someone you really disliked in school or at work? or somebody you really liked?

2. fountain pen — what type of pens do you prefer to use?

3. smiley face — what are your favourite emojis to use at the moment?

4. apple juice — what is your favourite fruit juice flavour? brand?

5. pretend tattoo — do you have any tattoos? do you plan on getting any?

6. rugby lads — what was/is your school’s main sport? did/do you support it and go to matches, or were you a part of the team?

7. art class — did you have a specific room or place in school where you would hide out, or just hang out in?

8. dream guy — do you have ‘the ideal partner’ in your mind? have you met them already?

9. bus ride — how do you prefer to travel?

10. ’s’ word — are there any words or phrases that you say a lot? does it bug people?

11. thank you — what is the nicest thing someone has done for you lately?

12. nellie nelson — do you have any pets? if not, do you want any?

13. haircut — describe what your hair looks like.

14. mario kart — what’s your favourite video or mobile game?

15. snow day — you wake up to blankets of perfect, untouched snow outside, what is the first thing you do? e.g. snow angels, snowmen, take a photo etc

16. french class — what languages can you speak?

17. learning drums — is there an instrument you wish you could play well, or better?

18. so cuddly — how many pillows/blankets/stuffed animals do you have on your bed?

19. gay quiz — if you have taken lgbtq+ quizzes before, what were they for and what was your result? (if you want to share)

20. party invite — what is the best event you have been invited to?

21. dance floor — at a party, where can people usually find you?

22. sweet 16 — tell us about your best birthday.

23. crushes — do you have a crush on anyone right now? does anyone have a crush on you that you know about?

24. first kiss — have you had your first kiss/do you remember your first kiss?

25. getting soaked — ever gotten caught outside in a big storm?

26. tippy toes — tell me your height. do you wish you were taller/shorter?

27. gay crisis — if you want to share, have you ever gone through a 'gay crisis’? are you still going through it?

28. secret — have you ever been in a secret relationship that nobody knew about? did they find out?

29. rain kiss — do you have a romantic dream kiss scenario?

30. morning detention — did/do you get into trouble a lot at school?

31. i missed you — are you missing anyone right now?

32. local gays — are you planning to attend this year’s pride where you live?

33. 10 & 14 — do you have a favourite and/or lucky number?

34. bloody nose — worst injury you’ve ever had?

35.avengers = nightmare — favourite marvel and/or dc character(s)?

@hannahnielsen was kind enough to tag me! Thank you!

Rules: tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better.

Name: Michael

Gender: (Trans) Male

Height: 5′4 most days, 5′5 on rare days.

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Favorite animal: Wolves

Average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours.

Cats or dogs: I’m allergic to both, but love them both.

Dream trip: Either to Milan or Rimini in Italy, or Seoul, South Korea

Dream job: Author and creative writing teacher

When did you make this tumblr: Shit, I don’t know.

So I don’t know 20 people, but we’re just gonna tag these lovely people: @dancingdarklingwrites,@squirrel-princess,@sapphicauthor, and @priyaele.
