#ghoul oc


Made a ref sheet of one of my Nameless Ghoul ocs, Luxury, aka Lux! They’re direct spawn of the sin Pride so he can be a bit narcissistic, but she loves giving makeovers and listening to gossip from around the clergy! Also the love of their life is another ghoul named Valentine who’s the spawn of the sin Lust! <3

never actually posted this lil dude here BUT!! introducing my ghoul oc, Scare!!

gotta remake his character info sheet and uh, actually come up with a backstory for him but,, sometimes u just gotta put some stickers on a busted ghoul mask, u know?

Hello meet my ghoul boy Dmitri; he’s a pre-War ghoul living in the Commonwealth, mourning his younger sister (who’s not actually dead whoops!)

Dmitri and his sister Natalia pre-War

FULL NAME Dmitri Petrovich Ivanov 

NICKNAME(S) Dimka + Red Menace + Petro 

AGEtwo hundred and forty 





WEIGHT193 lbs. 



OCCUPATION  lieutenant 

SPECIAL10 7 10 3 5 6 4

DESCRIPTIONStanding at six feet tall Dmitri is broad-shouldered and muscular, an imposing figure even before the ghoulification process began and turned what used to be a handsome visage into something most find grotesque. His eyes are hazy, dark green beneath the film that formed due to the radiation, set in a face with high cheekbones, a square jaw, and the typical hole where his nose used to be. His skin is like that of many ghouls: exposed muscle and bone in places where the decay set in too quickly before the advanced healing started, soft yet leathery to the touch. Sparse chestnut hair sticks out at odd angles atop his head, typically covered by a hat and/or bandanna.

Dmitri prefers clothing that don’t hinder his movements, but offer a bit of protection as he’s a close-combat kind of man. When he’s working on a job for the Minutemen, he’s often seen in his Minutemen garb, hat firmly in place and pleasant smile on his face.


  • Minutemen outfit, hat, bandanna
  • Serrated blade machete, power fist, three stealth blade combat knives, short double-barrel shotgun, 10 fragmentation grenades
  • Pack with general travelling gear + extra ammo
  • Enough junk to help fix things up at whatever settlement he’s going to next
  • At least two intact Western novels he’s found in old buildings; he likes to read on the road

BIOGRAPHY He remembers the day his sister was born, her screaming red face and the shock of hair on her little head–the way it stormed outside, as if signalling this little girl was going to be impossible to contain. He also remembers how their father reeked of alcohol and refused to see her, stating that she was useless to him as a girl.

Dmitri never forgave him for that; never forgave him for a lot of things, really, but that–the casual dismissal of someone already so important in his life, someone he knew he’d easily walk through fire for, made him angrier than he could remember being in his four years of life.

He became her protector, after that; in school, despite being so much older, never letting anyone pick on her–until she learned to fight back, taught how to punch by Dmitri himself, and how to avoid getting hit by their father, the few occasions he wasn’t quick enough to step in front of a fist.

When he went off to college Dmitri was terrified of leaving her alone with their parents, but at that point she wasn’t home much anyway. He wasn’t sure what to think about her friend, Gabe, but figured any excuse to keep her away from their father was good enough for him–even if the kid did get into an obscene amount of fights.

Studying literature was never going to get him a great-paying job, but it made Dmitri happy; he didn’t care what his father said about it, he enjoyed what he did and that was all that mattered to him. When it came to him being drafted, he was much less pleased, but there was no choice; he would fight, and he would make the best of it. Combat training came more naturally to Dmitri than any other study he’d ever done, in part due to his natural athletic ability, and the fights he used to get into at home against someone much larger than him; the years in wartime passed quickly, with him on the front lines more often than he would have liked, and his sister joining the US Army a few years after he did, with her degree in electronic engineering making her a valuable person to have working on the Power Armour so much of the army relied on.

Her marriage was unexpected, but one look at Gabe and Nat and he could see how in love they were; he gave his little sister away, and knew that she had never been happier–he’d never been, either, so proud of her, and the new husband she’d gained from an old friend.

With the war over Dmitri didn’t know what to do with himself; he couldn’t go back to school, not for literature, couldn’t keep fighting with no one left to fight against. Instead he took up odd jobs, mostly construction, and spent a lot of time with what remained of his family–their father had drank himself to death years before, and their mother had died in a car accident as a child–one that had almost taken Nat’s life, as well.

Almost four years after the wedding Natalia had a child; Dmitri immediately fell in love with his new nephew, taking every opportunity to go over and see him, to give the new parents some time alone whenever they needed it. He’d been on his way over on Nat’s birthday, present for both her and Shaun loaded in the back of his car, when the announcement came; he couldn’t get there in time, was stuck in ungodly traffic, people panicking all around him–and then the bomb fell.It was chaos, though he doesn’t remember much of what happened anymore; two centuries between and all he cared to hold on to were memories of his family, the important things, while he traveled through the wasteland that their world had become. He didn’t expect the ghoulification process–who really does?–had been surprised by how painless it seemed for him; of course, he spent a lot of his days drunk at the time, and had an absurdly high pain tolerance before that. Nothing compared to the pain of not being able to protect his sister and her family, either; nothing could compare to the guilt.

Eventually Dmitri joined the Commonwealth Minutemen, liking their goal of creating a safe wasteland for those who lived there, and took to it quickly; some regarded him with unease or outright dislike, being a ghoul, but it had long since stopped phasing him–people had disliked him as a human for being Russian, this was really no different. Most of his time was spent travelling between settlements, guarding caravans, and scaring off raider groups who got too close; when the mess in Quincy happened, he’d been halfway across the Commonwealth, and not heard anything about it until  he’d run into Preston Garvey and heard the whole story, and decided to stick with him anyway.
