#gi kin


kin assessment under cut !

☁️☀️ anon asked: hi there!! could i please get a kin assessment ? my highest kins are xingqiu, amber, hu tao, venti (gi), c!tommy (NOT the actual person that’s kind of unpoggers) (mcyt), and hunter (from toh if you’re familiar with him) ^^ thank you :D (also,, could i be ☁️☀️ anon ??)

oooh genshin characters !! my fave :) you seem really kind and outgoing, anon ! you enjoy meeting new people and helping others, especially if that helping includes cheering them up. you tell a lot of jokes (maybe some to cover up how youre really feeling ??) and want others to like you. youve probably been through something, or multiple events, that still effect you today. you think that makes you weak but anon, i promise it doesnt ! /gen you HATE telling people about your feelings because you feel as if youre burdening them. maybe in the past youve been told your feelings dont matter and because of that you have trouble opening up to others ?? or something along those lines … perhaps even a fear of intimacy thrown in there .. but regardless, you love seeing those around you happy and would do anything for them. however, you have trouble when it comes to comforting others and default to trying to cheer them up through jokes. even with all this, youre still very intelligent and probably grew up with a love of reading. you probably have a tendency to isolate yourself whenever youre sad etc. youre laid back and probably tease your friends a lot on top of all the jokes. you seem like a really cool person !!

Anon asked: klee (genshin impact) stimboard w/ soap cutting, crystals, slime? it’s fine if you don’t want to do it.

Hey hey Anon! Here’s your Klee stimboard you requested! Just let me know if you need me to change anything at all


Razor Themed Neopronouns

For Anonymous!


This morning, Pup went to the park. I went with Pup. And Pup brought Pups frisbee. At least I think it was Pups. By the end of the day, Pup started throwing the frisbee to Pupself.


This morning, Lupical went to the park. I went with Lupical. And Lupical brought Lupicals frisbee. At least I think it was Lupicals. By the end of the day, Lupical started throwing the frisbee to Lupicalself.


This morning, Paw went to the park. I went with Paw. And Paw brought Paws frisbee. At least I think it was Paws. By the end of the day, Paw started throwing the frisbee to Pawself.


This morning, Fang went to the park. I went with Fang. And Fang brought Fangs frisbee. At least I think it was Fangs. By the end of the day, Fang started throwing the frisbee to Fangself.


This morning, Electro went to the park. I went with Electro. And Electro brought Electros frisbee. At least I think it was Electros. By the end of the day, Electro started throwing the frisbee to Electroself.


This morning, Claymore went to the park. I went with Claymore. And Claymore brought Claymores frisbee. At least I think it was Claymores. By the end of the day, Claymore started throwing the frisbee to Claymoreself.



This morning, Mo went to the park. I went with . And  brought s frisbee. At least I think it was s. By the end of the day,  started throwing the frisbee to self.


This morning,  went to the park. I went with . And  brought s frisbee. At least I think it was s. By the end of the day,  started throwing the frisbee to self.


This morning,  went to the park. I went with . And  brought s frisbee. At least I think it was s. By the end of the day,  started throwing the frisbee to self.

(Sentences used from pronouncy!)

Anon asked: can I please request genshin Diona icons? I want them in pastel Pink but you can absolutely pick the theme!

Hey there Anon! Here’s your pastel pink Diona icons you requested! Just let me know if you need me to change anything at all

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mondstadt characters headcanons 2/2

aroace albedo, trans bi kaeya, aroace diluc, nb bi venti

trans lesbian jean, trans mona, trans lesbian lisa

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mondstadt characters headcanons ½

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nb klee, aroace noelle, nb bi sucrose

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