#kin assumptions


kin assessment under cut !

☁️☀️ anon asked: hi there!! could i please get a kin assessment ? my highest kins are xingqiu, amber, hu tao, venti (gi), c!tommy (NOT the actual person that’s kind of unpoggers) (mcyt), and hunter (from toh if you’re familiar with him) ^^ thank you :D (also,, could i be ☁️☀️ anon ??)

oooh genshin characters !! my fave :) you seem really kind and outgoing, anon ! you enjoy meeting new people and helping others, especially if that helping includes cheering them up. you tell a lot of jokes (maybe some to cover up how youre really feeling ??) and want others to like you. youve probably been through something, or multiple events, that still effect you today. you think that makes you weak but anon, i promise it doesnt ! /gen you HATE telling people about your feelings because you feel as if youre burdening them. maybe in the past youve been told your feelings dont matter and because of that you have trouble opening up to others ?? or something along those lines … perhaps even a fear of intimacy thrown in there .. but regardless, you love seeing those around you happy and would do anything for them. however, you have trouble when it comes to comforting others and default to trying to cheer them up through jokes. even with all this, youre still very intelligent and probably grew up with a love of reading. you probably have a tendency to isolate yourself whenever youre sad etc. youre laid back and probably tease your friends a lot on top of all the jokes. you seem like a really cool person !!

kin assessment under cut !

anon asked: hi ! i dont remember the term for it but i wanna be analyzed by my kin list :0 uh it includes
tim stoker (the magnus archives)
peter parker (mcu)
scott lang (mcu)
richie tozier (it 2017)
melanie king (the magnus archives)
tsukkishima kei (haikyuu)
sugawara koshi (haikyuu)
steve harrington (stranger things)
pearl (steven universe)
castiel (supernatural)
i hope thats enough ? or that it makes sense :000 have a nice day ! -

ooh anon, you sound really interesting ! /pos youre vv smart academically, but maybe not the best at talking to people .. i feel like youre pretty awkward when interacting, perhaps kinda shy. youre creative and maybe love inventing things ?? whether its physical or in your head, i think you enjoy coming up w new ideas ++ ways to solve problems ! you love pop culture and reference it often. you care a lot about those you love !! youd do anything to keep them safe. you want to live up to others expectations and have a great sense of humor ! youre very stubborn and stick to what you believe. youre pretty nervous about a lot of things and overthink a lot, but at the same time, you can make impulsive decisions at times. you can come across as rude but have low self esteem and dont believe in yourself or your abilities. you want to prove others wrong, maybe youve been underestimated a lot ?? and it really annoys you because you know you can do better but few people believe you. you encourage others to never give up and live by that yourself, sometimes you hurt others without intending to. you truly care about others but because of your insecurities, you often jump to conclusions that might not make sense but in the moment they make sense to you. perhaps youve confronted people because of these thoughts and lashed out when they denied it ?? youre sarcastic and perhaps reckless at times (ties back to impulsive decisions), youre a perfectionist, sometimes to a fault. you rely on others’ validation to feel good about yourself because of your insecurities. youve probably been self-deprecating at some point, maybe now or maybe in the past. youre caring and selfless ! i hope this is okay anon, have a good day <33 /gen /p

kin assessment under cut !

☕ anon asked: hi!! could i have a kin assessment? i’ve been looking around the blog and i find it really nice! my top kins are iida (mha), noelle (butterfly soup) and gus (the owl house)!! also, could i be anon ☕? i’ll probably come around here often!! thanks!

your kins are so cool !!! /gen now to get into it, youre very smart and put a lot of work into school, probably too much … you can come across as cold and unemotional but you really do care !! you might have trouble with social interactions / be socially awkward but you still enjoy being around your friends :) youve pulled all-nighters for school before and would probably do it again, just to finish your work. please take care of yourself ☕ anon !! :(( you can be over the top and dramatic. you try to approach things with enthusiasm. you probably get excited about the small things ! though you can be really dramatic, you would probably prefer simple gifts from those you care abt ! you love to learn new things and enjoy studying subjects youre interested in !! im gonna take a guess and say you tend to gravitate towards subjects like languages, humanities, the arts etc ?! you probably dont have the best relationship with your parents :[ i know this is kinda short eek i hope thats alright !
