


is it just me or are ppl not giffing/reblogging the latest superman and lois episodes?

I’ve still been out here quietly doing my thing (whether that’s a good or bad thing lol) but the reblogs are definitely pretty quiet. It might be that folks in the fandom don’t like the way I gif (I’d totally get that) but given there seems to be quite a lot of negativity on here more broadly (while twitter seems much more positive), I guess S2 just isn’t being particularly enjoyed overall on here.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be posting S&L GIFs here tbh, not because my enjoyment of the show has diminished but because the lack of fandom feels somewhat like I’m posting into the void lol


Tbh I think many people take for granted how much gif makers do, and the fact that this site is unique in their existence of them

Thank you to everybody with the skills to share snippets of media I would not otherwise have seen or had the opportunity of hearing of. Gifs are often the first way I hear of something personally, and frequently the reason I give any new-to-me movie or show a try


Every time you open Photoshop at midnight and say I’m going to make a quick gifset, that’s the devil talking

I’m attempting to start up a freelancing career! Please help me by checking out my current gig. I’m willing to make a few gifs from any video you choose for $5!!


Easy gif tutorial using photoshop
