#gift sexchange

How Superbat Exchange will workHappy to report we’ve got a healthy sign up already going so it

How Superbat Exchange will work

Happy to report we’ve got a healthy sign up already going so it’s looking like it will be an exciting event! 

So, we’d like to share some more information about how the event will work.

As this is an anon gift exchange we have to do things a little differently – but just as fun! We promise.

Because submissions are not posted directly by the creators until after reveals, all works are submitted to [email protected] on the 30thNovember 2019. (There will be posts closer to the time on how to submit and what to include.)

We check the submissions and get submissions ready for posting week which will take place from 9th– 13thDecember.

Gifts will be spread out over the five days and posted to Superbat Exhange. As soon as all the posts for that day are live, we post to our Tumblr with that day’s line up of posts all linked up for you.

Each entry will be labelled as ‘Gift for’ followed by handle of the participant it is for.

Why Dreamwidth?

We’re mindful of word length limits on Tumblr and also their TOS on explicit works, so for this we have our Superbat Exchange Dreamwidth account. Dreamwidth also has a built in system that allows us to upload images so it works for authors and artists!

But the best part is that it enables us to post explicit content (if necessary), slap a proper warning on it that means you can only view the content if you choose to and still have it be accessible to everyone without the need for everyone to log in. 

So if you’re worried about having to sign up for Dreamwidth, please don’t, it’s really not necessary! You’ll be able to view and comment on content regardless.

What happens after this?

On reveal day, we edit the Dreamwidth entries so that each one has their creator revealed. The reveal list is then posted both to Tumblr and Dreamwidth and from here, you can start posting your gift under your own name. We’ll reblog your entries here on Tumblr and also hope that you’ll add it to our AO3 collection.

Does this work?

Yes! We have run a gift exchange in the same way last year and it was great fun and the added suspense of who created what, added a little touch of extra something something.

We’re super excited about this event and hope that this is the start of a regular event that will be one to watch out for again the next year so…

If you haven’t signed up yet, please click on the links below for everything that you need to know!

Sign ups|Schedule|FAQ

Sign ups for creators, including pinch-hitter only sign-ups, will be open until the 13th November. Beta sign-ups will remain open until 30th November.

Have any questions? 

The DC Event Server on Discord have very kindly opened a channel just for our exchange, but you can always drop us a DM here or email us at [email protected]

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