#gigi i cry i want this all



my take for @lucienvanserraweek-Mating Bond Wishes

  • To start, I just really wish they talked about it :)
  • I feel that they need to talk with each other without much pressure on them and with no one around trying to snoop on them(talking about you IC) and maybe these more casual conversations will serve as a baby step in their journey to overcome this apprehensiveness they have around each other and that would be nice
  • They would 100% start to be more humorous around each other. Lucien with his snarky comments that sometimes he can’t help himself … he has to say it. And Elain, at first, being a bit shocked, because pretty much no one jokes around her (only when the whole group is present), but we know that Elain actually enjoys humor and being treated like everyone else (that scene with Nesta), so she starts to answer his comments and it becomes their thing (and, like, I really hope that when we start seeing them together Elain will show new sides of herself, like, she’s not gonna be “sweet nice Elain”, she’s gonna talk back at his comments with almost the same amount of snarkiness)
  • As they grow more comfortable together I feel they would slowly start to tell each other important episodes of their lives, their childhood and some stuff that no one else knows about them, in a way that it seems a very natural thing to do, because as they keep talking they can sense that they’re not being judged or condemned.They’re just being listened to. And with this they really start to see and understand each other
  • But, also, I want them to have a moment when they forget this nice and proper behavior they have around each other and just release all of that unspoken frustration they kept inside them for such a long time, like, they’re gonna argue and some nasty things might be said, maybe about the other, maybe about themselves … but I feel that they need a moment like this
  • I hope that in end of their journey they will be able to find a home in each other and, also, a deep understanding of each other, like, they will really see the many layers of each other

(even if, to be honest, I also want Lucien to have that with Helion, LoA and Eris, and Elain to improve her relationship her sisters)

  • I also hope they travel a lot in the many stages of their relationship and that’s also their thing. They’re gonna se the Tulip Fields that Elain wanted to see in the Continent, they’re gonna go to beaches, to heavy forests that Lucien is accostumed with and Lucien will show to Elain all the nice places that he knows in the Courts and the Continent, it could be cities, fields, forests, he’ll introduce her to a new world (and I feel that seeing new things and meeting new people would really show Elain the wonders that this new life could offer, so she might start to accept her fae life more and also the mating bond, and honestly, just coming more into terms with what happened to her, but also realizing that now she has this new chance to what she wants)

I’m sure that whatever happens it’s gonna be beautiful and it’s gonna serve so much

ps: I also want Elain to ask Lucien how old he is, that’s my wish, just because I really wanna know his age for certain :)
