#day 4 mating bond wishes



for elucien mating bond i wish they get to enjoy everything about it!

i want them to managed to have a conversation without anyone meddling. i want lucien to be comfortable and just run his damn mouth and elain actually liking this side of his, because people are always reserved with her for some reason.

then i want them both to realize INDIVIDUALLY that they could be friends for each other, and actually be friends. even if ignoring the mating bond instincts they’re having, i just want them to enjoy each other (presence or just even words in letters) first.

of course that last little because they areattracted to one another and then is a mess of pining left and right.

i hc that elain takes the first step, not only because lucien is letting her decide when she is ready, but because i want her just to get a hold of her own life AND surprise lucien.

lucien of course, courts the shit out of her, and tortures her a lot as well - especially when they’re having sex, foxy boy wont stop making our girl from having absolute pleasure.

when the time comes, they talk about the future and lucien is the one that says he wants to get marry - assuring elain he wants it too. because he does for himself and for elain - and he will give the ceremony of her dreams.

its only family, but its beautiful. at the end, when they’re alone, they have a secluded second ceremony for the acceptance of the mating bond. in which elain prepared all along, again surprising him.

they go for a distant cottage at day court, where they have their frenzy period, and then they travel EVERYWHERE so Elain can see all the places she wanted to see.

hc that they have to cut their trip short (yet not so short) because elain gets pregnant and lucien is fussing from day one.



Lucien Vanserra week : mating bond wishes

  • Lucien and Elain make a bargain to not work out the bond until they are both ready. They get sexy tattoos that are a color, not boring black
  • They end up spending a ton of time together, traveling and researching how to free Vassa/the girls and defeat Koschei
  • They argue, and snark, and laugh a lot but finally get to know each other and realize how much they have in common
  • Falling in love for them is unexpected and surprisingly easy
  • Lucien knows how much Elain treasures her human memories so he proposes so they can have a wedding with their human friends, along with a mating ceremony
  • Elain coyly asks Lucien to taste test her strawberry tarts as her way of a food offering
  • They end up having to have a third wedding because Helion insists on throwing the biggest bash the Day Court has ever seen for his son and daughter-in-law


@lucienvanserraweek, day 8, favorite headcanon.

I’m so sorry for the delay :( yesterday was rough and I couldn’t really edit and finish this drabble, so here it is now!

Just a little bit of hurt/comfort, Lucien being taken care of is one of my Before Bed Daydreams. Modern AU.

TW: mentions of past sexual assault.

also, sorry for the formatting, Tumblr decided to be a little bitch about it.

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Lucien Week, Day 4:

Mating Bond Wishes

  1. Calanmai
  2. That’s it, that’s the post


Mating Bond wishes??

Did someone say Elucien mating bond wishes? *cracks knuckles* I want to see my political beans IN ACTION

  • I want to see a FIGHT. I’m taking a full on, angry, have it all out, leave nothing unsaid fight.
  • Lucien starts it one day. He’s like, “Hm, some tea sounds nice,” while he’s bothering Elain (intentionally)
  • And she snaps and is like, “Get it yourself!”
  • And Lucien shoots back “Well thats not very lady like,” to which Elain informs him that perhaps he is not the expert authority on what makes a lady.
  • Lucien obviously begs to differ. They get into it, blaming the other for everything and nothing the other until Lucien, satisfied but nervous, is like, “Doesn’t this feel better than that insipid smile you wear all the time?”
  • And he’s waiting for her to be like, fuck you AND your brother but she heaves a sigh and is like, “Yeah, actually.” Lucien promises he can take whatever she throws at him but Elain doesn’t WANT to throw things at home, physically or emotionally. She’s just TIRED.
  • And Lucien, the perceptive king, knows she is struggling with her Fae identity and the life she left behind and is like, come on this work trip with me. Help me sway this diplomat or whatever.
  • And they have the best time maneuvering through the courts and seeing the sights that Elain is like, I wish we could keep going. And Lucien is like, why not? Lets see it all. And they do.
  • Its a friends to lovers slow burn, 300k words that ends in passionate, bone-jumping, fire dick sex that would make even Feysand uncomfortable.
  • There are no friends with benefits, no no string attached. They’re all in, all or nothing, the kind of shit they write love songs about.

Anyway. Please give me this SJM.




Prompt: Elain and Lucien like to spend their yearly mating anniversary fully wrapped in each other, sinking into a frenzy. Inspired by thisandthis

Rating:— I will preface this by saying I have not written smut in quite some time and really went for it with my otp. They deserve it. 


Tagging:@vanserrasvalkyrie|@helion-ism|@chloepereyra|@queen-hypaxia|@asteria-of-mars|@princessofmerchants|@foxboylucien|@gingerwritess|@gwyns|@foxybananaaaz|@tealnymph24|@live-the-fangirl-life​ | 

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In honor of @lucienvanserraweek mating bond wishes day, here’s elucien uhhhh having fun on their mating anniversary.



I Caught It Bad Yesterday

an Elucien fic by Nicci Crowe


Elain doesn’t mean to sleep with Lucien. The first time.

She’s minding her own business, tending to a sick rose bush when he and Rhys winnow into the garden, laughing and shoving at each other, chests gleaming with sweat and covered in sparring wounds that were already beginning to heal. Elain’s fists clench and an entire branch of her bush crashes to the ground, but she hardly notices, her mouth suddenly dry as cotton. Lucien turns to look at her, frowning at the emotion he is no doubt sensing over the bond and she’s caught. A deer in the headlights.

Read More.

Lucien Vanserra Week: Day 4 - Mating Bond Wishes

Elain really wishes Lucien would stop sparring with Rhysand shirtless because she can’t stop looking at him it’sruining her rose bushes, and—and…

Oh, fuck.



my take for @lucienvanserraweek-Mating Bond Wishes

  • To start, I just really wish they talked about it :)
  • I feel that they need to talk with each other without much pressure on them and with no one around trying to snoop on them(talking about you IC) and maybe these more casual conversations will serve as a baby step in their journey to overcome this apprehensiveness they have around each other and that would be nice
  • They would 100% start to be more humorous around each other. Lucien with his snarky comments that sometimes he can’t help himself … he has to say it. And Elain, at first, being a bit shocked, because pretty much no one jokes around her (only when the whole group is present), but we know that Elain actually enjoys humor and being treated like everyone else (that scene with Nesta), so she starts to answer his comments and it becomes their thing (and, like, I really hope that when we start seeing them together Elain will show new sides of herself, like, she’s not gonna be “sweet nice Elain”, she’s gonna talk back at his comments with almost the same amount of snarkiness)
  • As they grow more comfortable together I feel they would slowly start to tell each other important episodes of their lives, their childhood and some stuff that no one else knows about them, in a way that it seems a very natural thing to do, because as they keep talking they can sense that they’re not being judged or condemned.They’re just being listened to. And with this they really start to see and understand each other
  • But, also, I want them to have a moment when they forget this nice and proper behavior they have around each other and just release all of that unspoken frustration they kept inside them for such a long time, like, they’re gonna argue and some nasty things might be said, maybe about the other, maybe about themselves … but I feel that they need a moment like this
  • I hope that in end of their journey they will be able to find a home in each other and, also, a deep understanding of each other, like, they will really see the many layers of each other

(even if, to be honest, I also want Lucien to have that with Helion, LoA and Eris, and Elain to improve her relationship her sisters)

  • I also hope they travel a lot in the many stages of their relationship and that’s also their thing. They’re gonna se the Tulip Fields that Elain wanted to see in the Continent, they’re gonna go to beaches, to heavy forests that Lucien is accostumed with and Lucien will show to Elain all the nice places that he knows in the Courts and the Continent, it could be cities, fields, forests, he’ll introduce her to a new world (and I feel that seeing new things and meeting new people would really show Elain the wonders that this new life could offer, so she might start to accept her fae life more and also the mating bond, and honestly, just coming more into terms with what happened to her, but also realizing that now she has this new chance to what she wants)

I’m sure that whatever happens it’s gonna be beautiful and it’s gonna serve so much

ps: I also want Elain to ask Lucien how old he is, that’s my wish, just because I really wanna know his age for certain :)


Lucien Vanserra Week | Day IV

Mating Bond Wishes

I’ve written one too many fics about Elucien’s mating bond but it all comes down to one thing: they take some time to talk things out and start out as friends first. SJM herself said they have a lot of healing and growth together and I can’t wait for that journey. It starts out as a friendship that turns into a courtship that turns into the grandest romance.

You can check out my fics Quiet ThunderIandII as well as Instincts I&IIfor some mating bond discussions.This edit is a ModernAU spin on my babies. @lucienvanserraweek


Lucien Week Day 4: Mating Bond Wishes


Lucien and Elain are going to have a large family. Just like they’ve always wanted.

Their home is filled with an incredible amount of warmth and love. Elain and Lucien are THAT couple that kiss in front of their children.

“YUCK” is the usual response from their kids, but they don’t mind. They find it hilarious.

Their first child is a little girl. Out of all their children, their first born child is the closest to her father. One of the few to inherit her father’s red hair, and Autumn Court powers.

Elain and Lucien aren’t really sure what their youngest children are magically adept at. At least not yet. Hopefully none of them accidentally sets the kitchen on fire again.

Their first born is the only girl in an ocean of boys, so she defintely doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty. Nor does she shy away from playing rough.

Naturally, she also has an amazing fashion sense thanks to her parents. Girls can roll around the dirt in the morning, but dress to impress later on in the day. Duh.

Lucien doesn’t know what to make of his daughter becoming better at fishing than him… He’s apparently taught her toowell.

Elain laughs at them both from a distance. The boys are giant mamas boys that compete for mamas lap. They want to be the first to get a taste of the fresh baked pastries mama made.

Lucien looks over to his mate and his children, but sends his mate a look. He gives her that grin of his that screams “you’ll pay for that later, love.”

Elain blushes, but clears her throat around the children.

It’s never a dull day in the Spell Cleaver - Archeron home. But there is always love.


lucien week, day 4: mating bond wishes

  • lucien and elain don’t just have a mating ceremony, no, lucien knows what kind of life elain had wished for and so he surprises her with the most romantic wedding ceremony ever
  • somewhere at an isolated beach with just their closest family and friends
  • and elain is so confused at first, but can’t help feel the hope fluttering inside of her when she sees the gorgeous white gown nesta tells her to put on
  • she knows lucien knows how much it would mean to her, but they’ve never talked about a traditional wedding before
  • and then, when she sees the wedding bouquet, pink hydrangeas, she just knows that that day is a special day
  • and lucien is actually wearing a suit for her, looking like a gentleman waiting for her
  • and everyone is there, nesta and feyre and nyx, jurian and vassa (grinning conspiratorially at her), helion standing right next to lucien, eris is next to his mother
  • and elain tears up because it’s so beautiful and she can’t believe he’s done it all for her
  • she wants to run into his arms and kiss him but this is also the day she’s always dreamt of having and so she decided to enjoy every single second of it
  • when she reaches lucien, beautiful soft piano music playing in the background, she realises how nervous she was before because now, touching his hands, she feels as light as a feather and can’t stop the smile spreading on her face

